exact syllable matches

in the last
8 minutes
Abe Lincoln
objections to arbitrary
age limits
distinction are my old-
age wrinkles
about our war
aims returned
Alles in ordnung
and I
The audience
ate it up
must be
bathed in blood
skeletons in tattered
bathing trunks
blade is cursed
if they were
brave enough
going to
I will
tried to
break it up
helps to
break things up
break this up
Craig and Sam
You're-- you're-- you're
breaking up
a lot of back-
breaking work
case is done
forces of
change in the
a moving, a
how it is
changing one
guy that was
have they been
chasing us
an offcut of
Dale Winton
a very interesting
date, Mr
You still
dating her
Not the
dative, sir
David Byrne
David Hull
before this
comes when
sun when
day is done
such a
day will come
serious every
day with us
can drink all
day, brilliant
day after
day, is work
Noon the fifth
day, Mr
have a productive
day, nigga
pounds in about
eight minutes
face is fucked
the fatal risk
facing love
faith and
faint in love
Goldwater has
faith in us
those whose
faith is firm
article of
faith with her
You don't fix
faith, River
lit this
flame in us
about how you
framed Mr
the engine and
game systems
you still
gave him love
ideals that
gave it birth
glad I
gave it up
in the fourth
grade, Mr
These aren't passing
grades Mr
great big one
though from a
great distance
not quite a
or one
great figure
seen in a
great mirror
By inclination, a
great mixer
you become a
great ninja
either with no
great result
right arm in
great ridges
is a great,
or is, a
performer and a
was just a
great singer
mean real great,
soft-voices women and
great singers
is just a
great spirit
sight of the
Great Spirit
we have a
great system
reader, or a
great thinker
and calumniate the
go to become
great thinkers
who follow their
great visions
the portraits of
Hale's sister
I don't
hate Christian
did the Grinch
I, Jon Stewart,
hate Christmas
right and
Hate is hurt
humility meet
must meet
hate with love
is why I
the goddamned designers
hate women
hates Jews and
hates Christians
James Michener
James Nicoll
My dear
Jane, Mr
still be in Pre-
k nigga
her partner, comedian
Kate Clinton
shall be
laid in earth
Midnight is not
late enough
Like the
late Mr
bet that
made him jump
when he
made his lunge
I almost
made it once
he unhesitatingly
I just
know I
y'all just
made it up
together and
way he
made it work
made it worse
they only
would have
made things worse
would have
made this world
in the black
mage village
this is the
main income
which is the
main river
the pharmaceutical companies
make billions
You gonna
make biscuits
Just help me
make dinner
they'll probably
make him one
does that
make him, sir
had to
men who
make it up
Alright, I'll
and we'll
flesh to
try and
make it work
best to
maybe you'd
which would
make it worse
and I can't
Things banging don't
make livers
such qualities soon
make riches
could only
it could
make things worse
has to
make this one
able to
can so
make this work
solitary confinement
makes him worse
because she
makes things up
It only
makes things worse
makeshift crutch
probably up there
makin' love
the problems you're
makin' us
I like
making 'em
like shit, always
making fun
natural process of
that we were
Theresa in bed
when it is
making love
So he started
making stuff
They are
making the
it a brawny
male figure
strippers, full-on, full-frontal
male strippers
Farewell dear
mate, dear love
every respect the pre-
Matrix world
and what it
are, who we
supreme our Navy
may become
once a man
may linger
aroused, a poem
may result
Name Is Earl
And his
name is, um
name, it just
A big flame
named Griffith
name's Mister
form of the
native girls
from the neighbouring
native huts
he forgets his
his or her
name, silence your
relapsed into his
native tongue
the money I
paid Mr
such a
pain in the
been having these
pains, Mr
wonders of the
painting world
Am I
pale enough
something to do,
paying up
has no
place with us
This should be
plain enough
have lived as
to die as
plain Mr
can't find my
He had a
sent me a
plane ticket
when the
play is done
I only
play with girls
you could
play with us
you like the
play, Mr
to I
played with words
He wanted to
raise children
and you
raise it up
spirit, and
raised him up
Hurl second-
rate insults
by a cathode
ray nipple
father at a
safe distance
be completely
safe with us
spending and retail
sales figures
are in the
same business
away by the
to traverse the
same distance
realization of the
same image
nothing within that self-
same instant
both in the
same minute
arrive at the
same result
to achieve the
same results
chance, in the
developments of the
is in the
warred in the
same spirit
on precisely the
same system
about the
same thing, son
even of the
same village
or less the
same vision
blood and the
same visions
he the
same with her
murdered thousands to
save billions
you and you
save Christmas
not unwilling to
save Mr
saved England
kill you for
saving her
thank you for
saving us
certain events and
say enough
because I
say it does
has to
say it first
Winnipeg Drift
say it's cursed
would have to
say Mr
white people can
say nigger
going to
I'm gonna
only gonna
say this once
love to
say this word
Not that that's
though, that's not
saying much
myself, and I'm
saying puns
know what I'm
saying, Herb
understand what I'm
saying, sir
time you
shake it up
Shake things up
shakes his butt
shave his butt
have to
shave it first
of the whole
slave system
for a brief
space Mr
That's my
space, nigger
no passengers on
Spaceship Earth
you up to
state prison
as an eternal
state system
weakening of the
State system
of State and
State systems
it had to
stay hidden
And you gone
stay niggas
you to
stay with her
eats here,
stays with us
stick to fiction,
straight fiction
usually pick up
strange women
while its
tail is up
Yet those it
taints become
combat to
take his stuff
women should
take it up
his wife and
if you do,
take pictures
She would
take this drug
pictures to
take with us
when he
takes it up
Is Where It's
Taking Her
the more energized
they become
achieve the future
and painful death
as you think
for them, which
get the credit
get the recognition
getting the respect
Just as
sluts the lecture
them the faces
villains get what
with the wrath
they deserve
received the fate
us, found what
they deserved
disarmament, provided that
they deter
others in which
they differ
they fear her
oppression that
they give up
and eventually
they kill us
If they listen,
liberal in how
they listen
they mirrors
and unto Him
they return
with honor as
they returned
to them why
they reversed
That's where
they ship from
They tricked us
them, and
they will come
stock in
trade is love
pride of the free-
trade system
train whistle
plane motors, and
train whistles
and abolish the
wage system
Oh, wait, wait,
wait, listen
in and
over to
wake him up
and sleeping and
sleep without ever
Spirituality means
That's it, they're
waking up
and working my
way inward
Quick, which
way is up
That's the
way it works
that's the
way it's done
book and the
way Mr
to the
way things were
have a
way with words
a reinventing government
and by the
go out that
have begun that
Have it your
you lead the
way, Mr
superiority all the
way, sister

