exact syllable matches
Man cannot
become God
principles, and are
become law
bill of costs
billet barge
bills of costs
Bishop Hall
Bishop Rock
bitten off
bitter rot
bitter spar
bring upon
brings upon
brittle star
brittle stars
build upon
builds upon
built upon
business card
business cards
business park
business parks
chicken hawk
chicken hawks
chicken paw
chicken paws
chicken pox
chicken salt
chicken shop
chicken shops
chin-up bar
chin-up bars
Christian cross
Christian rock
Christmas block
Christmas blocks
Christmas box
Christmas card
Christmas cards
Christmas star
cinder block
cinder blocks
civil law
civil laws
civil wrong
civil wrongs
clinker block
clinker blocks
crystal ball
crystal balls
Crystal Falls
Cyril Scott
dessert bar
dessert bars
The dog
didn't bark
it was wrong,
didn't ya
digger wasp
digger wasps
disc-tongued frog
disc-tongued frogs
distance fog
drift apart
drifts apart
drinker moth
drinker moths
quite a large
enough job
you weren't smart
enough John
Fear of God
fiddle block
fiddle blocks
fiddle yard
fiddle yards
figure on
figures on
filbert gall
filbert galls
filter card
finger bar
finger bars
finger cot
finger cots
finger crotch
fingered frog
fingered frogs
Fingers crossed
finna opp
finner opp
fiscal law
Fission bomb
Fission bombs
gimbal lock
gimbal locks
ginger knob
ginger knobs
ginger pops
git along
gits along
give a darn
give a toss
give some thought
give the chop
give up on
given off
gives a darn
gives a toss
glitter bomb
glitter bombed
glitter bombs
glitter rock
Here's a thought
cock off
his birds bonce
out across
his front lawn
hit the mark
hit the rock
hit the rocks
hit the sauce
hit the spot
hit the wall
hit upon
hits the sauce
hits upon
Ibn Saud
impulse bought
as straw
in a barn
in a frock
a walk
in a park
were off
in a shot
a frog
in a sock
in a walk
a bomb
in her car
of God
in her heart
in regard
in the arm
got shot
in the arse
the car
in the balls
worst job
in the bar
cart, not
in the barn
what was
in the box
in the cards
a garage
a shot
in the dark
in the dock
dog cart
got lost
in the fog
glass, not
in the jar
all shops
in the mall
a walk
of ya
in the park
in the raw
helping Grandpa
in the shop
in the straw
in the wrong
a fox
in the yard
that gnaws
in us all
inner bar
inner salt
inner salts
insert song
insert songs
Instant Star
A flop
is a flop
a god
is a god
A loss
is a loss
The law
is the law
judge called
it a draw
doth call
it a sharke
wall, and walk
it along
on -
it comes on
it just stopped
it the Frosts
a star,
it's a star
It's just WRONG
It's love, Mark
Jim Rumbaugh
Jinsha Jiang
Kill the guards
You cannot
kill us all
a crush on
Gizmo, Mad Mod,
Killer Moth
king of hearts
Kingdom Hall
Kingdom Halls
Kingdom Hearts
kings of hearts
kiss the rod
have not
kissed the rod
klipp und klar
Krystal Ball
lichten op
lick her chops
lift the bar
lifted off
Lincoln Logs
linen hall
linen halls
liquid bomb
liquid bombs
liquid cosh
litter box
litter frog
litter frogs
little auk
little auks
index numbers on
little cards
Little Falls
Little Rock
liver spot
liver spots
livres blancs
middle watch
midget car
midget cars
midget golf
miller moth
miller moths
mirror ball
mirror balls
mirror carp
mirror carps
miss the mark
mizzen top
mizzen tops
Mr Plod
Mr Plods
near abroad
nigga nod
ninja cop
ninja cops
ninja rock
ninja rocks
ninja star
ninja stars
nipple gong
nipple gongs
nipple guard
nipple guards
Phil McGraw
Philip Roth
pick apart
pick up on
picture box
picture card
picture cards
picture rod
picture rods
pigeon drop
pigeon drops
pigeon loft
