exact syllable matches

train and
blow me up
bo bian
boat people
boll weevil
boll weevils
bone seeker
bone seekers
bore needle
bore needles
and I are
both cretins
close season
close seasons
coby dup
of logic and
cold reason
cold treatment
cold treatments
colt evil
cosied up
cosies up
cosy up
courtly love
better mother than
Courtney Love
cozy up
crow eater
crow eaters
dhobi dust
don't leave us
Don't we, girls
make owls pass
for eagles
may stand
for either
for good, not
for evil
for America and
guy that stands
passion of man
the working class
those who long
We fought
why we fought
for freedom
And as
for Jesus
it's hard
for me but
as well as
doing small jobs
for people
And as
whole hero's arc
for Peter
against nature and
for happiness and
for reason
own confession, and
for reasons
said it was
for research
arose a demand
for teachers
it last
with Carla
for three months
and an ad
for Visa
form genus
it, It cost
forty bucks
than eight hundred and
Yukon during all
four seasons
Four Seasons
Fourteen Words
George Beadle
George Friedman
ghost pieces
go fever
goal keeper
goal keepers
still the hat
goes deeper
gold fever
gold fevers
gold pieces
Wizard, and Al
Gore, Sr
catacombs, it was
holy dust
holy fuck
holy fudge
a perfect and
holy Judge
O chaste and
holy love
a fierce and
holy word
Home Sweet Dump
home teacher
home teachers
home teaches
So, come on
home, Peter
horned screamer
horned screamers
Jo Freeman
jodi a
Joe Dever
Joerg Rieger
joey word
joey words
an image on
joke t-shirts
who do not
know either
gastro-, from and -
logy, from
Lord Keeper
Lord Keepers
low season
low seasons
molt de gust
moni pung
But Islam was
more equal
better life and
more freedom
grow fiercer and
more frequent
kill a lot
Suddenly, there are
more people
is a lot
more streakers
most useful and
when it was
when they are
most needed
about ourselves than
and understanding than
Better than
different things than
do better than
emotional equilibrium than
however, am not
idealistic allegiances as
more alive than
More educated than
my belt than
most people
it, it was
mostly luck
We want
no Caesars
No messy car,
no cleaner
daemons, there are
no daemons
the tongue and
no deeper
I have
no equal
things that have
no features
parts there was
poor and has
no freedom
the sex had
no genius
cab will have
no heater
revolution-waiting-to-happen has had
no leader
now, I have
no people
no preachment
It has
there was
no reason
There are
no reasons
case, it was
him, that was
wish there was
no secret
No chalk,
no teachers
men, neither gods
nor demons
North Region
nose pieces
are children and
by housewives and
like mothballs and
old people
only just
The alien that
only loves
could be lost
Howard get mad
only once
and object are
one thing and
then there was
visible light was
without exception, have
only one
proceedeth from an
only One
and oldest and
have remained an
I was an
son of an
only son
God's one and
only Son
only sons
most, stop at
only words
city, not gods
or demons
or freedom
niggers, kikes, wops,
or greasers
had ever thought
or reasoned
a given match
or season
right at an
orgy once
phoney up
phoneys up
phony up
pole cleaver
pole cleavers
poll evil
poll evils
ponied up
ponies up
pony truck
pony trucks
pony up
mixed with salt
pork, seasoned,
Port Vila
pro mia
road steamer
road steamers
rose fever
rosy tern
rosy terns
Rotes Meer
rove beetle
rove beetles
shore teetan
shore teetans
short meter
short sleeper
short sleepers
so I can't
show cleavage
could not
show me love
the Hungarian and
Slovene word
slow lemur
slow lemurs
smoke eater
smoke eaters
These people are
so evil
the Morgan was
so lethal
it was all
so peaceful
So please, just
thou hast
sold me none
Sophie Monk
peace, hard fought,
sorely won
Soul Eater
source region
source regions
Dean and Sam
story sucks
thorny worm
he smashing all
those beetles
What are
those creatures
Those creatures
about among all
those creepers
himself, and
those he loves
back to all
been killing all
cut loose all
didn't kill all
else killed all
followed me, all
for all
He saved all
I killed all
I mean, all
Look at all
Oh God, all
same flag as
say screw all
Seriously, screw all
Tanner and all
Who are
Who are all
Yeah, there are
you is all
you killed all
those people
And punishment on
those peoples
those pieces
No better than
those Reapers
It's ALL
those reasons
ourselves and
those we love
Throne Speeches
Toby jug
Toby jugs
Toby mush
Toby Young
torque meter
Totes Meer
war leader
ward heeler
ward heelers
whole shebangs
book is not
wholly just
Wolke sieben
Lord, through all
your creatures
never kill all
Your revenge and
your demons
dog is not
your equal
You want
your freedom
Is that
your Jesus
I am
your leader
your water-dancing and
your Needle
could never understand
I want
of yourself and
people to call
These are
your people
and ham on
it up on
your pizza
you have lost
your reason
a lid on
your secret
I am not
now I am
pass sentence on
your teacher
They have harassed
weeks, we're not
your teachers
This was
your treason
conscience and that's
to play on
your weakness

with 1 extra syllable

inaccurate they were
almost lethal
It may
also be a
fail and
also be cursed
It may
surname can
also be from
Food may
also be served
also deedless
also kleven
as le is
also needed
also weever
The extended form
also yielded
James Gall and
Arno Peters
a bow and
arrow people
barcode reader
barcode readers
calzone From
exhibition of found
cardboard pieces
language of the
spoken in the
Congo region
soul to the
crossroads demon
Follow me, girl
just supposed to
follow people
wanted to
follow these girls
hired servants and
followed Jesus
the way
Gao E works
pixies is some
hardcore evil
Snape is a
Hogwarts teacher
can't stand are
hollow people
the wrong
lamppost here, chum
longhorn beetle
longhorn beetles
mango weevil
mango weevils
oppo research
Shadow Fever
starship of the
Shadow people
Sniffs, Shifters,
Shadows, Bleeders
in the in
Stockholm, Sweden
earth would
if to
swallow me up

with 2 extra syllables

, and
Ricardo Chiva
tobacco beetle
tobacco beetles

with 3 extra syllables

Colorado beetle
Colorado beetles
and precedent cannot
overshadow reason

with 4 extra syllables

Rombo Constituency in
Kilimanjaro Region