exact syllable matches

her with
a drunk driver
formal attack on
a messiah
friends that had
a one-nighter
asserting herself was
is no longer
a pariah
It was
a son, Michael
number has to
a subscriber
, we got
You call him
a survivor
course I'm
the moment,
a truck driver
I've got
a Vagina
Launch the
alert Vipers
Hence, the
birth of ISIS
Brothers by blood
me makes that
burden lighter
we're after
but the fire
where the damn
butterflies were
that along
comes a spider
and give us
Cover fire,
cover fire
Cullen Bryant
So the
curtain rises
doesn't like us
seceding from the
the laws of
Earth Alliance
sparks spitting
from a fire
is fleeing
from a lion
not far removed
from atheism
a name
evil flow
from the Bible
keeping you
from the finals
big thickos
from the island
Step away
from the minor
be separated
from the science
problems and await
further guidance
You don't use
guns, MacGyver
her a sign of
which was before
her arrival
hundred slices
findings in the
journal Science
judgment final
to being
just a fireman
I'm still
just a Private
just the right word
just the right words
love of my son
fiction, and
love the Bible
mother, Tyrell
had been so
much admired
his highly publicized
murder trial
must work my work
none the wiser
in front
of a client
one heck
the event
of a crisis
the completion
of a cycle
the passing
of a giant
be afraid
of a spider
the eyes
of a tiger
the expense
the mockery
of a trial
the more
of a triumph
rather than
of a writer
do go out
of alignment
and intense feelings
the immense pleasure
of aliveness
as the day
of arrival
a dangerous type
a superstitious form
of atheism
of 'em lined up
hired a bunch
of gun-fighters
a report earlier
of gunfire
as a gesture
for the sake
is another form
it was out
of politeness
the very foundation
of refinement
from your list
of subscribers
courses at factories
of suppliers
be a matter
controls the means
for the sake
forty-five percent chance
it's a matter
love a necessity
must be worthy
natural, unavoidable condition
no chance whatsoever
served the function
than his sense
with the business
of survival
In the history
of Survivor
a book
Authorized version
every word
met God
old Testament
original copy
secret teaching
the astronomy
of the Bible
her leadership
of the choir
the treachery
of the climate
global epicenter
of the crisis
Last shepherd
of the Cycle
a glimpse
of the driver
ass out
iron out
of the fire
rightful Peoples
of the Fire
A victim
of the Giant
the magnitude
of the giants
values are
of the highest
the glories
of the Highest
the tip
of the iceberg
involuntary dilation
of the iris
other side
that part
the stability
of the island
in Anne
The Heart
The Man
this sector
of the Island
from two
of the islands
by order
of the Kaiser
and determination
of the lion
the wages
of the miners
the muzzle
of the rifle
the height
of the rifles
the arrival
the congregation
of the righteous
future course
separate branches
of the science
the face
the hour
of the tiger
the initiators
the revision
of the trial
the hands
the will
of the tyrant
actual face
the conscience
of the writer
of truck drivers
of what I'd done
with specters
of world crisis
number of techniques
one acquires
one of my turds
But there was
one survivor
gent without even
one vagina
eyeballs with my
other clients
with groceries and
other items
belief than any
exercise of any
just as any
than in any
other science
of alcoholism and
other vices
influenced by any
other writer
of the
others like us
with this
person, I'm fucked
Most people
prefer blindness
the bomb that
pulverized us
pumps the tires
Challenge Match, against
Rugged Island
he's lost on
some horizon
her, of
life of
sex with
someone I love
afraid of
someone like her
northern Laos and
southern China
the Fellowship of
Southern Writers
fine, a little
stomach virus
such a fine girl
establishment of
such a science
existence in
such a silence
heaven for
such a trifle
better chance of long-
my chances of long-
term survival
strengthening ties with
who could join
will go to
the Alliance
delays, but affirm
the arrival
bay to accept
That was
the assignment
I didn't do
the assignments
her grub at
lunatic should run
you blow up
the asylum
very well outside
the asylums
Any prospects on
as fast as
dimly visible on
has dissipated over
is still beyond
new dangers on
No relief on
Nothing on
peeking out over
rising ominously above
runs to address
storm is on
there be on
there, lurking beyond
your destination on
the horizon
You fence in
the horizons
He is
his prophecy concerning
Icke is not
right, I am
the coming of
the myth of
the Messiah
the one I love
worrying about
the rug crisis
think you are
the stud-finder
certainty that
day, ere
the sun rises
out of
the sun visor
try and stop
the suppliers
do they bury
the survivors
all that enters
him all about
the mouth of
to fear of
to worship at
we're scared of
the vagina
Enough with
the vaginas
called it
The World Crisis
the change
the world's climate
Greg, don't
touch the dial
left fixing the
tumble dryer
desperate band of
turnip pirates
stallion without,
uh, the bridle
uh, the guy, the
colored troops were
depend on you
in a minute
It's about grace
Yeah -
you'll chicken out
under fire
to look
under my skirt
up the island
us but by us
always remind
us of Michael
in favor of
verbal items
the hands of
vulgar tyrants
were a nice girl
were just like, fuck
were survivors
these two
were the wisest
the last
word of science
in the
world of science
Arabian tribe that
worshipped idols
were the
worst of rivals

