exact syllable matches
with the school
board president
more communities having foreign-
born residents
you just
broke character
common space for harmonious
of Kabul, presumes peaceful
persecution but of friendly
from my
cold dead fingers
Anyway, I
don't care, Mr
don't get picked up
don't let him up
Don't mess it up
Don't mess this UP
don't spend in love
don't wear mittens
dough went with her
clean for,
has rested
for 10 minutes
for bed, William
Also short
for Belinda
Edgar Award
for best picture
Academy Award
Oscar nomination
for Best Picture
since DNA codes
for chemicals
basis for respect
forced to maintain
in its fight
in the struggle
its own reason
its own reasons
mother's womb wishing
the daily struggle
the warmth necessary
for existence
an excuse
for getting drunk
infections, one's
for getting DRUNK
tremendous victory
for Herr Hitler
certainly would be
Shall we wait
for Jessica
occasions, and opportunities
for merriment
never have cause
for penitence
A Democrat
a serious campaign
And I'm running
announcing his candidacy
before Trump ran
certainly not running
day he announced
Half never voted
he was running
I'll run
last Democratic nominee
make a run
Should I run
their mama run
when you run
you to run
for president
America don't run
black man runnin'
Elvis Presley
even worth considering
I actually ran
I'm running
instead of running
is a businessman
me to run
of his candidacy
running Bob Russell
Smith to run
who support Rudy
for President
the death penalty
for Reddington
sort of provision
for rendition
Rhyming euphemism
for scared shitless
evolution and not
for selfishness
For sense business,
be back
for it
going do
his breath
It rained
my watch
not even
shoulder stop
thumbs even
with me
your power
for ten minutes
academic excellence
better life
decent education
deserve food
miniature implements
no future
peaceful life
something better
the same
to provide
for their children
to pay
for their dinner
they needed
for their mission
for centuries
for their wisdom
a dinner
for them, Mr
keeps you
form getting touched
go check in her
go check with her
go get him up
go get it, girl
want to
go there, Mr
Let him
go, Kerrigan
I'd best
go, lest Mr
subject of the
grotesque vizard
will not
grow well enough
that kind of growth-
-hedge trimmers
But they
hold their liquor
A lonely,
home-wrecking slut
horse head fiddle
horse head fiddles
horsehead fiddle
horse-head fiddle
horsehead fiddles
horse-head fiddles
enemies in the
hotel business
Of all four
hotels, Mr
Nail up
Joe Harrison
You hardly
know them, Sigma
do you
know when Mr
know where it comes
plunder with no
known precedent
knows they're squinters
grandson of Alfred,
Lord Tennyson
Lord Wellington
Lord's Prayer in the
who reinforces my
low self-image
just some cute
moe character
Don't need any
It has
more character
diseases by adding
more chemicals
you prepared for
more, Tennyson
banks of the
Moselle river
to the
most blessed mission
In human terms,
most ethical
is a
most pressing one
mot lexical
in it, has
It merely required
no uniformity, has
no character
dark what had
ocean it has
Perfect freedom has
rational liberty has
that which had
the laws, has
no existence
we ain't got
no Mexicans
effects that have
which there was
no precedent
no tears will come
he really have
that I have
no testicles
no-hair theorem
North Kensington
city in
North West England
Oh well, listen
that's our
old friend Mr
be from
Old West Frisian
for 8
or 10 minutes
for their heart
his native ability,
of lineage, mind,
or character
concept of truth
study of being
or existence
or get things done
Or Hare Krishna
Possibly from Anne
or Henrika
knowledge, more
or less hidden
to be alexical
or lexical
be vice president
becoming prime minister
or president
a precinct worker
as a candidate
or President
ends of cruelty
national bigotry, arrogance,
or selfishness
are narrative, aesthetic,
or technical
of concentrated nullity
or wretchedness
in its
in our
to their
own best interests
own bread with her
and develop its
prison of your
own character
architects of our
been doubting my
center of our
condition of his
control of our
course of its
doubt even my
empire, but their
equivalent to my
even of its
foundations of his
lord of his
miracle of our
need for its
purpose in one's
purpose of your
purpose to my
reality of my
to maintain its
to support their
You hate your
own existence
betrayed by its
own president
me KILL my
own President
add to its
own selfishness
exist as a
poetic term
life with his
poetic touch
that make the
Pope President
pork Wellington
the priests of
Rome, celibates
short, when Mr
respect they
show their sisters
of the
show where Mr
aware of that
show's existence
am inspired by you
Why are you
so hesitant
Certainly not someone
so prestigious
So tell This One
or alive,
so when Mr
onomatopoeia to the
source character
sports sense is a
You know
those Sex Pistols
are not material,
though existent
He had
told them enough
vortex mixer
vortex mixers
in being a
war president
After the
war when Mr
Ward Harrison
on a failed welfare-
warfare system
after a Star
Wars character
infects not the
whole character
would become your
whole existence
won't get it done
won't get mixed up
won't help this girl
otherwise he
won't tell Mr
be a New
York character
courage of New
York residents
planted it
your air filter
acting in
your best interests
They'll make
your breasts bigger
and it becomes
and nobler becomes
and you'll love
constant test of
done nothing for
helps me assess
incorporate it into
is depends on
lifesome energy inspire
sufficient proof of
your character
that on
your chest, mister
cause of
your death, Mr
back to
your den, Simba
all knowledge of
and proud of
case to justify
continue to abide
exist to continue
final day of
I deny
is proof of
people responsible for
single atom of
story I will
the bane of
the meaning of
the reason for
the stain of
There's meaning to
your life and
your existence
are proofs of
Your existence
like being
your friend because
but of
McKinney, with
Then perhaps
your friend Mr
I am
your friend, Mr
It's happening,
your getting hugs
This is
your Hell's Kitchen
you, about
your helping her
what's making
your marriage work
Red Death rebuke
your merriment
shit in
your neck whistle
Counselor, call
your next witness
adore Vladimir Putin,
invitation to become
making to be
me, how is
This is
your president
another term as
as I am
to serve as
was summoned by
you report to
your President
I have
your test results
a book on
Give me
I haven't named
married man shave
Pointed right at
search party for
would you describe
your testicles
bro at
your wedding huh
with 1 extra syllable
often die
before their children
Compare the
borrowed resident
which is the
cardboard character
your little
clipboard there, Mr
control character
gas and odor
control chemicals
though they
disown their mistress
if Chester doesn't
divorce Jessica
think merely in
geocentric terms
into a solitary,
hollow existence
We cannot
ignore their interests
our next
record Tenth Listen
people of very
shallow character
real sympathetic
towards them chickens
transport vesicle
transport vesicles
with many an
unformed character
full of an
unknown chemical
with 2 extra syllables
remember that
episode where Mr
thought by a
heliocentric one
games with the
Mario character
no equivalent of
Picasso's Guernica
instead it was
Potatohead, Mr
studio president
a hindrance, to
tomorrow's existence