exact syllable matches

dryer and the
9 ferrets
my purse in
9 seconds
wearing a
bright red shirt
like Calcutta, surrounded
by beggars
and is comforted
by Bender
insane were inhabited
by devils
get nothing save
They are maintained
by effort
she was kidnapped
by Eggman
way lain down
by elders
had been coached
by ferrets
is suffused, inhabited
by heaven
than that propagated
by Lenin
assumption of responsibility
by parents
squeezed to death
by pressure
I advanced
by questions
by whispers, second
by second
Base was destroyed
He was killed
by Shepard
It rules
periods of rule
by terror
scent, and
by their love
create them
by their work
bye Harold
the time of
Christ's presence
can help me
die better
is built to
digest cud
could consume and
digest, blood
Diet Cherry Vanilla
Dr, Pepper
been suffering from
dry weather
crack with my
eye level
My right
eye swells up
Johns, blue-
eyed devil
He's a good-looking clear-
eyed fella
they kept their
eyes westward
again casts her
eyes Westwards
harder, we can
fight better
be the greatest
fight ever
teach me to
fight legends
to democracies that
fight terror
family ran to
find shelter
it is to
find treasure
finds them first
It was a
fine effort
a spell of
fine weather
a decision in
I've only got
would consider for
You have
You've got
five seconds
NASA's Marshall Space
Flight Center
higher order
guides their work
I'm the funniest
guy ever
Haven't you
guys ever
read the
guy's next one
murdering bad
guys, then, huh
in the same
high effort
they hit my
high engine
stinks to
This stinks to
high heaven
to stride the
war to the
high heavens
and ful of
hy sentence
to the West
I beckon
yes, I suppose
I better
I dress dumb
How could
I ever
My God,
I felt her
identical, that
I fled from
'em but
I get 'em
in return,
I get what
heart when
I held her
why should
I help her
How can
I help, sir
I thought
I meant, but
But didn't
Hey, did
oh, did
sister, but did
I mention
like the one
That freelancing thing
the one example
I mentioned
first day
hours after
limited until
That's how
I met her
about her career
five-minute net gain,
it off again
I reckon
I said uh
the bomb
I set up
what can
I tell her
In fact,
I wear one
told you
I went numb
I went nuts
ride cyclones and
I wrestle
bolt from his
ice scepter
somewhere in the
Ice Sector
I'd kept some
in my day,
I'd never
I'll tell her
When I'm bad,
When it's bad,
I'm better
the rain till
I'm breathless
I'm careful
I'm fed up
just critical because
I'm jealous
I think
Oh, and now
You think
I'm pregnant
but please, think
want to know
I'm special
the lamest excuse
I've ever
So far
I've met one
I've never
replaced Brahminical or
Jain temples
had the wrong
kind, ever
most favourite Sky
Knight ever
he joined the
Knights Templar
change make your
hasn't made my
likes that second
made the chicken's
to make my
life better
at least a
life bettered
they seek the
life essence
you've gotten today's
life lesson
looks like a
life sentence
controls his own
life, Ender
rest of your
life, Kara
we can't enjoy
life's pleasures
to all of
life's questions
I'm cutting the sub-
light engine
little pool of
light trembles
Lucifer, the
but I'm just so
change a hitter
like Aaron
this script I
us do you
like better
Wear your love
like heaven
superior man is
vast, he is
like Heaven
Doesn't she look
like Keira
Indian, though, not
like Lester
Does she
like melons
Thus centuries passed
like seconds
And I still
like Senna
you for
like ten bucks
seems to
like them much
limpid pools, skin
like velvet
like, jealous
likes parrots
Crossing the
line Sarah
coolest place to
live ever
and to
live their love
all to
live twelve months
Lucky,I guess, huh
into which I
which the Messiah
might enter
drive people
that he
might get hurt
and I
might get worse
if you
might help us
better prepare yourself,
Miles Edgeworth
speak my own
mind better
Both make the
mind restless
be satisfied, the
mind, never
hands would fit
think I express
mine better
what about
my 10 bucks
my best work
must go to
my betters
any bacon for
until I've had
my breakfast
an army of
create me and
my brethren
You were
my center
Come into
my centre
know she's after
my cheddar
stands before you,
my cherub
that this is
my edit
give up all
result of all
my efforts
before I start
my engines
my hungers, in
my entrails
Their creation was
my error
can merge with
do deny them
my essence
and she redesigns
my fender
frets out of
my Fender
run into
my friend, Burt
for you,
my friend, but
it to
my friends first
I gave
my friends up
you be
my guest, son
I'm getting
my hair done
my hair work
since I got
my haircut
it made
my head hurt
hardly hold
my head up
cut on
my head, sir
You went over
my helmet
where will
my help come
asking for
my help first
have to be
my helper
You are newborn
my herald
me nothin' in
my kennel
tech requirements for
the middle of
my lecture
hair on
my left nut
I'm quite at
my leisure
But I've learned
do not repeat
have ever learned
I learned
my lesson
least some of
those are not
You've all surpassed
my lessons
had so understood
She will find
They published
my letter
