exact syllable matches

there must
be a Beloved
be a big one
can you
be a Christian
can I
be a sinner
believe to
be a Titian
may already
may still
world can
be a winner
happens to
be coming up
All options must
idea can even
known and can
of color must
seem, must likewise
be considered
he has to
be consistent
that defendant might
be convicted
not to
be crushed, Mr
cannot be forgiven
don't need to
isn't anything to
left nothing to
people need to
their sins will
They will not
be forgiven
best of gods,
be merciful
bloody, or
be nothing worth
be one with us
such discussion can
the pious cannot
be permitted
for this to
be personal
matter seems to
be submitted
it would never
be sufficient
chaos would
find to
idea would
righteousness will
what may
What shall
be the result
beat the system
you are
chief of sinners
Honor, loyalty,
creed, convictions
do a
deal of mischief
deal, Buckminster
ruined skull of the
in support of
each position
world to every
eager impulse
small town
east of Princeton
you ever
eaten with one
But unbeknownst to
either Mr
equal opportunity, not
equal results
evil in the
only to defeat
evil systems
feats of his son
genius system
gonna rest
here a minute
I do not
here consider
here, but it's just
He thinks
he's a chicken
fetus and
he's a Hitler
He's a stripper
sure where
-that's where
he's coming from
is terrible, but
he's consistent
go to the
Kean commission
keep up with drugs
psychedelic people in
key positions
I'm not a
leader, Mr
distance with the
least material
century, especially our
legal system
think of is
Lisa Miller
would make
me a Christian
who made
me a hitter
to scare
me a little
two owe
me a million
has given
me a mission
never give
me a nickel
Boo-hoo, cry
me a river
to give
me a ticket
to give
me the finger
that makes
me the villain
they call
me the Wizard
God, cleanse
me, a sinner
never wears a
mean appearance
we also
need a cheerleader
need a witness
itself has
need of limits
it, and they
needn't listen
rescue his
niece from Indians
of the
peaks of spirit
of our overcrowded
penal system
is what our
people deserve
call those last
people dinner
three groups of
people emerged
think most
people give up
I find religious
people hideous
I'm two
people in one
People kill people
true or not,
you can't make
people listen
computing other
people will learn
provide those
people with freedom
associations of
people with people
know, and blind
people, crippled
by these
people, his people
to educate the
people, Mr
people, children, old
people, women
by minding other
noses in other
other minds other
people's business
directly affect other
people's interests
great with other
people's women
awful bloody
one unfinished
piece of business
a little
piece of chicken
queens of this world
reaches it first
our most devoted
readers, Mr
Dickens, or
reads some Dickens
the Divine, or
Real Condition
who express their
real opinions
and the
reaper in one
That is
reason enough
What's the
reason, Mr
people of this
region deserve
she's got a
season ticket
My dad's got
season tickets
communicated and most
secret wisdom
you, I
see the millions
back to
see the results
do not
see the signal
off to
see the wizard
to music to
seek oblivion
would always
seem a pittance
it just
seems a little
The change
seems abysmal
life, no longer
seems sufficient
friend has
seen the pictures
senior cheerleader
sequels brilliant
She's a cheerleader
She's a twitcher
Disruptor without Superman's high-
speed assistance
leg and
squeezed the trigger
Steven Pinker
catalogue of Dublin's
street furniture
didn't know this
school music appreciation
teacher, Mr
be trustworthy that
teaches distrust
gums with
teeth were sprinkled
change all of
these conditions
to kill
these fucking people
the correctness of
these opinions
be made to
these provisions
the past
three months, Mr
three terms in one
president should be
treated stricter
see that the
tree flourishes
King Henry
V of England
we just give up
of indifference and
weak conviction
-What is word

