exact syllable matches
into crisis, governments
act promptly
slave whose
acts are free
have to approve
ad copy
Khalid ibn
- no, I
earlier, I really
for this I
fuzzy, but I
Gentleman I
his actions, I
it, and I
next misconduct, I
not al-Qaeda, I
Now, I
am sorry
just how I
the way I
am, sorry
a country without
a staff like
Anyone can move
Atlas and leading
be by commanding
can not stop
existence of such
gang, we got
is building himself
large and mighty
need land and
of us against
than commander of
the strength of
They don't have
To lead
Tyler Durden building
we just became
whole country into
You don't have
an army
less enough for
medical kit and
an Army
help capture
an art thief
an artist to
I am
an artiste
I mean, you're
an Aussie
marriage, responsibility,
and all these
malkohas, couas, coucals
and anis
listen carefully,
and are pleased
influence of priests
and armies
fight for such
and army
front of me
and Army
and Blondie
And Wolverine, Rogue
and Bobby
of their minds
and bodies
action of mind
and perishable universe
both the mind
both to soul
connection between mind
control the mind
divided into mind
health of mind
mine are mind
of both mind
of unifying mind
one flesh, Head
our extended mind
soul, the mind,
to both Head
unify your mind
unifying your mind
well as brain
and body
seen it
and called me
fair winds,
and calm seas
tension, quite rationally
and calmly
Borden Chase
and Charles Schnee
and Charlie
a little sugar
And food
Cabbage rolls
cups of tea
for a sandwich
of cotton, sugar
together with spit
with your dessert
and coffee
and mothers, friends
and colleagues
ahead from Neri
and Connie
which he contemplated
and copied
more formalized, complex,
and costly
were like Hope
and Crosby
Ionia, What's-Your-Name,
and Doggy
all pertness, imitation
at his stupidity
ignorance, to fear
of all wisdom
of blind hubris
own crass lust
scope for misery
with his passions
works are ephemera
and folly
Laing, Wisdom, Madness
and Folly
to both Lincoln
with Jesus, Buddha,
with the Congress
and Gandhi
looks on
and God weeps
are they, Laurel
They're Laurel
and Hardy
dealt with swiftly
and harshly
Unity oppresses
and haunts me
it all alive
and hearty
Teaching with Calvin
that of Machiavelli
and Hobbes
Gary Oldman
and John Cleese
for Peanut Butter
and Johnny
that is great
which is noble
and lofty
Florida with Pearl
and Marty
Fibber McGee
and Molly
got guts, spunk,
and moxie
from living freely
Spartans thought rightly
and nobly
supply light
and not heat
be banned
believe her
did it
dollar fee,
for Malcolm
for you
their friend,
and not me
of psychics
and not priests
that's ethereal
and not real
are men
and not sheep
robot was gross
and obscene
include Reconstruction, Allegro
and Offscreen
suing Kukla, Fran
and Ollie
clubs, drugs, pubs
of individuals, factions
of prejudiced people
What about clubs
and parties
let's go out
tyrants are fashion
and party
find them pleasing
and saucy
kids like Emma
me and Jean
and Scotty
Nathan Lane,
and Sean Bean
large gums
and small teeth
Just try
to try
and stop me
than the kids
with the kids
and Tommie
idiots were Kevin
and Tommy
noise of shots
and volleys
God, country
and Wall Street
Anne Bronte
regard most wars
as folly
by non-Christians such
as Gandhi
the next day
as Johnny
denominator as common
as Nobby
a surface gaudy
as poppies
same intelligence level
as sardines
you depict him
as stocky
exaggerated competition just
as strongly
as well
as Wall Street
I've been known
as Yami
no such things
popular culture it's
as zombies
Did you
ask Artie
I want a Kick-
Ass party
Take a peek
at Artie
a shoe sale
at Barneys
always so annoying
'cause I'm great
frequent flyer programs
fun to have
play a millionaire
you pop out
at parties
with an
ax on me
does that bring
back Bonnie
put it
turn your
turned your
turning your
back on me
laughing behind your
back, Johnny
turned their
backs on me
cup of really
short rations and
bad coffee
Bad Mommy
wasn't THAT
bad, was she
a certain
band called Queen
great cup of
of good hot
black coffee
blackballed me
you're going to
Cal Poly
odious it
can all be
But you
jam, you
can call me
that medicine
can not heal
can not leave
and life,
can not we
not and
can not yield
Wales, and we
can party
earth that
less they
no one
nothing that
now, nothing
on me
out there
room that
word, you
can stop me
I fear it
It's sacrilege, it
Neutral we
one, the other
or borrowed however
power of darkness
Surely this
things, the second
What is nothing
cannot be
in us, pain
cannot cease
but still I
cannot eat
he thinks, and
cannot feel
harmed and victims
cannot heal
a conversation you
a voice he
but we often
hears things I
make noises you
One that I
to music you
cannot hear
chill,Where pleasure itself
cannot please
burnt-out bulb you
conclusions that logic
the itch you
cannot reach
a place you
an enemy you
and self-regarding they
beyond which he
eyes when I
eyes, yet they
in what one
it that you
of ghosts, I
