exact syllable matches
at night was
before, it's called
boat than crack
film, and as
heart-shaped shadow on
that day was
that it was
This is not
a book
a cock and
as boobs on
as tits on
calling an ox
like tits on
strong as
a bull
get stuck on
I piss on
rainfall falls on
a bush
Baron, you are
I am not
knew you was
Well, I'm not
You are
a crook
is working on
one's working on
they desperately want
We've got
a cure
if he was
a foot
a full
It's not
a good
A codfish on
a worm on
be hung on
hang me on
to snag on
a hook
Come and have
Come have
here and have
home and have
I wanna have
says I got
a look
black as
a Moor
A plus
a push
a snook
a dog and
I only saw
say, you are
You're not
a wolf
since I built a clock-
that anyone on
Berk could
birch wood
birch woods
brush wolf
brush wolves
burn book
burn books
but good
but pure
chuck full
club foot
club good
bad they want
done good
Dutch book
Dutch books
Dutch Schultz
in his Songs
From Books
a world far
from yours
front foot
fuck book
fuck books
it that Top
Gun look
gus bush
her achievements, not
where AUTUMN got
her looks
he cums on
her puss
going on and
just cook
The Trees are
just Wood
mug book
mug books
me a swack
of a lot
of books
is a crock
is a lot
of bull
a fat lot
and a lot
are a man
do a lot
done a lot
fat lot
you a lot
of good
get a lot
of looks
on a lot
of tours
like a doll
there were logs
with an ark
of wood
and that rod
at the top
be a part
big balls
hear that laugh
I missed all
in that God
is no God
that beautiful watch
that big talk
that bloody shark
that British charm
that dickweed boss
that goddamn son-in-law
that horrible cough
that little workshop
that lost past
they become part
with that mask
of yours
I thought
one could
Remember, on
standing up on
to land on
one foot
one foots
one's yours
Plum Book
rough book
rough books
rug pull
rug pulls
run book
run books
scrub bull
scrub bulls
Some bad,
some good
stud book
stud books
sun cure
sun cures
a ban on
administrators and dropped
I want
it says on
lays hands on
shouldn't have brought
the reader, not
Tobey drops
the book
black ink on
can concentrate on
confidence game on
Destroy all
fictional characters on
finished burning all
getting paid off
has written all
health code on
I've read all
now have on
of laws on
piling up on
Strictly off
suddenly appear on
the books
praise it, not
the cooks
the Hunter's mark,
you we are
the cure
a panel along
You belong on
the foot
his emphasis on
over rudely on
to focus on
the good
and who's got
I've got
That boy's got
Truck stops are
the goods
his head on
No, not
the hood
That's worse than
The Hood
been ringing off
bling is off
get him off
Get McGee on
ha, that was
I was off
I'm off
it was off
let her off
let myself off
let people off
let them off
let you off
let yourself off
lets me off
lets them off
letting you off
Now, I'm on
phone, back on
ring off
Ringing off
Smith is off
So you're off
to be off
you are off
You're not off
You're off
the hook
Where are
the hooks
Peggy, you got
the pulse, not
the look
the talks and
We both got
the looks
baying out on
the stock, and
when out on
the moors
-- the awe,
the pull
to Rhineland and
the Ruhr
good players on
the tour
got you on
the Tour
fight off
the wolves
be featured on
The Wood
touch wood
let another heart
touch yours
touched wood
emotion from children's pop-
up books
up yours
were wolf
were wolves
what good
You want
what's yours
whorl foot
expected that that
world would
with 1 extra syllable
action could
actions would
something that happens
after you're
Alan Moore
Alan Wolfe
certainly a much
altered book
apple crook
apple crooks
the ones that
aren't cooked
Even the locals
aren't sure
Night howlers
aren't wolves
for ideas that
Those memories, they
aren't yours
do, as an
artist would
unlike any other
author's books
still say you're
awful good
made out of
balsa wood
of John the
Baptist pure
the earls and
barons should
Basil Hood
of the actual
Bollard pull
running like a
Brahma bull
cabin hook
cabin hooks
cancer bush
Captain Cook
Captain Cooks
Carder Bush
chapter book
chapter books
Colliers Wood
advantage, to the
arts for the
behalf of the
best for the
care of the
concerned with the
co-operation for the
dangers defined our
Devotion to the
elements of the
fighting for the
interest of the
interests of the
is only one
labour for the
life to their
mankind towards a
meaning of the
mischief to the
only for the
ostensibly for the
prosperity and the
pursuit of a
responsibility and the
sacrificed for the
strangulation of the
that ensure the
that seeks the
the only real
them for our
to achieve the
to further the
to promote the
to secure the
to their highest
together for the
understanding of our
yield to the
common good
Common good
Collapse of the
Governments, and the
idea of the
servant of the
the happiness of
Towards the
Common Good
promotion of the
common good,
common goods
their most recent
concert tour
harm themselves on
their minds in
cotton wool
cotton wools
that I'm not
think I was
damaged goods
than my dumbass step-
daughter would
not a thousand
dollars good
run away, your
father would
You sold like
father's goods
I'm Vasco de
Gama, you're
gather wool
thought she was
What are you
gonna cook
anyone else is
Are you
where am I
gonna look
I ain't even
gotta look
really pop a
hamster good
harder put
hardest put
Harper Woods
that place was
Harper's Woods
it was an
honest book
let's take an
honest look
hoppus foot
it for the
larger good
desired, not just
lawful good
heaven is no
longer pure
streets are no
longer yours
it has a
Mahdist look
was destroyed at
Marston Moor
your date with
Martin Brooks
naughty ones were
often good
occasion, and he
often would
the way they
oughta look
package tour
package tours
her the Vance
Packard books
Paddock Wood
Parsons Cooke
platter pull
platter pulls
tastes and all
pocket books
and published by
Pocket Books
in the Harry
Potter book
in the Harry
of the Harry
Potter books
universe than a
potter could
must make that
promise good
rabbit foot
a paper on
engineer and scientist,
the attention of
with his assistant
Robert Hooke
bait to trap
Brian Plant as
Calvert Tooley plays
children's version of
Errol Flynn as
I am
I chastise
I despise
once betrothed to
our mutual friend,
over your beloved
people called him
Suddenly, everybody loves
the job of
there is no
want to save
We are
We are like
Robin Hood
Robin Hoods
non-fiction book by
Robin Moore
Roger Moore
One lousy,
rotten look
their burrows in
rotten wood
sandthorn bush
on my flying
saucer tour
training, no more
Sergeant Moore
Colonel Klink or
Sergeant Schultz
approves of good
solid books
taken on a
somber look
they were the
though they were
sovereign goods
There's a
stalker book
Stamford Brook
Thomas Brooks
Thomas Hood
Moore, especially George
Thomas Moore
always think of
Thomas Wolfe
straight on like
Thomas would
travel book
travel books
George Herbert
Walker Bush
do you
wanna look
could say, it
new jobs, that
wasn't good
Because I
name but I
Still, I
wasn't, but I
wasn't sure
Don't worry, it
took something that
was mine, it
wasn't yours
water cure
to keep the
waters pure
waxen wode
with 2 extra syllables
cassava wood
it is I,
Grandfather Wolf
with 3 extra syllables
eighth treatise of
first treatise on
six treatises of
Aristotle's book
Nicaragua wood