with 1 extra syllable

thee, O
Absalom, my son
indicates the
absence of fire
male homosexuality
among the Mayans
you confused with
another Piper
It will involve
another spinal
save us from
another Titan
Talk to
another writer
fool to
become a writer
pushed aside, and
become pariahs
becomes a fine one
the ox
becomes a lion
a leader
becomes a tyrant
reasons we want
Benjamin Linus
His name was
owe directly to
Brother Matthias
thrice-married cad and
casual liar
Catherine Piper
I have
chosen a title
qualify as a
commercial pilot
supervillain, not a
corporate shyster
is a
couple of tigers
parties to
cover the silence
must be a
deductive science
Doesn't even
deserve a trial
many brave and
determined climbers
reading from a
different Bible
things happen in
different guises
arrived of all
rocks are generally
roles of various
different sizes
humanity will have
man will have
discovered fire
with an
earful of cider
or its neighbour,
Elephant Island
of some more
equable climate
her soul to
eternal fire
part of the
eternal silence
ever touch my stuff
fearless attire
water, nor
fire of fire
formal attire
I'm a
former conspirer
is the
founder of ISIS
a mundane and
functional item
up its own
funeral pyre
How you
gonna survive, huh
tributes of his
grateful admirers
accustomed to much
greater refinement
in our
hour of crisis
in the
hour of trial
'tis my
hour of triumph
looming on the
human horizon
essential concepts for
unavoidable condition of
human survival
is simply an
infamous tyrant
Continue the
Infinite Cycle
look like an
innocent idyll
Jonathan Weiner
to the
language of science
Lawrence a liar
woodenness, stoniness, a
lesson recited
has a well-known
liberal bias
freer, technology
lowers the prices
matter what I've done
a fair
measure of blindness
important department of
medical science
put in an
mental asylum
is the
moment of fire
for a
in a
moment of silence
Moment of silence
down in
failure and
moments of crisis
mother of my son
nation one by one
army as a
national fighter
crucial to our
nation's survival
in keeping with
neither mathematics nor
none whatever in
speculative metaphysics and
teleology, empiricism, and
the standards of
whole of modern
natural science
back to it's
natural tightness
be called a
natural writer
nature of my thirst
misrepresents the
nature of science
never conspired
around us, is
never one-sided
Norbert Elias
notice of my works
prosecutor at the
Nuremberg Trials
lost the
option of silence
is an
organ of fire
in the
orphanage, why her
other, uh, clients
brighter blue for
our arrival
Such persons fill
our asylums
is our liberator,
the image of
our Messiah
record of slaughtering
our messiahs
absolute necessity for
essential element in
sacrifice will mean
so vital to
our survival
the voice
over a wire
It's taken
over Aquinas
played all
over the island
dog or
over the wire
the sober
pages of science
But behind that
peaceful horizon
of the
people of China
cried, most
people were silent
became easy to
personalize her
car is a
Plymouth Horizon
at the lowest
possible prices
on the
power of science
solve every
problem of science
the great
profit of science
quiet, one by one
enemy of the
rational buyer
you're just a
regular riot
on the
shoulders of giants
shedding massive
showers of fire
wasn't the
silence of silence
silenced one by one
statesmen had a
similar bias
it was just
simple survival
into a new
social pariah
those theaters for
southern survival
you have
started a timer
well, he
started the fire
the power
station, huh, tiger
stationed the right word
as the Superconducting
Super Collider
You're a
terrible liar
a time of
terrible trial
escape the
terror of silence
is not really
testable science
a rereading of
I'm not playing
Thomas Aquinas
on complete and
total compliance
the Battle City
Tournament Finals
It is the
ultimate pilot
will take them
under advisement
it in
under the wire
beat the
usual file clerk
occasionally to a
vegetable Diet
and A
Vision of Fire

with 2 extra syllables

produce an
abundance of fiber
another one lights up
Slayer snuffs
another one rises
to become
attainable by one
the profounder
attainments of science
the bad
behavior of tyrants
me my
Chariot of fire
Chariots of Fire
murder after a
controversial trial
since the
creation of fire
aggression of the Zionist-
Crusaders alliance
die by the
development cycle
It is a
difficult assignment
the great
edifice of Science
elements of my work
in the
endeavor of science
deny the
evidence of science
in the
existence of tyrants
what the
experiment died of
of my
graduates were hired
begun to
influence the climate
book of the
Inheritance cycle
inhibits survival
answer from their
inscrutable silence
from the
invention of fire
loyalty to the
Italian alliance
literature my buns
into their
manliness of fibre
information given with
maximum politeness
early period of
militant atheism
miracle of my birth
Motherfuck the tiger
prime condition of
national survival
to create truly
original science
appeared under the
original title
a strange and
original writer
not kicking at
peculiar assignments
the social and
political climate
of religious or
political idols
a human or
fundamental points of
in history or
lines of real
was ignorant of
political science
The Foundations of
Political Science
but forge a
powerful alliance
understand basic
principles of science
Professional guy, huh
artist, or a
professional writer
the dominant
religion of China
remember of my love
Do you
remember the tigers
Remember the Titans
the original
the People's
Republic of China
them were award-winning,
respectable writers
and the
salvation of Zion
a question of
simian survival
That noxious, horn-
spectacled refinement
to improvement and
ultimate survival
person would pay
stores were charging
unreasonable prices
and George
Washington of China
but a
wilderness of tigers

with 3 extra syllables

and an
affirmation of kindness
badly from the
agricultural crisis
by the
application of Fire
when man's
aspirations were highest
certificate of live birth
is a very
considerable item
continuance of my work
a one-dimensional bread-obsessed
electrical appliance
challenge to
historians of science
many millions of
immediate survivors
respect for
individual rights sucks
are not
infallible, just final
no separate
literature of science
upon the
observation of trifles
the American
penetration of China
the usual army
regulation attire
its physical and
spiritual survival
but entropy and
uncomfortable silence
all evils in
universal atheism

with 4 extra syllables

man's mental and
intellectual horizon
make the conscious
orientation one-sided
a great
popularizer of science
stripped of its
theological attire
sort of an
unimaginable item
manufacture and
utilization of iron