exact syllable matches
10 First Season
10 Third Season
our corrupt and
arrogant leaders
Benjamin, Sr
are the
best of creatures
getting the
best of treatment
best of what he does
best, the funniest
better hurry up
I'll make a
make yourself a
to be a
better leader
of faith make
better leaders
prose is in
better meter
learn to be
they can become
better people
better find a
it for a
Nobody had
worse appear the
better reason
I'm a
better teacher
bringing a
breath of freedom
help take
care of Delia
to take
care of people
carefully, Sir
Central Cheetahs
central, convenient
for two
cents a liter
Clement Greenberg
They're very
clever people
of being a
clever speaker
trap set by
cleverer people
for the
death of Jesus
death of me, but
concerning the
death of peoples
death, but she loves
People will most
definitely come
I am a
desert creature
and boring and
desperately dull
by someone you
desperately loved
of the
devil, of evil
democratic vote and
Ebony won
over the
edge of reason
does it like
Edward Stevens
think anyone
else does, either
in the
end burn people
end of the season
he distracted his
endless leisures
rhapsodic music, and
endless pieces
magnitude and requiring
endless research
realize various
ends of reason
rivers of our
enemies blood
kill a hundred
enemies but
obstacle is the
enemy gun
ran into the
enemy guns
steady leakage of
energy from
higher consciousness and
learn how implosion
energy works
that intellect and
energy, just
motif, insertion of
energy, sperm
our spirit
ever be dulled
you would
ever be hurt
me should
ever be rushed
than she'll
ever be worth
could only
initiates will
man could
ever dream of
could have
everything they
everything you
other woman
than you've
ever dreamed of
the Pacific, pushing
ever eastward
deed will
of them
ever reach her
Did you
ever see, umm
than I'd
ever seen her
Have you
ever seen Krull
Have you
one has
ever seen one
need to check
every bulb
memorized every line,
every curve
a million dollars
kids are shot
they wanted it
those alimony checks
every month
a dollar in
and sold out
and thirst, amazed
ardent longing of
are open to
assigned themselves to
children choose morons,
death for nearly
have to earn
I can discern
I pee on
if not by
is fundamental in
listen patiently to
notebooks, he used
of them to
of those things,
Santa be at
song is killer,
the heart of
thing out of
Touched them
with instruction to
every one
that learns from
every One
God Bless Us,
Every One
I calmly parried
every thrust
fame is on
every tongue
and stifled at
confound Jerry at
fucking patience at
government at practically
New dangers surround
protected her at
subverts it at
thuggish demands at
unprepared reader at
every turn
boy and understood
but he meant
character dead at
I've obeyed
Naturally I disbelieved
personality pulsates in
to catch his
every word
it's different for
searching every star,
every world
of our least
evident features
to be an
excellent Keeper
You're an
excellent teacher
volunteering for
extra work either
itself is a
fair concealment
fair Ophelia
received type of
feminine genius
friend of hers needs her
friend of the people
C-sus, D-sus, E-sus,
F-sus, G-sus
General Grievous
for me, is
generally the
me, or the
generous cleavage
a just and
kind, decent, unfailingly
generous people
do for purely
generous reasons
death's dark night,O
gentle Jesus
the campfires of
gentle people
can bring, O
gentle Reader
work, we
get a creature
reactions I
get from people
you can
get some treatment
It could
get subpoenaed
get the real dirt
bite, you
get the treatment
where Mira
gets her spunkiness
Gretchen Wieners
and the
guest of eagles
Harold Leacher
That holds the
heavenly birth
not give the
Hebron Agreement
A hand-
held sub-machinegun
held the keys, sir
Helen Selina
help a weak one
I couldn't
help her either
help of the people
risks to
help other people
desire to
help the people
Help the people
proceed from a
helpless creature
a village, slaughtering
feel for beaten,
helpless people
the other
helps the people
Don't be
jealous, Jesus
dossier for Matthew
Keller, senior
He played
Kennedy once
was sometimes
kept a secret
creeds must be
kept subservient
he not
less the eagle
is often the
to take the
which was the
lesser evil
let her be loved
Let's hustle, people
let's just keel her
get weird
letters from people
people you
meant other people
measured people
office are not
medical people
in Germany for
medical reasons
selfless and dedicated
the aid of
medical research
to deport family
members either
keep alive the
memory of
new bike, if
memory serves
the earnest
men of research
that hate I
mentioned earlier
has high literary
merit either
terribly confused,
messed up people
Food for the
well-known, liberal, white
Methodist preacher
facilities and
methods of treatment
Patroness of the
Mexican people
on the
neck of Egypt
can practically
else it'll
never be done
which can
never be sung
I could
never beat her
man who is
never beaten
The conversion was
never completed
something you
things you'd
wit Did
never dream of
he has
Majestic 12
previous generations
these people
they have
world you've
you have
never dreamed of
could admire but
never equal
Surpassed, often, but
never equaled
Political leaders are
never leaders
will probably
never meet her
our weapons are
never needed
for it was
never retouched
never shut me up
never weakened
never knew my
parents either
that is a
Pedigree Chum
metabolic rate is
pleasantly stuck
pledge allegiance
much about your
precious people
the actual
presence of Jesus
in the
presence of people
of a small
present evil
contempt for the
present weakness
free of this
prevalent evil
That wasn't a
question either
and describes with
rare completeness
not being
read much neither
Read the procedure
Reginald Heber
Hans Kollwitz,
Regnery Pub
And granted, just
regular people
television during the
regular season
You're a
regular tweener
Render her speechless
rest of me, huh
rest of the people
rest of the season
rest of these scrubs
you become
restless, speed up
said a dirty word
I should have
mean what I
what I
said earlier
scared of me, huh
fails, comes to
second achievement
me to the
second reason
don't get a
partway through its
second season
