exact syllable matches

all the cradles
all the tables
all the way up
alma maters
ana pana
my spot
are much greater
obvious, as
are the dangers
mobiles and
Arp the stabiles
bargain agent
bargain agents
bargain basement
bargain basements
bobbin laces
bollock naked
bonded labor
bonded labors
bonded labour
bonded labours
to an unprecedented rock-
bottom basis
call of nature
question was
called a traitor
calls of nature
carbon paper
carbon papers
cartridge paper
cartridge papers
caucus races
chocolate faces
Remember that
chocolate rain, huh
closet cases
column spaces
commerce raider
commerce raiders
common raven
common ravens
concha nasal
red, Crabs have
copper-based blood
Cost of labor
Cost of labour
cottage bacon
Cotton Dana
cotton stainers
Dark persuasion
upon Americans as
dollar chasers
Donald J Trump
rise and
fall of nations
was from God's
fallen angel
fallen angels
false acacia
false acacias
to finite and
flawless data
Garden Acres
garden patience
Gonna play dumb
Because Scott's
gonna save us
I was
gonna say fur
That's not
gonna take much
too similar and
got frustrated
Winnipeg Jets and
Hartford Whalers
our noses at
honest labor
knob mudalia
knowledge bases
kwa kawaida
Law of nations
aspect and
not a
was the
law of nature
Law of nature
are the
Both are
called the
certain laws,
laws of nature
call the
laws of Nature
Laws of nature
on a
lot of makeup
radar at
lots of places
marble paper
marble papers
Market Drayton
Market failure
market failures
market maker
market makers
market places
Shawn Wayans and
Shawn Wayans, and
Marlon Wayans
Martha Graham
modern name, from
have existed as
modern nations
movie cameras and
monster make-up
Monster take one
And that's
I am
we are
not a failure
she was
not a faker
not a great one
I am
not a hater
progress, and
not a station
not a traitor
She had
the Traveler had
not awakened
her illness was
not contagious
We have
not cut wages
by heart,
not from nature
not just bagels
I am
not persuaded
you and
not the nation
pen and
not the paper
Not the stranger
that republics are
not ungrateful
not what they were
More on that
novel later
cut man
off from nature
coitus are
is not
nothing that's
off the table
rejection of an
offered Saviour
critical and box
office failures
mine, then, and
often later
of recognition was
the truth was
often painful
you are
you stand
on a table
on first name terms
on first-name terms
on girl break up
on her face, drunk
on occasion
on the face of
you and
on the paper
on the same terms
final attack
on the Satans
board and
on the station
Applications are
book was
breakfast was
her cards
his balls
light falls
no salt
our cards
questions back
the box
the cards
the cash
your hands
on the table
on the way, huh
Ossa Mayor
parchment paper
parchment papers
all a
Viruses are
part of nature
Parus major
problem spaces
problem statement
problem statements
Or it'll cause
problems later
product placement
product placements
Proper name from
rob the cradle
Workers are
robbed of wages
Robert Graham
Robert Hayden
Robert Kagan
Robert Leighton
hand that
rocks the cradle
Roger Bacon
Gerald Ford and
Ronald Reagan
rosin paper
rosin papers
Rozen Maiden
Sama Veda
the Ass
Saw the Angel
sergeant baker
sergeant bakers
sergeant major
sergeant majors
sergeants major
Slaughter, hatred
soccer player
soccer players
solid phases
the only and
sovereign agent
spada laser
start of page one
race that
stops a nation
swamp azalea
swamp azaleas
adversity has
taught us patience
Thomas Nagel
is that
top bunk taken
trauma naked
walk away from
Walter Pater
the Macintosh
was a failure
was a statement
was just painful
was the name of
was the safe word
knew the dam
was unstable
wasn't Angel
moment was
watch the Mayor
water breaker
water breakers
water gauges
needle, girdle, and
water strainer
water table
water tables
water vapor
water vapors
Watergate, learn

with 1 extra syllable

batata vada
devoir sur table
devoirs sur table
Jakarta Raya