exact syllable matches
Ah Beng
Ah Seng
ah well
all dressed
and discomfort on
all else
-- that was
all Lex
will shine on
work alike on
all men
all set
all square
he's just not
all there
pyjamas would've got
all wet
Alt Del
alt left
alt text
alt texts
arch dell
arch dells
Ma and Pa
are dead
from the heart
are fled
definitions of locked
are there
ark shell
ark shells
arse breath
arse breaths
arse end
arse ends
aw well
ball pen
ball pens
bar chair
bar chairs
bark bed
bark beds
bark bread
baulk end
baulk ends
block head
block heads
block length
block lengths
and has long
blond hair
blot test
blot tests
bon sens
bon vent
bond length
bond lengths
bonne femme
bonne presse
box bed
box beds
a Mack Falls
box set
box sets
boxed set
boxed sets
boys were not
called Ben
Um, Josh
called them
car wreck
car wrecks
Carl Schurz
caught dead
terrorist attacks, not
cause them
Charles Beck
Charles Bell
Charles Reade
Clarke belt
cock egg
cock eggs
cod end
cod ends
Con Air
Con Heir
con men
a small
conch shell
cons cell
cot death
cot deaths
cross check
cross checked
cross checks
cross cheque
cross cheques
crossed cheque
crossed cheques
crotch tent
da bell
da fare
dar em
dark elf
dark elves
off, my long
was her long
dark hair
dark l
dark red
Dark Web
darn well
dawn prayer
dawn prayers
dog bread
dog lead
dog men
dog sledge
dog tent
dog tents
be armed hot
dog thefts
dog whelk
dog whelks
donk bet
donk bets
draw dead
draw left
drop bear
drop bears
sky and dogs
drop dead
drop press
dropped egg
dropped eggs
citizen of Wichita
Falls, Tex
false friend
false friends
False Hare
false scent
false scents
false step
false steps
far fetched
Far West
flop sweat
flop sweats
fox sedge
fox wedge
frog hair
frog hairs
frog legs
frost fair
frost faire
frost faires
frost fairs
taking that on,
God bless
That's not
gone well
but I'm not
gone yet
got dressed
got there
got wet
Guan Cheng
guard cell
guard cells
guard hair
guard hairs
halt fest
Han Zheng
hard deck
hard head
hard heads
But the hard,
hard left
hard pressed
hard sell
hard sells
people and not
We must not
harm them
harp shell
harp shells
heart check
heart checks
hom hem
hot air
hot bed
hot bench
hot cell
hot cells
hot chair
hot chairs
hot check
hot checks
hot desk
hot desked
hot desks
hot ken
hot mess
hot press
hot set
hot sets
hot spell
hot spells
hot tear
hot tears
hot well
hot wells
JAR hell
job fair
job fairs
John Clare
John Glenn
John Hare
John Shedd
John Venn
Karl Hess
knock dead
la fel
la leche
la lettre
large breasts
Law French
lawn chair
lawn chairs
lob wedge
Loch Ness
loft bed
loft beds
long egg
long eggs
long hair
long hairs
long legs
long lens
long neck
long s
Ma Bell
ma men
mach schlecht
Mach stem
Mach stems
March 10
March 12
March hare
Mark Chen
Mark Felt
Mark Penn
Mark Pesce
mock lead
mod men
mop head
mop heads
Mott cell
Nom Pen
non est
that I was
you murder are
not dead
That was
not fair
government of laws,
republic of laws,
not men
long periods are
not rare
The ideas are
not read
I was
not scared
proper classes are
not sets
younger people are
not spared
and God was
facts that are
hands that are
the tag was
not there
in how far
not yet
ob rem
odd men
people that chop
off heads
get the ball
take ANY pish
off them
all the knobs
most people are
on 10
on air
Marshall Pentecost
on deck
on edge
on end
Distinguishing marks, scar
on left
on leg
Edward, but not
pair of eyeballs
walking, but not
on legs
and that was
on NES
on spec
wrinkled old grandma
on theirs
dark little clocks
hurt I brought
of knowledge falls
put the arm
red love hearts
society have locks
they've got stars
on them
on trend
opp ned
parte del
parte delle
Paul Enns
Paul West
Phnom Penh
pot lead
pot men
prop bet
Rob Bell
rock wren
rock wrens
rod cell
rod cells
Rod Dreher
salt wedge
sar sen
saw red
saw set
saw sets
saw wrest
saw wrests
Schwann cell
Schwann cells
Scotch egg
scotch eggs
Scots elm
Scots elms
Sean Chen
Sean Penn
sharp s
confusion, Juan was
shot dead
slot pair
slot pairs
small breasts
small press
small text
smart aleck
smart set
but I was
smart, then
smog check
smog checks
soft elm
soft elms
soft sell
Sol X
spar deck
spar decks
spark spread
spark spreads
spark test
spark tests
spot check
spot checked
spot checks
spot lens
spot test
spot tests
spot weld
spot welds
squaw dress
squaw men
of the long
stalk cell
stall fed
star sedge
star shell
star shells
You ever watch
you've never watched
Star Trek
stop dead
stop press
It was non-
stop sex
and you cannot
them, you cannot
stop them
it does not
stop there
office, and was
stopped there
straw bed
straw beds
straw men
straw stem
straw stems
men and upon
strong men
swan neck
swan necks
ta bem
tall men
tar lesh
Top Chef
top deck
top decks
top edge
top edged
Top End
top pair
top pairs
top shelf
top ten
top tens
it right on
top there
there's that on
top, then
trois cents
va ben
volle melk
Wald test
Wald tests
I had shot
was dead
believed that God
was there
ruled and all
was well
fixed whatever was
wrong there
with 1 extra syllable
Have we done
Asgard yet
to Oregon Governor
Oswald West
raasclaat dem
saman tien
I saw
Talas there