exact syllable matches

1 per Thousand
to give Farnsworth-
A a flower
a birdhouse From
fixing to deliver
a pronouncement
Brilliant yellow, like
a sunflower
age as
finished as
peace as
position as
status as
a world power
written perpendicularly from
above downward
could be recognized
among thousands
rest a
bunch of flowers
naturally curious
but about what
of doctrine,
of weakness
of weakness,
but of power
but the brown ones
butter flower
butter flowers
and structures that
buttress power
had given her
certain powers
claims of the
church's founders
great football
club of ours
drifts across the dun-
coloured houses
coloured vowel
coloured vowels
the people
come the power
rescue victims and
confront Bowers
conserve power
to combat that
corrupt power
garage for a
start for a
that in a
couple hours
upstairs for a
culpa hours
custom houses
customs houses
they're gonna
cut the power
Wait that
doesn't sound fun
Ernest Dowson
water rises
from a fountain
A macaw
From macao, from
order and
from the Council
From the flower
taken over
from the founder
from the ground first
from the ground up
a spirit
from the mountain
rolling down
from the mountains
From the noun rus
From the noun thurst
From the noun werk
red revolution
from the power
suddenly heard
from the tower
give a
fuck about her
Her son found her
Uh-huh, uh-
huh, surrounded
brightness than a
hundred flowers
amounted to one
hundred, or a
maybe even a
more than a
one million, five
the other couple
You mean five
hundred thousand
I could find
hundreds, thousands
this isn't
just about us
kutcha houses
actuated by
into the
mean the
or disguised
love of power
replace the
Love of Power
replaces the
Love Of Power
loved the flowers
for the
lust of power
her grandpa on
Muffle Mountain
of coloured and
numbered counters
of a cow once
last pact
the act
too much
of a coward
I'm kind
of a downer
of a drowned one,
and awe
the awe
the promise
of a flower
on top
shadow side
the side
of a mountain
soldier out
of a scoundrel
cases out
him out
the job
of a thousand
the top
of a tower
an entire planet
of accountants
a large amount
an indispensable ingredient
as a result
of heliotrope than
to a mass
to the invention
of gunpowder
last semblance
lost part
the foundations
us some
of her power
the absence
of such power
forms part
of the aufwuchs
the conclusion
of the council
by order
Lord President
the president
of the Council
to several
of the Counsel
the cost
of the flower
do one
jewel-bright recesses
the progress
white coloration
of the flowers
The Angel
of the Flowers
the demands
the man
of the hour
of the hours
of some
of the houses
become part
Human side
mountain, cat
on top
other side
ritual worship
the top
of the mountain
the Religion
of the Mountain
high part
monumental lines
the foundations
the middle
the tops
of the mountains
clear idea
no thought
presentation and
of the outcome
working class
of the outskirts
and definition
of the power
Joint Declaration
of the Powers
of the round world
coming down
getting out
gotten out
stepped out
of the shower
by either
of the spouses
the bite
of the sprouter
the Yin-Yang
of the Taoists
one out
the ranks
of the thousand
the top
of the tower
with one
of the towers
of the town of
strongest predictor
of worse outcome
long as
one of ours
heart, soul, and
other bowels
other brown one
roses, or some
other flower
Jefferson, Madison, and
other Founders
support of the
other houses
checked by some
other power
can burn all
of all our
to use my
other powers
got hit, the
other tower
Get the fuck
out of--
Persian powder
Pluck the flower
that vaccination has
preserved thousands
Two cups all
purpose flour
run afoul of
was Lenin of
Russian power
becomes the
scourge of ours
prized beyond the
sculptured flower
Serpens Cauda
has become
they had
such a power
sulfur shower
sulfur showers
sulphur shower
sulphur showers
summer flounder
summer flounders
blossom of the
summer hours
summer houses
roofs of the
sunken houses
supper hour
supper hours
other than
the avowed ones
clock on
the church tower
cardinal beyond
the first power
do like
the hug-out hug
the faith of
the pronouncement
skydiving off
the Trump Tower
foundation of
the Trump Towers
participle of
the verb clouter
some of
the worst outcomes
bought a
ton of flowers
trumpet flower
trumpet flowers
It's about
trust, about love
turf accountant
turf accountants
know nothing of
Turner's powers
Twirl around once
sometimes produce an
unjust outcome
an instrument of
unjust power
be driven
can walk
up a mountain
can't shut
up about rum
own path
your Sherpa
up the mountain
upper houses
Synchronically a
verbal noun from
Verbal noun from
verbal noun of
Verbal noun of
interpreted as
verbal nouns from
Vernon Howard
What about Earth
what about her
a minute,
breathing and
what about us
what about, um
no matter
what the outcome
won the House Cup
wondrous power
another unkind
word about her
ready a
word about Us
in the
world about guns
with the
world about us
beautiful, glorious
building a
observes the
world around her
about the
and the
at the
explain the
in the
of the
the physical
the visible
understand the
understanding the
universe, the
with the
world around us
and mysterious
of a
this trivial
world of ours
me was
worth a thousand
worth the powder

