exact syllable matches

beard worm
beer gut
beer guts
beer nut
beer nuts
beer run
beer runs
beer up
beer worts
beered up
beers up
big bucks
Big Crunch
Big Drum
big girl
big girls
big gun
big guns
Big Love
big lug
big lugs
big of
big one
big ones
big up
big upped
big ups
big word
big words
bigged up
bigs up
bilge pump
bilge pumps
bill bird
bill birds
Bill Burr
Bill Pearl
bitch up
blick um
blink first
blissed up
brick up
bricked up
bricks up
bridge plug
bridge plugs
bring up
bringe um
brings up
Build up
builds up
built up
cheer up
cheers up
chill girl
chill girls
chin up
chink up
chip up
Chris Buck
clear cut
clear stuff
clear up
cleared up
clears up
clinch nut
clinch nuts
dear sir
dear sirs
Deer gun
Deer guns
dick munch
did lunch
did up
digs up
dim bulb
dim bulbs
dim sum
dim up
ding up
dish up
dished up
dring durch
drink run
drink runs
drink up
fill up
filled up
fills up
Fink truss
fish fur
fist bump
fist bumped
fist bumps
fist pump
fist pumped
fist pumps
fit up
fits up
fix up
fixed up
flip cup
flip turn
flip turns
flynt ston
frig up
gear up
gin up
ging durch
ging her
ging um
ginge durch
ginge her
ginge um
ginned up
gins up
give birth
give blood
give suck
give tongue
Give up
gives birth
gives up
grid girl
grid girls
griff durch
Griff Furst
griffe durch
hit up
hitch up
hits up
ill luck
ill turn
ill turns
in blood
in dern
in Dutch
in front
in funds
in love
In love
in pup
in sum
in touch
in turn
inch stuff
It girl
It girls
it up
kick butt
kick up
kicked butt
kicked up
kicks butt
kicks up
kid glove
kid gloves
kid stuff
Guards -
Kill her
kipp um
kiss curl
kiss curls
kiss up
kit glove
lick up
licked up
licks up
lift club
lift clubs
lift girl
lift girls
lift pump
lift pumps
lift up
lim sup
lim sups
link up
lip dub
lip dubs
lip plug
lip plugs
lit up
lived up
lives up
Liz Truss
mic up
mics up
milk churn
milk churns
milk crust
milk crusts
milk duct
milk ducts
milk jug
milk jugs
milk punch
milk run
milk runs
milk tongue
mince words
mis word
mist up
mix up
mix ups
mixed nuts
mixed up
near cut
near cuts
near term
near touch
nit nurse
pic vert
pick gun
pick guns
pick up
pick ups
picked up
picks up
pig run
pig runs
pill bug
pill bugs
pimp cup
pimp cups
pimp up
pin up
pink stern
pink sterns
pink up
piss up
piss ups
pissed up
pitch up
prick up
print up
prints up
Queer Duck
queer ducks
queer kens
queer up
quick buck
quick fuck
quick fucks
rear front
rear fronts
rear up
reared up
rears up
rid up
ring dove
ring doves
ring up
ringed dove
ringed doves
ringed worm
ringed worms
rings up
rip one
rip up
rips one
sheer hulk
sheer hulks
shift work
shit bird
shit birds
shit ton
shit tons
shit up
shrink up
shrinks up
sick club
sick clubs
sick up
silk serge
silt up
sing up
sings up
sit up
sit ups
sits up
skin up
skin worm
skin worms
slip up
slipped up
slips up
slit drum
slit drums
snitch up
snitched up
spear gun
spear guns
spiff up
spill blood
spin up
spins up
spit blood
spit curl
spit curls
spit up
spits up
split lunch
split stuff
split up
splits up
spring gun
spring guns
spring up
springs up
stick up
sticks up
stink bug
stink bugs
stink up
stitch up
stitched up
strich durch
string up
strings up
strip club
strip clubs
strip search
strip searched
swim trunks
swing churn
swing churns
switch up
switched up
sync up
teared up
thick stuff
think of
think up
thinks of
thinks up
this one
tig le
til dels
til slutt
Tim Buck
Tim Gunn
Tin Cup
tip up
tit fuck
tit fucked
tit fucks
tit up
tits up
trim up
trip up
tripped up
trips up
tritt um
twin tub
twin tubs
Vince Young
Vint Cerf
which one
whip up
whisk fern
whisk ferns
win up
winds up
Wing Chun
wing nut
wing nuts
winged word
winged words
wit word
witch hunt
witch hunts
with grunts
with what
with young
witte kerst
Year One
years young
zip cuffs
zip gun
zip guns
zip up

with 1 extra syllable

arctic front
arctic tern
arctic terns
ballses up
ballsing up
boxing glove
calling up
caustic curve
chalking up
coughing up
cropping up
garbage truck
garbage trucks
knocking up
locking up
logic curve
mocking bird
mopping up
optic nerve
popping up
starting up
talking drum
talking drums
walking fern
walking ferns
washing up