pigeon lofts
pillar block
pillar blocks
pillar box
pillar harp
pillar harps
pinch of salt
pinch one off
pink salon
pink salons
pink, but raw
Piss her off
Piss us off
Pissed her off
Pissed us off
piston rod
piston rods
pitch upon
pitman arm
pitman arms
pixel art
pizzle rot
Plimsoll mark
Plimsoll marks
didn't land on
pilgrims landed on
Plymouth Rock
prison guard
prison guards
return ball
return balls
return shock
return shocks
reverse arms
reverse charge
reverse chops
reverse fault
reverse faults
reverse shot
reverse shots
Richard Bach
Richard Koch
Richard Long
rip along
ripple mark
ripple marks
river carp
river dog
river dogs
river god
river gods
river hog
river hogs
river shark
river sharks
River Song
River Tawe
rivet hearth
rivet hearths
rivet knob
rivet knobs
scribble lark
scribble larks
shifter cart
shifter carts
shish kabab
shish kababs
shish kabob
shish kebab
shish kebabs
shish kebob
sigma bond
sigma bonds
signal box
silver ball
silver carp
silver carps
silver fox
silver frost
silver frosts
silver gar
silver gars
silver moth
silver moths
silver thaw
silver thaws
silver top
silver tops
simple knot
simple knots
sing along
sing alongs
singe savant
single bond
single bonds
single malt
single malts
singles bar
singles bars
sings along
sister block
sister blocks
sit upon
Skinner box
sniffer dog
sniffer dogs
spin a yarn
spinner knob
spins a yarn
splinter bar
splinter bars
sticker shock
sticker shocks
stitch aloft
stitched aloft
string along
strings along
switches off
switches on
System Shock
Systems art
that swirls all
things along
can't call
this one off
This stuff's hard
tick a lock
ticked a lock
ticket hall
ticket halls
ticks a lock
tilde op
tilden op
Tim McGraw
timber yard
timber yards
timur laut
tinder box
trigger guard
trigger guards
triple bar
triple bars
triple bond
triple bonds
triple fault
triple faults
triple harp
triple harps
triple lock
triple malt
triple malts
triple star
triple stars
tripled pawn
tripled pawns
Villa Park
village cart
village carts
village hall
village halls
whistle stop
whistle walk
whistle walks
Wicker Park
Wilbur Ross
William Barnes
William Clark
William Knox
William Laud
William Law
William March
William Scott
William Sharp
William Sharpe
Windsor knot
Windsor knots
Windsor Locks
winter squash
wishful thought
wishful thoughts
rock star
with a cause
with a cop
are marked
with a cross
and topped
with a sauce
What's wrong
with the dog
the car
with the dogs
witness box
witness mark
witness marks
wizard rock
of what strong
women are
with 1 extra syllable
I am
calling the God
and start
is not
rather have,
the one
calling the shots
calling upon
cardinal mark
cardinal marks
charges of fraud
but the
charges were dropped
dropping the bomb
- I am
a battle-scarred veteran
a body that's
all this start
Everything was
that she was
the army started
the region not
these corporations are
Things are
those stairs are
whole thing was
within me was
your little world
your skeleton that's
falling apart
sincerity and
longing of heart
That's an
officer's job
optical art
optical wand
optical wands
floor of a
sustained at the
parking garage
to start
robbing the mall
rocking along
tropical arc
tropical arcs
named Shirley starts
walking across
walking the dog
Walking the walk
the dog,
washing the dog
I am
watching the stars
with 2 extra syllables
Veronica Mars
Veronica Roth
with 3 extra syllables
biological clock
biological clocks
result in
catastrophic blood loss
western personality and
categorical thought
ontological shock
ontological shocks