exact syllable matches

little pet
- the Beast
It has
become destiny
they would not
become enemies
that hackers will
become terrorists
this vast expanse
becomes sensitive
not have
been a terrorist
been aware of it
been the end of it
There have
been worse legacies
bills ahead, but still
But also a
bit unsettling
foretaste of a
bitter memory
know, it's a
brilliant enemy
who you
built together with
travelling, their
business, their loving
bring up the
children carefully
is just a
Christian prejudice
Star Wars
Christmas Special thing
you leave a
cigarette burning
cigarette machine
cigarette machines
Kicking you back
cigarette money
loan sharks, and
cigarette smuggling
civil engineers
American Society of
Civil Engineers
clearance Level Six
raid our High
Clearance Memory
from the
crib of destiny
poor people don't
deserve benefits
the world that
deserve empathy
deter them from sin
didn't care one whit
with nothing,
didn't get nothing
didn't get the beans
didn't get the chips
didn't let her in
funny, Rory
my dad
why I
didn't mention it
but I
didn't question him
differential gear
differential gears
out how to
disassemble it
forges connections and
disconnections here
the sea of
distant memory
distant relative
fare and
drinks celestial mead
be overemphasized, was
England's century
did not have
enough memory
to the
fear of censorship
fear the terrorists
of free and
fearless questioning
fill a pair of jeans
finger smells funny
influenced by the
Frisian endonym
rain barrel,
gettin' em rusty
you the
gifts of destiny
give us endless meed
be playing a
given melody
have been
given special gifts
The gospel
gives the remedy
From the
hills of Tennessee
him a pair of tits
him a pair of wings
their minds by
his serenity
to become
his worst enemies
But I
he has not
implemented it
in a pair of lives
no security
in a prejudice
we brought
in a specialist
of magnitude greater
in complexity
in just seven years
and swallowed up
in necessity
because sometimes I'm
in parentheses
it leaves us
in perplexity
this fellow
in the cellarage
in the center ring
in the Eggman Fleet
the ones
in the embassy
Police Agent
in The Mentalist
always used
be answered
chiefly used
exclusively used
is never
often used
shinobi exist
too, voted
Typically used
was determined
in the negative
in the second film
has experienced
in the seventies
in the square of St
of tourist
in the terrorist
a surplus
last simoleon
in the treasury
in the west early
into churches
in the yesteryears
power from an
inner ecstasy
instrumental width
instrumental widths
Echelon wouldn't have
intercepted it
Compare with
interjection in
Internet of Things
Is the
internet working
is a benefit
is a dreadful thing
million Americans
is a felony
is a lesson here
The past
is a memory
is a precious gift
the fuck
is a sesame
again, Johnny
is a specialist
my boyfriend
Nelson Mandela
The terrorist
is a terrorist
is aware of it
of sacrifice
is her destiny
of this world
is necessity
Slavic forms
is reflected in
is some messed-up shit
is the better flick
is the end of him
is the end of kings
is the end of things
Monopoly capital
that government
your opponent
is the enemy
That Man
Is The Exorcist
is the hell of it
is the length of it
my customers
is the negatives
is the pregnancy
is the rest of me
is the sense of it
That man
is the terrorist
lives after them
That, to me,
is unsettling
it again, Scully
it but never quit
to abide by
it contentedly
It upsets the fish
didn't think
it worth mentioning
it'd help us win
called, and
extortion, and
switch, and
it's a felony
it's a penalty
name Murat or
its appellative
its entirety and
world in all
its complexity
You saw
its first memories
satisfied me of
though we recognize
its necessity
who are
its worst enemies
kick against the pricks
was the
killer question, see
the late Jigsaw
Killer's legacy
They were CIA
killers, terrorists
Kills the enemy
home and
kissed her tenderly
severs all
links of enmity
it all
links together here
liquid ecstasy
a long
on my
list of enemies
Okay, Weaver,
listen carefully
Listen carefully
I need a
little clarity
on, a
little credit, please
it's a
that demanded
little editing
Truth a
little elder is
little else from him
no narrative and
little energy
throw a
little extra in
them a
little extra sting
do that
little extra thing
learned a
little lesson here
punk ass,
little pencil dick
have a
little question here
My own secret
little recipe
so he's a
little sensitive
lives of their country
lives, but better lives
minute, where's the jeep
miss her terribly
miss the hell of him
near the end of each
near the end of this
in The
Pick of Destiny
Welcome to
Princeton, gentlemen
not free from
Printer's devilry
never quit,
quitters never win
vengeance than to
return benefits
reverse engineer
Reverse entropy
Richard Ebeling
rings against the wheat
such matters as
sickness benefit
gasp as a
silhouette appears
silver medalist
silver medalists
silver medallist
silver trevally
state championship, but
simple clarity
A strong,
simple melody
merged into a
theories as a
single entity
up with a
single memory
single parenting
A kill every
single terrorist
skin reflect the sea
skin, the devil wings
have the
obtained the
Spear of Destiny
a dark
spear of energy
the transtemporal
sphere of essences
can't control my
spirit, gentlemen
still a terrorist
still ahead of him
still the second Beast
the words
stink of treachery
the Federal Reserve
system benefit
intellectual magnificence their
system encouraged
the old
system ever did
NASA scientist and
systems engineer
Systems engineer
thing up better, please
think the effort is
among political
thinkers ever since
aware that
this conception is
this from memory
fail to recognize
this necessity
This potentially
this world ever did
hub of
this world's destiny
Cannell, The
Tin Collectors, St
draw her
tits from memory
triple centuries
triple century
compensate for our
twin awarenesses
We have
twin telepathy
villains never win
which once threatened him
is a
whip, a penalty
because of the
wicked enemy
the World
will together be
William Beveridge
William Elford Leach
And the
winner gets Berlin
with a Bennett witch
with a better deal
with a fresh dumpling
nothing comes
with a guarantee
with a pair of wings
you guys
with a recipe
with a special winch
can negotiate
sit down
with a terrorist
the whole system
with adrenalin
an orderly manner,
with solemnity
expelled him
with such prejudice
his palate
with the beverage
become entangled
close quarters
first contact
have sided
make contact
possible negotiations
survives contact
with the enemy
antennae bristle
with the energy
a rivalry
fault lies
with the engineer
to enlist
with the engineers
same thing
with the feminists
with the heretic
you live
with the memory
with the rest of him
your fun
with the sectioning
Kansas, you're
our dealing
thing is
you are
with the terrorists
and interacts
with the therapist
with the treachery
serious, charming,
with tremendous skill
law, sometimes
with tremendous speed
now was
writ her destiny