with 1 extra syllable

Vonnegut keeps losing
airplane tickets
She has
always been young
love that is
always bitter
Always business
always children
and love isn't
always enough
always miss her
call me Simon,
always Mr
always simple
that man has
always striven
at things which
amazes us
It was
amazing fun
he'll need some
amazing luck
kiss, and one
amazing one
are these two
amazing words
magnificent, wonderful, stupid,
amazing worlds
knew it was
amazing, girl
will justly
appraise his work
the early coin-op
arcade business
the art of
arranging words
the doom that
awaited us
away this one
one for scaring
away witches
came undone, they
became blistered
for themselves, and
became richer
up to be well-
behaved children
You are
betraying us
birthday, Mr
a rustle of
cascading dirt
I might only
castrate Mr
You don't
complain enough
or we must
create incomes
rather than a
creative one
and distribute the
his energy for
of endeavour is
to do more
to engage in
creative work
from people and
some pretty incredible
creative works
Among the
curates, Mr
world with an all-
embracing love
it as all
embracing word
had a real
estate business
exchanging stuff
they are
explained in words
a kinder, more
humane system
This is
innate in us
book by that
insane Mr
mistake, William
nature except by
obeying her
beauty which
pervades his work
Him who
pervades this world
to watch a
pupating world
do to
regain his trust
television series and
related works
you will
remain with us
Hobbes, and Leibniz
remained Christians
The hidden God
remains hidden
world, to
remake this world
against the wall,
restraining her
wholesale, not a
retail business
to your
roommate, kill her
an icecream
sundae with nuts
it was a
Sunday dinner
Where are your
teenage children
people are NOT
Teenage Witches
in the world
today, Mr
Here are
today's winners
in a solid,
unchanging world
limited amount of
weekday minutes

with 2 extra syllables

Montgomery was an
aggravating one
Anyway, it's done
by our learned,
educated world
perplexing, and yet
fascinating world
Algorithmic mathematics
generates results
indicates his gun
corporations doing an
corporations engaged in
interstate business
front and the
legislative front
Gandhi and Nehru
liberated us
Of course, I'm
medicated but
TV, eating a
microwave dinner
I know the
overrated ones
merely to
paraphrase his work
today like a
runaway missile
individuals pursuing their
separate interests
serenading her
Signore Richards
you and almost
suffocated us
less he can
tolerate limits
he can continue
violating her

with 3 extra syllables

love to
collaborate with her
Hawks rush to
congratulate Griffith
which will further
delineate Mr
our guns are
emasculating us
personnel should be
evacuated first
talks about someone
investigating us
could never
participate in one
including some fairly
sophisticated ones