Ben 10
Second Season
Second Treatise
send one of these twerps
cheapen any
sense of achievement
is the
sense of freedom
a definite
sense of procedure
sense of the seasons
place for no
sensible reason
a total substitute
sensory world
perceptions of any
sentient creature
massacred seventeen thousand
sentient creatures
trees, and Blue-Crossed
seven people
Doogie Howser for
seven seasons
is nearing the
seventh Needle
staying, had injured
several people
Several reasons
sound and
smell of people
smells funky, but
special creature
you a
special deal, huh
a lot of
one of those
to hurt other
special people
for a very
special reason
them in any
special sequence
all offers of
never asked for
the Jews get
them a little
to expect any
special treatment
first but growing
steadily worse
the secret
strength of freedom
strength of the people
two years and
swear allegiance
tell her a secret
Tell her what she's won
I wanna
tell other people
tell us we suck
order events in
temporal sequence
hoss like the
Tennessee stud
cause of a
terrible evil
reveal his own
to discover his
you know my
terrible secret
terribly hurt
his supporters for
their achievement
be proud of
their achievements
return soon to
their allegiance
moment selected for
their appeasement
or monks in
their cathedrals
only matched by
their clumsiness
lines in
their complete works
glasses sanitized for
their convenience
to do
their dirty work
stomach with
their funny stuff
to clean
their money up
to do
their police work
their objectives, but
their procedures
poisoning them with
their secretions
reminds them of
their ugliness
business unhassled by
their unbelievers
too, completed
their unseen work
I noticed
them earlier
I stole
them from Jesus
a few of
them succeeded
you trusted
them, the people
that greed,
then comes evil
cattle, and
then the people
you're nuts,
there's a secret
there's some green bug
Oh wait,
they're just peanuts
can barely
thread a needle
trying to
thread the needle
like the
threat of freedom
the way you
threated people
not nice to
threaten people
aspect of society
threatens freedom
things occur,Alarms are
triggered,Memories stir
Do you find
vengeance evil
for the
wealth of Egypt
taking our
weapons we must
in the
Western country of
the orbit of
Western freedom
them from many non-
Western peoples
Where's the cheetah
tyrants, the
yellers, the screamers
We're not
yet done either
with 1 extra syllable
accept, what she's done
them long ass
acceptance speeches
could use
against the demons
to stand
against the Legion
be used
being perpetrated
executive branch,
he was
heads plotting
against the people
against the world evil
warfare and violence
against unbelievers
a crime
against young people
was a very
against-police judge
which sustains your
apparent freedom
cry for no
house, without any
poisoned for no
stare for no
apparent reason
these years really
apparently stuck
asparagus season
the bad
the economic
aspects of freedom
the rostrum the
assembled people
assent of the people
awareness of evil
collect from such people
killer as their
commencement speaker
our larger
concept of freedom
a different
conception of freedom
is a
confession of weakness
consent of the people
didn't follow the
correct procedures
charges into desperately
defended beaches
particularly in an
election season
Underwear hurt
eleven people
the Two are
essentially one
to the
essentials of freedom
that day will
eventually come
the animals,
except the weasel
a minority of
exceptional people
know, I
expected some demon
expense of the people
preservation and
extension of freedom
desire, one could
foretell achievement
likely to last
stuck with it
forever, either
discovers the true
identity of
She was an
incredible creature
we have many
incredible people
fail through its
inherent weakness
bring it to
inspector Grega
instead of the b-word
accessible to all
apparent to all
of the highly
intelligent people
aloud by an
intelligent reader
why did you
intentionally hurt
to abolish this
lamentable evil
stop the
momentum of freedom
Or regular
numerical sequence
the living
perception of people
create the
perfect turnip peeler
which is
perfection of reason
half of my
potential readers
as she
prepares the needle
animals renders such
pretensions specious
Pitiful, little
Princess Serena
part of a
professional genius
for personal and
For, uh,
professional reasons
past condition when
prosperity comes
protect the ones we love
Protect The People
protect us from evil
him making his
protection speeches
The house
protects the dreamer
serves and
protects the people
protects us from reason
redress of a grievance
They don't
remember Peter
don't even
remember the season
Remember, people
respect what he's done
on the
subject of freedom
Hopeless encounters
successfully won
to be Captain
Suggestible either
town and
suppress the people
never really completely
surrender either
is the
suspension of freedom
themselves from the people
those who call
themselves Marxian
never got close
together, either
desperately serious
transcendence of evil
might be pure
transparent freedom
That's a
tremendous achievement
previously been
unquestioned, we learn
welfare of the people
Whatever must be done
did it for
we prefer for
whatever reason
succeed at
whatever she does
is, or
whatever the reason
officers as consultants
whenever needed
the spire of
Winchester Cathedral
withheld from the people
with 2 extra syllables
alone, and is
altogether evil
which they were
arbitrarily thrust
as the
citadel of evil
confidence of the people
be privately and
confidentially burnt
in their
document of freedom
generation of truly
fundamental feeders
That is a
gentlemen's agreement
in some remote,
inaccessible region
interest of the dealers
the potent, the
omnipresent teacher
God didn't make
polyester either
don't want any
no longer get
preferential treatment
recommended concealment
not, of necessity,
represent achievement
physical, bodily
resurrection of Jesus
Rockefeller, Sr
aside for any
the wall for
sentimental reasons
during moments of
sentimental weakness
evidence of chronic
temperamental weakness
with 3 extra syllables
drivers, bell boys,
delicatessen dealers
only copied their
experimental procedures