exact syllable matches
the world -
a woman
Has Seen
a Blood Sugar
Is she
a drug pusher
flies off
a manure truck
United States, or
a scrubwoman
Oobleck on
a subwoofer
a third Bush term
bird for
don't become
I impregnated
skull of
to mean
Very obviously
was not
wedding with
who coaches
world as
a young woman
he fucked an
masquerading as an
adult woman
That's two
bucks a bullet
bumper bullet
bumper bullets
but a good drunk
but a good one
should have
but one woman
comes a bullet
Then along
comes a woman
comes the bullet
for a
the proverbial
cup of sugar
training-the corrosive
curse of Europe
cut some wood first
like to
cut up hookers
double plural
double plurals
double pulsar
double pulsars
dum dum bullet
dum dum bullets
and the illegal
Dum-Dum bullets
Let's give
'em some sugar
Muslim immigrants who've
flooded Europe
heard that
I came
no orders
received that
take orders
takes orders
from a woman
a backformation
from the plural
reconquer Europe
from the Urals
provided with a
German plural
pathos, her womanliness,
her bravura
Start with a
hundred push-ups
Jungle Woman
is not
just a woman
cling to
just one woman
man can
you really
love a woman
have only
life you've
loved one woman
a man
loves a woman
at a
lump of sugar
with two
lumps of sugar
only a
mother could love
and tear my
mother's bosom
photographs of a
murdered hooker
cats and a
of a elderly
murdered woman
muscle woman
an aggrieved divorced
Muslim woman
the flight
the impact
way out
of a bullet
of a good grudge
the concept
of a hooker
of a pure blood
of a pure one
of a vulva
the story
of a wolfcub
a hell
a portrait
as those
be less
greatest virtue
it's true
man and
miserable grinch
natural fragrance
old age
overflowing glacier
recuperative powers
the allure
the body
the eyes
the flower
the foot
the form
the hands
The Madonna-Whore-Quotient
the perfume
the thighs
the voice
the widowhood
very essence
of a woman
The Word
of a Woman
some kind
with any degree
of assurance
persuasive as full
of bravura
special decree
of der Fuehrer
the capaciousness
of her bosom
answer out
of her fullness
of her tour bus
the possibility
of mature love
the word
of one woman
of the book comes
of the book world
French equivalent
of the Booker
in front
the way
of the bullet
them clear
of the bulwarks
emerges out
of the bushes
the wife
of the Fuhrer
of the good ones
of the good stuff
of the good Word
in front
reminder sketch
of the mural
standard spelling
of the plural
the basis
of the sugar
the body
of the tourist
concentrations west
of the Urals
anterior portion
of the vulva
That time
of the wolf-month
of the wolf's fur
economic function
man, husband
sexual health
the forehead
the level
of the woman
forceful character
of the woodcut
came out
come out
coming out
creatures out
foraging out
jump out
scurrying out
of the woodwork
Wadewitz was
one such woman
expressed by
one young woman
other good ones
up by that
other hooker
I'm just the
never blame the
you with this
You're the
other woman
can protect each
other, Brooklyn
in the first
occur in the third-
person plural
person plurals
Shangani is the
preferred plural
your ass on
purple cushions
rubber bullet
They're bullets, they're
rubber bullets
tall, slender, pale-skinned
Russian woman
her substitute, a
servant woman
served a full term
in the
slum a hoodlum
a person
someone could love
I prayed
someone would come
and Allied Forces
in Central and
Southern Europe
it to
stuff a cushion
Such a good word
epitome of
her, for
look at
such a woman
you're a
surfer, you're done
term assurance
cornered by
the Butt Woman
biblical Eve,
of EVE
the first woman
any help to
the Mathura
looking for
the one woman
he's ever
touched a woman
she was a
troubled woman
Uncle Sugar
Oh shit, it
understood us
up the good work
though she
were a woman
What's a good word
what's the good of
a match for
Catwoman or
coming for you,
dressed up like
Feminism made
gods are dead,
guy to get
I'm married to
My name is
war, you call
was the real
with the actual
you hear me,
Wonder Woman
The world needs
works, but you're done
He ain't
worth the bullet
Young, dumb, full of
go with a
her for a
man with a
of a much
remarried a much
younger woman
with 1 extra syllable
acid of sugar
She's an
son of an
actual woman
Here comes
to ever catch
another bullet
Water -
another good one
a baby with
a hotel with
as look at
be attracted to
be recharging with
caught him with
dating out with
fruit punch on
had sex with
he talks to
him sleeping with
husband's children by
in love with
is infatuated by
Is it
it's not with
lay eyes on
left her for
left me for
live-in relationship with
make out with
off sleeping with
saw Lester with
saw me with
shot dead by
so fast with
to bound with
to talk to
trapped inside of
was and with
was bewitched by
another woman
seen such an
arrogant woman
after the
Battle of Worcester
a good and
am the most
being a devastatingly
combination makes a
for such a
intercourse with a
is a very
