exact syllable matches
before you can
not easy to
become sane
been a change
been a day
all that
life has
been a waste
most populous countries,
been attained
which it has
been obtained
has always
been the case
have always
motivation has
been the same
as I have
been today
make it
big one day
future attain the
Blissful State
Sweet Phosphor,
bring the day
would you
bring up snakes
the traditional show
business way
maidens laugh and
children play
to waste on
children's games
presume, in a
tenets of the
Christian faith
old and be
two mountains be
cleared away
What did
Clinton say
came design and
crimson flame
was surfing the
crimson wave
do what you
did today
signed that Stalin
didn't break
all the Indians,
raids happen, or
the other side,
ways of life,
didn't they
very deep and
dispersed state
can alone keep
England great
its right-hand
fist of fate
that will
fit the name
for us to
perfectly legal to
give away
can wash her
guilt away
wife makes
him a saint
goblins to take
him and walked
wasn't easy keeping
him away
analysis that makes
him first-rate
quarter showing
him her grades
fortunate, let
him learn pain
I will see
him someday
had prepared for
his birthday
that made the
hit parade
of the world's
ills today
your ass
in a cage
go live
in a cave
hundred pins
of pins
thousand pins
we'd perish
in a day
wave was
in a flame
you boringly
in a frame
in a name
you stay
in a place
to running
would make
in a race
all men,
is sad,
other characters
through Communism,
who is,
in a way
in Awake
we shall be
in Calais
got a C
in Debate
summer was
in her gaze
an expert
in her ways
is discussed
in one page
brought together
stand still
in one place
was done
in one take
elsewhere, often
in some haste
abbreviates it
and posited
for good
going on
surpasses ourselves
to him
use that
in some way
are pinheads
in some ways
a spare
in the base
pattern recognizers
in the brain
the bird
in the cage
in the cake
much affection
of fact
in the case
the fellow
in the chains
or perishes
in the change
to stop
in the chase
born back
on back
in the day
look life
punched him
punching him
spat at
world frankly
you right
in the face
would crack
in the flame
persons perished
in the flames
actually playing
even late
having skin
I am
is happening
in the game
him, even
in the grave
lie tumbling
in the hay
it was
in the lake
no danger
in the lakes
the cherry-trees
in the Lane
stuff comes
to me
toe is
in the mail
in the name
person left
in the place
of knowledge
shouldn't be
in the race
a robin
a watercolor
gettin caught
in the rain
know more
in the same
down there
go stand
in the shade
geometric patterns
in the space
Sherman operated
the city,
in the state
contending Parties
economic power
neighbourhoods than
your citizenship
in the State
to read
in the train
fate got
greed got
I got
people got
put shit
that stands
in the way
that we live
in today
soul to be
in travail
who locked
in what cage
for every
inch of space
introduced in their
infant state
tap into our
inner rage
of us
is a brain
suddenly, there
today there
is a change
thousand years
is a day
is a place
is a shape
his mother
partnership, man
the police
is a slave
stubborn cuss
is a trait
will there
is a way
A coward
is afraid
the more he
is ashamed
God is remembered
is attained
to bear
is her shame
by which knowledge
is obtained
the hell
is the base
final weapon
is the brain
be left
is the cage
precise opposite
is the case
every picture
is the frame
game, it
is the game
his element
is the great
end result
may appear,
the mirror
the principle
the result
to me
ultimate objective
is the same
that love
is the way
as a text
Civil Liberties Union
now as she
or what it
prearrangement like it
strong as it
is today
expression, that
is, the State
even when there
isn't faith
if his theology
isn't straight
the people whom
it assails
otherwise, what would
it avail
and I threw
and then cast
be to throw
cigarette and snapped
could you give
existence by explaining
He can take
off, to chop
So why take
soul and take
than just throwing
that I give
then you throw
then, to put
wind will blow
you into throwing
it away
how much love
wealth of ideas
wonderful secrets which
it contains
of the messages
it conveys
Now move
it cupcake
and we need
as we know
as we understand
who prepare for
it today
it's a male
It's just great
it's the pain
is time to
kill today
A fool
kills from hate
to a
king of slaves
remains our only
link today
need that
list of names
alone in this
little cage
us of your
little date
off his puny,
little face
than a mean
little flame
got this cool
little plane
We're having a
little race
never flattered your
little slave
was a happy
little tale
people like my
little tales
But only in
in a hundred
little ways
external goods carry
to lose a
little weight
remedy prescribed was
middle age
Danger is my
Elaine's my
is not our
It's my
not have a
Patience is my
middle name
Middle name
is the Magic
Mirror Gate
city front to
Mission Bay
about the
myth of race
From the
nearest place
them clamber, these
nimble apes
whose wheel the
pitcher shaped
nobody interrupts a
printed page
in a
It's about a
to organize a
prison break
moderns of the
richest strains
kind of fixed,
rigid way
of the
Rings were based
by gods, as
scriptures say
they think their
Scriptures say
A very