with 1 extra syllable

and climbed
above the mountains
be an
actor around her
when in the
actual shower
when inserted
after a vowel
after the founder
a towel
after the shower
assure themselves,
after the showers
commentary look like
amateur hour
amateur hours
rough play
shall feed
among the flowers
illicitly distilled
wound away
yet heard
among the mountains
roared on an
angelless mountain
animal flower
animal flowers
be open for
Ceremony isn't for
court at least
for at least
It'll be
Let him buy
noon isn't for
to rent for
We'll give them
you've still got
another hour
climber there's always
another mountain
was destroyed by
another power
James will need
another shower
in the
anthers of flowers
been inhibited by
does not produce
anxious arousal
a new
change the
for a
That's the
balance of power
or desirable
Balance of power
he had
blotted a thousand
go completely
bonkers around her
bright with
boxes of flowers
Capture the scoundrel
not with the
castle surrounded
in the Northern
Caucasus mountains
Because I'm
certain about us
opening to
challenge US power
can't I
channel her powers
chartered accountant
chartered accountants
Blume, another
Diaz, a
client of ours
touch, and
color the hours
gardens for their
colorful flowers
submitted to
confer the power
fence every
for a
her another
in a
than a
the next
there a
couple of hours
just a
couple of thousand
Everyone is
crowded around her
meaning of transnational
wielding political and
with political and
cultural power
at the
darkness around us
the huts into
fabulous houses
federal council
resting peacefully under
giant sunflowers
gonna work out first
be sustained by
of humanity against
government power
buzz and
happen around her
Ya shoulda
hired a bouncer
eaten in hash-
houses, a thousand
times, five
hundred, a thousand
hundred, one thousand
lives by
there are
hundreds of thousands
Hundreds of thousands
you,O formidable
jungle of ours
language of flowers
played by actor
Malcolm McDowell
Mama's sunflowers
than just a mild-
mannered accountant
will be a
marvelous hour
organization of
matter around us
in a
matter of hours
exercise and demonstrate
maximum power
before the
Mother of Mountains
mother of thousands
to the
Mountain of Power
You are the
murderer, coward
key is our
national power
expense of rival
national powers
National or Canada's
National Tower
forth its own
natural power
natural vowel
natural vowels
his breakthrough
novel, The Rounders
a truant
officer found us
all those
and change
others around us
outnumbered, outgunned
all the
suck the
oxygen out of
the unseen but
palpable powers
pelican flower
pelican flowers
the exercise of
popular power
the dolphins
prefer the mountains
possible complications and
probable outcomes
make a
production out of
one thousand
roentgen per hour
was a
servant of ours
in the
service of power
but the
smallest amount of
of the
structure of power
temporal hour
temporal hours
age into
thousands of flowers
Hundreds of
thousands of hours
Thousands of thousands
a peaceful
about a
transfer of power
is not a
triumphant power
happy at the
well worth the
what is the
ultimate outcome
to summon the
will give us
With that
ultimate power
face-to-face with the
to take the
who holds the
will seize the
Ultimate Power
They have
uncertain outcomes
got ducks
I-I hid
She's hiding
the cupboard
under the counter
false image
under the mountain
wasn't about words
beauty and
wonder about us
worships the Outward

with 2 extra syllables

abdominal pouches
plants and
animals around us
posting those
articles about us
canonical hour
canonical hours
Christopher McGowan
remove a
Commander from power
share the
corruption of ours
by the
corruption of power
freedom for socially
desirable outcomes
Doth thou
desire the power
these driving
desires of ours
will help
determine the outcome
There's somethin'
was something
different about her
was profoundly
different from ours
operate in
different worlds, Coulson
skeptical and
distrustful of power
a real
elegance about her
obtain the most
favorable outcome
that's a very
generous allowance
who are
ignorant about us
seen as an
impersonal power
inviting the
insolence of power
as an
instrument of power
, 10
kilometers south of
with a
minimum of power
had he any
miraculous powers
it is a
miserable coward
misery of a
miserable hour
survive the
monuments of power
I'm very
passionate about, uh
Doctor Get More
Reasonable Hours
in trying
regardless of outcome
great factor, a
remarkable power
know the
righteousness of power
landlord a terrible
sacramental power
liar, a
slanderer, a scoundrel
get my
tentacles around her
ancient, mystic
transference of power
of the
universe around us
them different
vegetables from ours
Khanqah, mosque and
vernacular houses

with 3 extra syllables

approximates the sound of
before he's
comfortable around girls
public for their
that has a
considerable power
on by a
demoniacal power
in the
environment around her
affects the
for the
environment around us
a malicious and
incorrigible scoundrel
and decay,And Death's
indomitable power
boundaries of our
ineluctable power
leading to one
inevitable outcome
its overwhelming and
inexhaustible power
source of the
Intelligible Powers
irresponsible daubers
unjustified, uncontrolled and
irresponsible power
very important
particulars from ours
towards sexual
reproduction, a flower
Supernatural power
credit him with
Do you claim
that gives him
think you have
supernatural powers
to lawless and
unaccountable power
been blessed with
unfathomable powers

with 4 extra syllables

wield a not
inconsiderable power
a jealous
monopolizer of power
the effects of
motivational arousal