exact syllable matches
or is it
a fable
has to have
a label
go forward as
same thing of
that democracy enfeebled
the character of
a nation
all, what is
of which was
why I was
a painter
hail MacArthur as
a saviour
desirable quality in
a statesman
progress, and not
a station
feels an alien,
a stranger
Was not
a traitor
Englishman Hitler is
the cattle were
afraid of
nothing to be
things to be
ashamed of
fight laws which
curb labor
has been wrested
so far deceases
from nature
third-degree burns three
months later
of Russia and
the social state
of Asia
a given class
any given class
of cases
the oblong form
of chamber
in the hour
in this time
of danger
priorities and descriptions
of data
understand the consequences
of failure
surely no sort
of favour
a new definition
of man's signs
They are capable
of greatness
was the emotion
of hatred
be a sort
of label
capital and enemies
of labor
rights and interests
the reserve employer
of labour
at the rank
of major
for the socialism
the most democratic
of nations
about the secrets
against the laws
all a part
all the phenomena
all the powers
any known laws
by the laws
die, bloodsucking freaks
for the study
in the order
into the laws
into the works
of the knowledge
of the phenomena
Screw the rights
the first law
the immutable laws
the two poles
to the rest
of nature
effort and plenty
of patience
us the indifference
Why this abundance
of places
have a suit
of sables
for the safety
of strangers
the possession of
one nation
with the
one they love
foreign one in
such cases
but revived from
the ancients
found favor with
the angel
the side of
the angels
little depth to
the changes
be applied to
many cases by
the data
the best and
They are
the greatest
as well as
it is to
the hated
the personality of
the hater
an insult to
and continuance of
it is with
Japan and reconstructing
the bedrooms of
the conscience of
the service of
the nation
voting booths throughout
the Nation
our place among
the songs of
the nations
trying to massacre
the neighbors
the policy of
the paper
My mother was
physician than to
the patient
the doctrine of
the Quakers
communication open between
the races
sons of
the same earth
can actually change
the station
Static between
the stations
both sides of
the table
persecute and whip
the traitor
and we are
Down with
the traitors
clothe those who
were naked
with 1 extra syllable
Churchill made the
Franklin made the
above statement
agreement, not wars,
are recommending federalism
among nations
evil, the fallen
angel, Satan
case in the
Arab nation
a different and
make America a
better nation
tradition on the
Christian nations
he detected its off-
color nature
lance that Alexander
conquered Asia
armies and he
conquered nations
in spite of
countless failures
was keener, wittier,
deeper, greater
friends visit from
distant places
upon Americans as
dollar chasers
delicious I had
ever tasted
thought in his
final pages
I have no
final statement
corn produced by
foreign labour
instinctive reaction to
foreign nations
Francis Bacon
to cope with
future dangers
for bigger calamities,
grander failures
the day of
honest labor
striking success and
hopeless failure
than futile and
hopeless labor
blood nearly three
died approximately six
in hospital fourteen
hours later
I must reverence
the glory of
the tragedies of
human nature
of one's true
inner nature
be as centuries,
loaded, fragrant
we are no
longer strangers
another one 20
minutes later
fatal heart attack
moments later
principle which measures
moral greatness
be dominated by
the better of
Mother Nature
less indiscriminately in
other cases
aggression by any
to attack some
women than any
other nation
as class-conscious as
construction, like all
of attack from
require assistance to
other nations
not applicable to
other phases
should mix with
other races
we stay in
our chambers
blow up in
our faces
we will find
our greatness
gave birth to
inconceivable misery upon
It's destroying
objective of frightening
the future of
the threats to
our nation
youthful strength of
our Nation
non-aggression with all
our neighbours
will you abuse
our patience
We're a
peaceful nation
fruits of other
people's labour
does to the
person hated
Gerald Ford and
Ronald Reagan
plane crashed three
seconds later
the only and
sovereign agent
had sort of
standard phrases
appropriate their own
convert it into
surplus labour
according as the
weather changes
and the anti-Iranian
Western nations
demented black
woman came up
with 2 extra syllables
a piece of
another nation
Forces and I
congratulate 'em
terrific cataclysm of
destruction later
each has a
different basis
honest or a
dishonest tradesman
forget that
disorder may come
it galvanized an
sadness for our
silence enveloping the
entire nation
Ministerial office a
Liberal statesman
goal of true
national greatness
friendship with the
peaceable Quakers
Christ as your
personal Savior
still work for
starvation wages
for what the
subordinate does
the world, including
ungoverned spaces
aegis of the
Ambassador to the
existence of the
faith in the
participation in the
United Nations
with 3 extra syllables
disadvantage of the
American nation
eulogium of his,
benevolent patron
nation is a
compassionate nation
There are more
excitable races
there is an
invisible labour
distance by an
invisible player
is a very
remarkable statement
had disgraced the
Republican label
with 4 extra syllables
remind us of
aboriginal nature
sit at the
negotiation table