of something you
one thing you
places the eyes
something which you
startling that others
that my eyes
that which we
they can or
things which men
worlds that others
cannot see
coming when we
Yet, I
cannot sleep
and, in fact,
If you
like babies who
see and you
whose language I
cannot speak
afflictions that science
cannot treat
fall but he
cannot yield
can't park here
can't stop here
Chloe, you
can't stop me
This'- YOU
want cookies,
can't ya see
bunch of
cash on me
would've been
cast on me
go to my
cast party
And all
cats are thieves
wet weekend at
Chalfont St
It's my last
chance, Charlie
it is a
class Party
dad was here
a god
damn palm tree
go to the
damn party
I'm so
damn sorry
in by those
damn zombies
a big American
havin' a little
one next to
dance party
And uh,
in the whole
dang army
for your big,
fat body
a wicked
gang are we
and the
gang walked free
through the looking
glass Mommy
that helped Wilder
grab Molly
Grandma and
Gramps are here
grandma here
Grandma, please
Hey kids
grandma's here
know that we
had bodies
I haven't
know you ever
had coffee
which you
had not dreamed
as it
everything they
influence he
money I
had on me
the priests
had taught me
God, even Tosh
had Tommy
what we
had was real
and has a great
back from a
hand laundry
Get the
hand off me
laid a
put your
hand on me
You bit the
hand, Marty
framed- my
people whose
sure your
hands are clean
hands are here
Get your
hands off me
put his
hands on me
around and
hang on trees
friends it
has brought me
which he
has called me
labors it
has cost me
has dropt me
has MOCKED me
bitter experience
what life
has taught me
just as
have all priests
You should
have called me
have false teeth
a job, I
and I don't
have hobbies
have Johnny
you all
have not seen
effects you
it may
have on me
said we can't
have parties
they would
have shot me
God could
You should
have stopped me
sheep-dog must
have strong teeth
despair you
have taught me
I hit the
jackpot here
however, is
Kant on wheels
yours and
land on me
this famous local
landmark here
Strangers don't
type doesn't
last long here
of a
Mad Dog, st
I mean plumb,
mad-dog mean
is a veritable one-
Johnny Bravo, the one-
kind of a one-
man army
You're a rich
man Johnny
to make
man want peace
the young
man was me
You're a good
man, Ollie
trapped in your pitiful
far in this
man's Army
accumulate on a
fruit of a
in a white
trapped in a
man's body
the white
man's heart bleed
completely the white
man's party
the hockey
mask was real
one of the
Masked Army
match all three
decision to rehire
McMahon rehiring
Matt Hardy
could contemplate her
past calmly
to relate my
past follies
about your
past, are we
had a
rag on me
hang that
pin a
rap on me
shall mock thee
and night
shall not cease
No, they
shat on me
bull kelp
splashed on me
and his
STAFF are here
and Inscription
stampt on mee
not gonna
stand on me
puzzle, rather
than all three
flavors of pain
than coffee
ideas and actions
than Gandhi
much more radical
than Ollie
country is greater
than party
She's stronger
than Rodney
Better safe
than sorry
thanks, Johnny
What does
that all mean
saying towels
that are clean
have souls
that are free
our ordinariness,
that are here
a message to
that army
you up to
that Bobby
a part of
going to accept
I should move
judges distinct from
Look at
mind doing to
not parts of
one who examined
tell them about
things said in
you doing in
that body
that car reeks
Jesus Christ owned
that donkey
know where
that got me
Bob, don't marry
that harpy
to feel
that heartbeat
play Doctor with
that Johnny
Or even
that naughty
anything like
that on me
a date for
and teachings of
of hash at
presidential candidate with
skeleton costume to
the nature of
we went to
Who threw
that party
the world realized
that sardines
she is in
that sari
19, I'm not
that sorry
you see
that star here
can't let
that stop me
told me
that was healed
believe that
I guess
I thought
Oh, whoops,
really feel
your head--
that was me
own, and
that was Pete
the Wexford
that was real
that was weak
that, blondie
Can you handle
that, Blondie
Don't forget
that, doggy
Oh, I like
You hear
that, Johnny
You killed
that, not me
you make of
that, Polly
want to prevent
that, Rocky
shouldn't have done
that, sorry
prepared for
that, was she
That's all real
That's not clean
cutting something
his mission,
that's not me
That's not real
demands of her
vast army
I -
vat are we
around for the
wrap party
with 1 extra syllable
a well-organized
attack on me
and vulgar
attacks on priests
First thing
Batman taught me
making no
demands on me
they invent a force-
feedback codpiece
out of this
goddamn body
what you've
hijacked off me
Imam Ali
an emotional
had an
impact on me
LeBlanc was here
Mustangs on three
Wolfgang Pauli
with 2 extra syllables
send you an
autographed copy
Callahan called me
minions of the
Democrat party
member of the
Kuomintang party
arrest by the
Pakistan Army
we tried to
understand Gandhi
understand, Yami