with 1 extra syllable

or perhaps
18 months, distant
I asked without
any condition
any of its rigour
were worse than
any punishment
as much as
anyone deserves
because the
audience is dumb
They were
beneath suspicion
hanging mutilated
bodies from bridges
so-called orthodox
body of Christians
large enough to
carry conviction
you're god damn
Christy Turlington
had an oddly
cocky appearance
Crumbles to its
complete oblivion
the south-eastern
counties of England
are a
country of winners
seek to
defeat the system
Sisters, and The
Dixie Hummingbirds
of poor humanity's
earthly condition
it is cheaper,
easier, nearer
creator of Anne
Elliott, Mr
even you could
envy, Virginia
faults and
follies of children
to recreate a
glorious Britain
glorious vision
politics is a
guilty addiction
music not make
happiness enough
admission into this
happy condition
were plenty of
hideous simians
not attained an
ideal condition
ideal conditions
themselves, these
ideas, with words
lesbian witches
was a
lousy public speaker
few too
many of Mr
ever had so
many opinions
for too
many working people
Maria Rilke
Wants to
Marry a Midget
maybe a little
his often absurd
media image
series developed by
Media Vision
Medieval England
slave system in
medieval India
and mortality are
merely appearance
want prevention, not
merely punishment
in the
movie Pulp Fiction
It's time for
Muddy Mudskipper
as revolutionary as
nuclear fission
boats with the
nuclear symbol
whose motives were
obvious enough
That is
only a kitten
But this is
only appearance
only coming once
troubles had
only just begun
only love, Christina
There is
only one crystal
those are
only the results
the sickness,
only the symptoms
only what is worse
Party of Lincoln
Roman Catholic
Party of Mr
fellow of any
previous period
Those trees look
really familiar
could never
receive a return
canst not
receive from Wisdom
ever being
released from prison
all will
relieve but little
of a single
Serbian pigeon
age than a
period is a
serial killer
because this is
is a very
This is
serious business
she had a
serious illness
This city gets
serious winter
agony of the
foundation of the
hostile to the
Soviet system
is a
species of vigor
stories of this world
often a
story of symbols
Supreme nothingness
the difficult
theory of limits
in these very
tricky conditions
you're not
truly a Villain
ours is a
unique position
the green
valleys of silliness
position, it's been
very consistent
be a
very firm believer
very much indeed, sir
Thank you
your chances
very much, Mr
because it's very,
girl's room is
These moments remain
these things are
very personal
wholly of this world

with 2 extra syllables

trying to rescue
Armenian children
trait I
associate with cults
This is my
associate, Mr
You look
awfully familiar
how well
Bavaria is run
Religion is a
boundary condition
laws governing the
boundary conditions
by the
buoyancy of citrus
have driving
mission requires
clarity of vision
is the music-hall low-
comedy tradition
seeking the
company of women
upholders of a
contrary opinion
on stage,
courtesy of Mr
of the
destiny of children
shape the
destiny of women
and has become
docilely official
Especially the big one
the game from
every position
So it suffered
every punishment
socialism is
You do
exactly the reverse
describe this
experience in words
Fallopian twinkled
Sorta like a
family tradition
Negroes who
formerly were Christians
beautifully simple and
harmonious system
the real
histories were written
history of his people
the political
history of India
in his
History of India
the brain
history of Mr
history of this people
history of this research
perhaps still more
hopelessly, pernicious
aim at an
immediate result
expansionist plans of
Iranian interests
magazine publisher
even the
majesty of England
a nation of
Manchurian Children
millimetres thinner
by the
misery of millions
misery of this world
mysterious brilliance
yields reluctantly a
niggardly subsistence
in a
policy of mistrust
which you are
possibly familiar
produced, in
quantity, but little
must revert to
Ricardian England
extraordinarily perceptive and
terribly personal
heritages are logically,
thoroughly consistent
than the
treachery of women
vanity of this world

with 3 extra syllables

creation of the
Augustinian system
the great
discoveries of Mr
Economy of India
believe in
equality of women
up the
estuaries of England
than an
Ethiopian chicken
at the
extremities of spirit
failure is
generally the result
an incongruous and
inharmonious mixture
Pirates, vampires, Sasquatch,
intimacy, commitment
as a pioneer
libertarian thinker
poll of the
majority opinion
to improve its
military position
role in the
multimedia business
Hitler and
Mussolini but Mr
to institute the
necessary conditions
paedophilia is worse
might decimate a
Palestinian village
for his
philosophy, but Mr
He is
ponderously capricious
with the truths
previously admitted
all in a
satisfactory condition
Paganism, distinguishes this
Scandinavian System
endanger the
security of England
the stars themselves,
separately considered
option Truman never
seriously considered
to the
simplicity of wisdom
I shall now
specifically consider
courage, her
tenacity, her vision
goodwill and
tranquility of spirit
utility of his work

with 4 extra syllables

Putin and an
authoritarian system
as on your
entrepreneurial spirit
a certain
him a
generosity of spirit
most, but that's
historically contingent
and employment
opportunities of women
with an outstanding
Parliamentary position
stuck on this
reactionary position
effect this
similarity of results
Few found the
similarity suspicious
in a very
tuitionary condition
and the
uncomprehending birds listened
primitive society with
unsanitary conditions

with 5 extra syllables

look for
compatibility of spirit
government and bureaucratized,
nonentrepreneurial business
the common
responsibility of kinsmen
even on their
revolutionary traditions