with 1 extra syllable

carved for
abyss of memories
had something of
Addison's tendency
which might
assist the enemy
assistant referee
assistant referees
begin a legend with
being a parent is
being aware of it
boring, just scared of things
he was
branded a heretic
Brazilian pepper tree
Brazilian pepper trees
good at
building stuff, measuring
cardigan smells of wee
character density
other two
characters ever did
stake on
charges of heresy
chemical energies
chemical energy
chemical engineer
chemical engineers
modern investigations into
cosmic complexity
stand up to
critical questioning
intent on
cutting the enemy
cubes for a
delicious beverage
out who's
doing the threatening
Beauty by
drawing her enemies
even aware of it
even worth mentioning
farted yourself, does it
gone into
fighting the enemy
difficulty in
finding the enemy
other between
flashes of memories
Gaulish, potentially
The New
Godzilla Century
benefited from more
judicious editing
kicking against the pricks
living together is
to the
magic of editing
with the
Nieces of Terrorists
They know
nothing of memory
Oedipus met a Sphinx
the boundaries of
official memory
listening and
paying attention thing
in his private
to manifest our
personal destiny
and birds are
them turned into
personal enemies
petty bitterness of
personal jealously
what their
Personal Legend is
concern myself with
physical presences
physical therapist
physical therapists
planning must enter in
Consider your
position carefully
and the overall
practical benefits
both to the
practical engineer
complete his cultivation
practice successfully
he possessed a
prodigious memory
profits ahead of lives
would opt for
radical feminist
radical feminists
is now
reaping the benefits
of race and
race hate, and
the bulwark of
religious prejudice
Robison Delany
American chemist, Stanley
Rossiter Benedict
He is an all-
sufficient remedy
as the
teaching of selflessness
been a
tradition ever since
being kidnappers, human
traffickers, terrorists
smoothness of the
transition densities
truncheons of their police
vanilla essences
I'm a
victim of prejudice
visit a friend of his
even to
visit a relative
knew that we
wanted Penelope
wanted the best of me
much, she
wanted the recipe
wireless fidelity
the art of
wireless telegraphy

with 2 extra syllables

advantage of their learnings
has ruled
America ever since
Named after
American engineer
of our greatest
American gentlemen
Americans never quit
himself is now
America's terrorist
existence by an
artificial entity
beginning of their careers
after first
challenging the enemy
critical to
defeating the terrorists
vetted by several
demolition specialists
ecosystem engineer
their role as
ecosystem engineers
electrician or an
electrical engineer
Electrical engineer
electrical engineers
American Institute of
Electrical Engineers
enacting the seven keys
you can
establish yourself firmly
support from the
historical specialists
mechanical energies
the dissipation of
was converted into
mechanical energy
Mechanical engineer
American Society of
Mechanical Engineers
overcome by a
mechanical remedy
instead of
mirroring a destiny
objective correlative
means the
opposite of encourage
had the
privilege of settling
are actively
pursuing the terrorists
descriptive when
recalling a memory
been a
Republican ever since
money for the
Republican treasury
have been
resisted, but encouraged
meant as a
rhetorical menacing
a fucking
what a
rhetorical question is
Shortening of melody
of those
suffering the penalty
difficult to have
theatrical empathy
the pledge of
unswerving fidelity

with 3 extra syllables

instance of that
alternative necessity
analytical editing
way in this
bewildering complexity
not a homogeneous
biological entity
considering the sweat, working
diminutive of Benedict
diminutive of Jeremy
and performed the
diplomatic amenities
of racism for
others due to
the dictates of
economic necessity
Dionysius for his
gormandizing propensities
ineffective against the Blisk
bad external
influences from entering
were eliminated, and
interlocking directorships
Argument defers to
mathematical expertise
language as a
patriotic necessity
more cannibals than
philosophical pessimists

with 4 extra syllables

often found in
ecclesiastical heraldry
physiological densities
physiological density

with 5 extra syllables

can have complete
epistemological clarity