for using all
my e-mails, even
never responded to
think of opening
my letters
Joneses down to
more suited to
to get to
to someone of
you're on
my level
Brace yourselves,
my mecha
and they were
my mentors
is getting out
me to soften
That is
my message
help, and that's
why I like
You know
my method
methods are not
more inventive in
my methods
perfect centerpiece for
my necklace
end of
my next turn
and Lucrezia were
And you're
as racist as
came out to
can you imagine
discussed it with
especially when you're
for each of
free from under
homeland and for
I accuse
I ate
I failed
I got from
I inherited from
I lost
in front of
in my life
It worked for
just me and
my house, it's
out, not even
Properly meet with
spacious condo for
stereo console in
take care of
the graves of
to dinner with
to talk to
You can call
You mean
You work with
You're not
my parents
trouble seeing over
my pelvis
I forgot
its forms with
misspelled words on
my pencil
chattels to serve
It was
It would be
It'll be
my pleasure
seraglio provided for
my pleasures
from my beloved,
Let me see
my precious
attempt to reach
been used in
Cower in
fall asleep in
little better for
relatively comfortable in
my presence
I love
my present
after I repeated
and I ask
him to answer
Now answer
to answer to
You never answered
my question
answer any of
answers to all
must answer all
You will answer
my questions
Denise, you'll be
who's gonna be
you act as
my second
her transferred to
my section
be detected by
my sensors
let me finish
the totality of
my sentence
daiquiri all over
Do you want
you chewed up
You're unraveling
my sweater
Man, You're Stretching
my Sweater
and from losing
before I lose
began to lose
I kinda lost
I lost
I'm gonna hold
nothing strengthened but
taught to correct
tried to curb
you ain't seen
my temper
drill going through
my temples
I would lose
my tenure
I must disguise
my terror
the end of
my tether
These are
my tetras
rob me of
your paws off
my treasure
the object of
my vengeance
All right, drop
I didn't fire
my weapon
do enough for
my wrestlers
trying to avail
myself of
I never doubted
myself once
me to give
try to cheer
myself up
I was one
myself, once
don't wanna kill
myself, sir
buy that one
myself, Sir
hardly ever a
nice fella
jacket and a
nice haircut
bit long, but
nice message
God, that's a
nice weapon
got a
nice wet sponge
really very
nice, yes, but
is a Friday
night special
the all new
nightmare of
peace to this
nightmare world
nine, ten months
Nye Bevan
It's your best
pie ever
I actually feel
quite better
meant to be
quite clever
It's actually
quite pleasant
That could be
quite special
I found that
quite stressful
and the
ride gets rough
to right or
right center
may term the
RIGHT center
it was the
right question
must ask the
start asking the
to ask the
who ask the
right questions
Hold up
right there, son
Right, Clarence
room like a
ripe melon
Hilda Thorn-In-My-
Side Spellman
to the dark
side, Sarah
washed over my
sight sensors
sky ventures
we got The
Spice Network
policeman in a
spiked helmet
The right to
strike ended
My disguise must
strike terror
patriarch of a Jonestown-
style death-cult
took thee for
thy better
thy betters
way to
tie them up
domain with a
tight network
relief efforts in war-
time Belgium
be the last
for the first
time ever
You're a
time meddler
it is with
time present
are under some
time pressure
eye on the
time sensor
done it this
time, Eggman
not a single
time, never
a waste of
time, Sarah
the worst of
times better
market when
times get tough
mean, what's 6
times seven
latter are thus
twice strengthened
bias at Title
VI centers
friend of the
Vice Chairman
Hook 'em
while they're young
from such a
white heaven
But that's
why there's us
Bonaduce and his
wife Gretchen
pressed to my
wife's temple
a mentor, a
wise elder
a tribunal of
wise elders
for tolerance and
wise measure
you like to
write letters

with 1 extra syllable

total of forty-three ill-
advised seconds
Oh, no, that
arrives never
besides Jenkins
of a circle
described therefrom
are the lamest
disguise ever
manuscript of a
divine letter
you faith and
divine pleasure
free of the
Divine Presence
by the less
divine section
goodbye sex, huh
grandson Dyno-Rod Emergency
Hotline Trellis
and distributing food
inside Yemen
July 7
and awarded a
lifetime pension
crown upon your
lifetime's effort
the city from
nearby Texas
censorship in the
online era
minorities or by
outside pressures
more time together
outside Section
been a commercial
playwright ever
Raphael Hirsch
airing on the
Showtime network
It's the best
surprise ever
Knight and
Thorstein Veblen
Tonight's lesson

with 2 extra syllables

6 in
we'll need
45 seconds
4 minutes and
55 seconds
directly to the
classified section
abridging the free
exercise thereof
Hell has
fertilized heaven
Nikolai Lenin
to the new
Oceanside Wellness
to the rhythmically
organized texture
British Mandate in
Palestine ended
of a known
pedophile network
they can
satisfy their lust
You forgot a
suicide letter
Suicide weather

with 3 extra syllables

Shane, don't
antagonize Tara