is such a
love of a
love to a
not born a
see such a
she was a
she's a young
sister is a
time with a
to view a
touch of a
up with a
who marries a
with a very
beautiful woman
out and
watch her
become a woman
Become the goodness
but rather
becomes, a woman
bitten the bullet
the dim
borders of Europe
caliber bullets
in the
Center of Europe
our minds of human-
centered compulsions
Chanukah bushes
is 3
children per woman
Tiny pebbles of
cinnamon sugar
of our
corner of Europe
Council of Europe
and a
couple of bullets
lonely, unhappy, often
difficult woman
some unknown
distance from Europe
two million
dollars a bullet
woman and the
elephant woman
called the
era of woman
Essence of goodness
man that
ever loved woman
used for the
feminine plural
man, no purely
feminine woman
used to
finger a woman
fragmentation of a
frangible bullet
are the
future of Europe
plural became a
general plural
were stilled by
government bullets
Government Junta
Hanukah bushes
Hanukkah bushes
Especially an
mother was an
innocent woman
the central
interests of Europe
and workplace in
interwar Europe
juniper bushes
oldest and
largest of Europe
And your
leader, the Fuhrer
Lupus, the Wolf's Curse
valued helper, O
Mazda Ahura
medicine woman
Cheyenne called her
Medicine Woman
would be
mistress of Europe
permeated the
nations of Europe
look at a
natural woman
to the
nature of sugar
a large
number of tourists
them, was
often a woman
an obsession
of himself
set me up--
Sugriva fought
war started
over a woman
private area
over the woofer
over the
people of Europe
percussion bullet
percussion bullets
come to
Pittsburgh from Brooklyn
two Italian-American
plumbers from Brooklyn
From women,
plural of woman
ponder a woman
and central
least known
portions of Europe
individual and incredibly
you're not a
powerful woman
is the
preserve of tourists
can offer a
private assurance
fundamentally a
product of Europe
become a
province of Europe
Ranger of yours, hmm
body of a
rapturous woman
of the
rebirth of Europe
Arthur Henry
Reginald Buller
I'm just a
regular woman
receive the
riches of goodness
of the
ruins of Europe
travels with a
Saracen woman
the physical
science of Europe
without the
skeleton, you're fucked
the first
soldiers of Europe
circuitous, and
somewhat obscure terms
are exchange
students from Europe
is an extremely
talented woman
A terrible,
terrible woman
Triticum durum
You're a
truthful young woman
their light
your light
under a bushel
spare change
under the cushions
is a very
violent woman
visceral pleura
wasn't a good nun
wasn't a woman
Pat O'Neill
weren't a woman
woman, a
woman, a woman
love of a
lovely woman, a
She's a
she's really a
very witty and
wonderful woman
Ah -
Wonderful woman
with 2 extra syllables
and martial
armaments of Europe
the western
battlefront of Europe
the most
beautiful of woman
of a
beautiful, young woman
green energy
the rape
capital of Europe
our pacifist
conception of goodness
confectioners sugar
at the
beyond the
of the
on the
continent of Europe
Contraction of good one
the slavish
dependence of woman
jump out
earlier, huh, Bullock
not social,
edifice of Europe
I'm a strongly
emotional woman
endowment assurance
English cognate and
equivalent bosom
of the
existence of goodness
wisdom, solid virtue,
exuberant goodness
she is an
honorable woman
expressing the
idea of fullness
Maria is an
with a most
incredible woman
prophecies of some
infallible fuhrer
honour and
innocence of woman
beautiful and an
nonetheless but interesting,
Wolf is an
you were an
intelligent woman
feared an
invasion from Europe
miserable woman
parietal pleura
of spiritual
perfection of woman
ambition to be
political fuhrers
statesman, I'm a
political woman
faith and this
radiant assurance
Bible is
recorded of woman
a truly courageous,
A very
remarkable woman
Remarkable woman
and a most
I'm a
respectable woman
and their
stepbrothers, the asuras
sustainable tourist
sustainable tourists
Such an
unfortunate woman
was a wicked,
unnatural woman
blackmail from an
unscrupulous woman
by our
withdrawal from Europe
with 3 extra syllables
The rise of post-
agricultural Europe
by the
of the
deliverance of Europe
the love
domination of woman
enfranchisement and
elevation of woman
the female
genitalia, the vulva
Short tempers,
homicidal compulsions
motherhood in every
individual woman
information assurance
born of
innumerable good works
obviously an
intelligent young woman
of the
liberation of woman
multifunctional cooker
multifunctional cookers
of natural
philosophers of Europe
but purely on
of their own
political compulsions
to the
population of Europe
a more
reasonable young woman
instincts, he
rediscovers the woman
contact with an
unattainable woman
with 4 extra syllables
as an
abbreviation of butcher
or the
intellectuals of Europe
of the
Islamization of Europe
for the
pacification of Europe
Theodosia Burr Goodman
with 6 extra syllables
of the Indo-
Europeanization of Europe