exact syllable matches

a very
able man, Mr
, and, yes,
A caricature of
Adolf Hitler and
among these was
and King and
and that elected
ass out of
Assassination of
at Disneyland alongside
Beecher Stowe and
birth of President
claiming to be
Collected Works of
commander in chief
early life of
flag, George Washington,
He thinks he's
heroic spirit of
his mission than
in American history,
is new of
often misattributed to
our great president,
ourselves up like
supreme accomplishment was
thank God for
The assassination of
the children of
the days of
the ghost of
the heart of
the life of
the party of
the principles of
the United States,
This man was
to Say About
was defeated by
White House with
wind up with
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincolns
cinnamon Hitler, he's
Abraham Nixon
Abraham Simpson
emphasize the
age of characters
in our
age of transition
ancient and wicked
modern Edessa, the
ancient capital
by the
cadence and rhythm
with this
chain of transmitters
by the
date of baptism
day, a man, Mr
The friendly
face of fascism
detailed backgrounds,
faces and figures
a total
failure an injun
flavor, as it were
by Miss
Fraser and Mr
Graham Allison
Laser Lass is just
A moment
later Flash returns
Madan Lal Dhingra
made from waxed linen
make a bad thing worse
genes to
make the bacteria
biomolecules to
easy to
make the transition
with my
Maker and Redeemer
Hattie Jacques' hospital
matron characters
naked and fearless
name of that river
Nation and its people
nation as its leader
a united
nation, and Mr
foreigner in our
here around our
sit in the
situation of the
nation's capital
partnership of
nations has begun
bridge between
nature and spirit
a gentle
nature that fitted
them is a
painful chastisement
is only a
painful transition
should be a
painters ambition
patience has limits
patience, and with love
are worse
places than prison
player characters
Balinese cymbal
players that Mr
a wide
range of characters
the rental
rate of capital
Kramer, Miss
Raynor and Mr
lance, carbine,
saber and pistol
same perhaps with evil
same terms that Mr
same word as dimple
about our
Savior and Redeemer
say the magic word
say the magic words
priests and
shamans and wizards
staple characters
state of an infant
in a
state of transition
state such as Israel
statement had been heard
fact is
sometimes is
truth is
stranger than fiction
Stranger Than Fiction
at your
table and listen
will soon
take the Capital
Assault to
take the capitol
They come back with drugs
they learned as children
beloved hand
traced the characters
Wait a damn minute
wake up and listen
in the
way of ambition

with 1 extra syllable

Always the Capitol
Australia antigens
control eating
behavior has emerged
create a magic world
monster you
created has returned
creation, as it were
detail of facts is needed
developing theories,
equations, and systems
provinces Macedonia,
Galatia, and Syria
is to
invade the Capital
locator transmitter
locator transmitters
dialectal terms
miration and mirate
merchandise featuring popular
Pokemon characters
people, and
reclaim the capital
violence by sick,
ungrateful Africans
are as
ungrateful as children

with 2 extra syllables

to a
conversation at Mr
turn the
conversation, that Mr
and omniscient,
dedicated and fearsome
and therefore semi-
dehydrated and shrivelled
soared to an
estimated half-million
Gainsborough duly
estimated that Mr
some, with
indignation and disgust
is responsible for
information transmission
world's top
innovators and thinkers
impact and
intonation and rhythm

with 3 extra syllables

variety of obligately host-
associated bacteria
same devoted
determination and vigour
exaggerations have spring up
to constant
humiliation and ill-treatment
organization, can defeat us

with 4 extra syllables

excommunication have been repulsed
for exclusion,
marginalisation and stigma