exact syllable matches
regretted, for
both their sakes
bowhead whale
bowhead whales
German people
chose their fate
coalbed methane
you in a
cold embrace
that cold,
cold, wet day
why you
don't get dates
And you
no, I
don't get paid
don't get praised
so people
don't get raped
Tony Award
for Best Play
a bounty
for dead snakes
a human being
advocating for democracy
and both parties
and the arts
and this consistently
been accumulating it
been doing it
been his pattern
been playing it
been writing about
characters in place
checking its development
fuel more conflict
goes to prison
Has been
have been abandoned
have been around
have held up
have lacked empathy
his father served
home and abroad
in this country
lay almost unnoticed
lied to them
may go on
of the land
particular has abused
pay the price
Spider-Man have endured
story was retold
study after study
the United States
threats and insults
together in harmony
used in Australia
which people worked
will outlast Bush
for decades
is fighting
for fair play
Very good
for headaches
Alvin signaled
for LeMay
longer hours
for less pay
the setting
for 's play
my mother
for sex games
health farm
known him
seen him
that last
for ten days
it compensated
for their claims
and killed
are persecuted
in prison
people die
to die
for their faith
thy servants
for their pains
the audience
for their praise
wait, camouflaged,
for their prey
it just
lose you
your sake,
for their sake
the land
for their sakes
cried out
for their slaves
their luggage
for them, mate
make you wear
for X-rays
vices which
form their train
culture for over
for more than
in the last
the last nearly
zone for over
four decades
called journalism the
critical branch, the
See etymology at
fourth estate
also Old
French -age
dick, I'd
go get laid
go pear shaped
go pear-shaped
do we
things don't
go their way
time to
go then, hey
goes pear-shaped
everything in a
grotesque way
would go
home next day
stolen from our
hotel safe
should they
know their fate
don't even
know their name
don't even
Now I
second, I
the KIDS
work, nor
you gotta
know their names
The locals
know their place
who don't
know they're gay
nobody ever
knows their names
for a few
more decades
so savagely,
the entities,
no help came
won were
no less great
my backing,
no red tape
cry, but
no tears came
wrote this
note next day
keep the
old chess game
Old French fame
the inherited
Old French rade
it's your
old friends Brains
or airplanes
either exhaustion
or chest pain
is either exterminated
or enslaved
either play
or get played
breath, stomach aches,
or headache
a life-companion, co-worker,
or helpmate
their hair
or their face
their children,
or their slaves
is its
own best name
life in its
own embrace
look at my
own X-Rays
intended as a
short essay
short their stay
Danes to
sort their waste
trees of a
storm-swept plain
the fault on
those airplanes
he had
those chest pains
bad you get
those headaches
those men came
and both
those men failed
Torres Strait
To my mama's
with a tender
warm embrace
and Skin
Wars Fresh Paint
freeman of the
he owns the
whole estate
Whores get paid
but I
wont get paid
else he
we probably
won't get paid
I want
your best game
smashed up
your best vase
Open up
your chest plate
would be
your Dead Space
your death came
I long for
she to elude
the strength of
your embrace
What is
your end game
should start writing
your essay
I graded
read one of
your essays
no claim to
your estate
your friends stay
than having
your head shaved
your head, Jane
mother, who
your men raped
life is
your next case
about is
your next date
I mean
your pet name
I'm gonna be
your sensei
you to get
your X-rays
with 1 extra syllable
also French rave
we stand
before their graves
person need
before they're safe
Carlos Fuentes
this is the
enclosed essay
fungo delle case
flat on the
Meadows estate
Penrose staircase
photo essay
photo essays
punto fuerte
quest to
record 's tale
end of
report, next case
books to
support their case
People will
swallow their pain
Timor Leste
Democratic Republic of
with 3 extra syllables
that many
superheroes wear capes