simple place
in a very
simple way
innumerable causes of
sinful waste
Kills motherfuckers every
single hour, every
single day
up in a
single face
It is a
single page
presented upon a
single stage
groups with a
without winning a
single state
Time has
slipped away
of the light
slips away
times, and she'll
still complain
People are
still the same
Still, girls wailed
what Khan
thinks of gays
gone along with
this charade
This must change
ripening of
this one grape
This one's great
this one's name
other fools in
this parade
puts forth in
trim array
each new
twist of fate
the world's a
twisted place
in which it
will awake
things, and you
will obtain
will someday
William Blake
Henry James and
in communication with
the mind of
the son of
William James
be compared
with a chain
writing start
with a name
many hits
with a snake
came to me
with complaints
getting away
with drug sales
sports not
with her prey
my music,
with some grace
tall grass
with the apes
all easily
with the break
go forward
to do
with the case
figure went
with the face
with the State
heart swells
with the waves
obvious on the
written page
at 4
at twenty
reached 30
under five
under twelve
years of age
with 1 extra syllable
called the
Ages of Faith
is just you
being afraid
invariable consequence of
being awake
far from
being the case
be in a
bicycle race
was in
blowing the gage
and their failures
burnished away
a large-scale military
conflict today
We're just
cranking away
passing through a
critical phase
ship's lights
crossing the bay
it, she could
deliver pain
must start
doing the same
less like
doing the scales
injuries sustained
during a game
of Chinatown
During a Raid
had done
have wandered
run into
during the day
to rise,
dying of mange
is not an
efficient way
all be speaking
English today
people to him
even today
be shown to
seems not to
exist today
no such fear
world as it
exists today
fair things are
fading away
with matter
filling the space
Forbid the games
the Reserved
Forces of Fate
was called
Frederick the Great
tired of
fucking Earth Day
fucking first name
furnish the brains
And I am
but it ain't
I am not
president and won
going away
two minutes always
going someplace
Stick with the
guerrilla trail
the bomb at
Kennison State
after solving the
Kensington case
smog, without
leaving a trace
in the anti-geometric, anti-
logical way
when I was
lying awake
A wondrous,
magical place
the central
meaning of faith
it in a
meaningful way
Guess there's no
meeting today
with his
music one day
his forelock Were
musical waves
enveloped in a
mystical base
everything and throws
nothing away
it have an
official name
That's the
official phrase
tragic consequences in
Paris today
deeply mourns his
of its eventually
which is fortunately
passing away
seems to require
personal change
point of my
personal fate
so bad as
physical pain
heredity and stereotyped
physical traits
excitement is
playing the game
to in a
practical way
crowd and enjoying
public acclaim
over a walker,
puffing away
thought of
quitting the game
helping to
rebuild the place
and they
rebuilt the place
pursuance of the
religious aims
ethnic background or
to defend our
religious faith
will have to
resist today
of suicide or
the doorbell and
running away
helluva time
running the place
he remembered
seeing the blaze
way of
seeing the day
problems that we're
seeing today
of your mind
They are
slipping away
dollars a year,
starting today
verge of
storming the stage
hung out,
taking a break
You are
thinking of snakes
intellectuals are visibly
turning away
Or they did
they believed it
until today
gloom of doubt
vanished away
is a
victim of fate
and he obliged,
assailant, who was
walking away
caused the
warping of space
of coronavirus-- in
Washington state
like not
She'll be
wearing a veil
centrifuges that were
whirling away
formula for
winning the race
with 2 extra syllables
Less than
100 were made
She just
accepted her fate
football's a ground
acquisition game
OK, Make
America Great
al-Qaeda and keeping
America safe
billion dollars of
American aid
Or eats from
American plates
goes to an
American play
and the Southern
American states
moments of my
American stay
flows in our
American veins
chicken sliced the
of speaking, the
That is the
American way
thousands of the
Americans came
who believed in
America's claim
look like Los
Angeles today
it in a
bipartisan way
am not
creating a game
she is
enjoying the play
That just cleans
You've given
everything away
the far-away
expanses of space
did not
extinguish the flames
the news,
following the case
pain and
foreknowledge of pain
provides for that
identical case
way of
opening the case
God in
ordaining a way
Cosmos an inescapable
perspective awaits
thing while
preserving the name
us make our
reckoning today
think about anything
romantic today
Studying a face
with 3 extra syllables
are two important
differences today
tools, a great
ecological change
machines, hierarchies,
economics, love, age
be an
economist from Yale
failed player of
mathematical games
he becomes a
pathological case
and in a
psychological age
result of our
psychological state
forces were
refurbishing the place
much mechanical and
technological aid
interrogate him, he
teleported away
with 4 extra syllables
none of the
stereotypical traits