exact syllable matches

acid gastric
Full Length, Hilarious
Action-Packed Film
cruel my
actions had been
talented mid-pubescent
actor, that is
the first days
after landing
Albert Camus
Where are
Allan and Will
Allen Parish
alpha brasses
ex-boyfriend of the
alpha Plastic
yes, I
am a fascist
situation excellent, I
am attacking
a palming and
an unpalming
and a half years
Five nine
and a half-ish
ice water
and a sandwich
than in learning
and adapting
serve well
and attack him
make it attractive
and attacking
goes nuts
and attacks him
her scars
and attract him
appear more luminous
grand, yet graceful
I'm still young
relativity is defensible
and attractive
shouts in pain
and collapses
your destiny
and command it
had intended, taught,
and commanded
stripping down, concentrating
and compacting
can be expressive
It's stirring
nation is stark
true and right
and dramatic
produces only atheists
save to historians
target of cranks
and fanatics
disputed between Turkic
and Germanic
her singing
and her dancing
association with geometry
between debauchery, astrology,
once in philosophy
sphere of physics
study of motion
and mechanics
Aristotle's Physics, Meteorology,
and Mechanics
And one last thing
One Pat
and one Patrick
and one-half years
Cognate with
and perhaps with
his hit
and run tactics
was lost,
and surpass it
The beauty
and the acting
the train
and the clacking
have fun
and the dancing
And the dash thing
And the graphics
the Quran
the Qur'an
and the Hadith
and the last things
the laughing
and the laughing
their lives,
and the magic
the method
and the practice
the crowds
and the traffic
the victor
and the vanquished
and tongues, and kings
and turned at will
and unchallenged
grabs him
and unmasks him
and what wags it
bad dialogue
and worse acting
and, um, that's it
as happiness,
anger and fear
of disappointment,
anger, and fear
angle bracket
Anna Brackett
Anna Paquin
ants from ant hills
apple aphid
apple aphids
bananas and
apples and shit
as a bad thing
about them
avoid persecution
as a Catholic
as a man's bitch
treat her
as a Xantippe
the Brahmins decried
as fanatics
as fun as this
as much as him
as one can spit
as the bad things
as the Mad King
as indifferently
as the Sanscrit
the incantations
at a hanging
It was
the ship
time is
time was
at a standstill
much better
at her landings
his imprisonment
at the Bastille
staring inquisitively
at the carriage
at the fat kid
like played
at the hanging
seconds before the
avalanche hits
back the bandage
backward slashes
idea how
backwards that is
him talking with
Baron Praxis
the wastepaper
basket and missed
because I make
basket catches
and those other
bastard gasses
battle axes
than by hatchets and
black advances
twice at a
black mechanic
of ash,
blackened and singed
dark-elves are
blacker than pitch
Branches snagging
There's a
cabin half built
vapor bath
can surpass it
- nothing
can un-cramp it
that humans
can work magic
candle magick
candle waxes
can't hurt, can it
build, red baseball
cap, sunglasses
Carroll Parish
carrot and stick
carrots and sticks
cash advances
had a
chance of lasting
channel flashing
from an internet
chat mechanic
into a
crap luck sandwich
Daniel Radcliffe
It was
facile and glib
continents drift
could fall
faster than this
eat pretzels
fatter than this
fraction slashes
gas mechanics
Glamping is
Glamour Camping
wearing dark
glasses asked him
ankles and
grab some napkins
grant the last wish
had a hand in
had a tax bill
white guy
hadn't grabbed him
don't want any
half-slut grandkids
man who like
Hammer dancing
how they
handle that fear
This one,
Hannah Slavin
change what
him what
remember what
happened last year
A lot
thing that
happened that year
them what
happened, damn it
But something
happens at six
has a hand in
look from me
has commanded
No, it
hasn't, has it
like he'll
have a catfit
have a chance with
have a hand in
then we'll
have a hangin'
have a sandwich
were, but we
have adapted
have the damn thing
haven't had kids
to Sam Tyler's
jacket hanging
showing Michael
Jackson and Prince
Jackson Parish
invention, from
Jasmine and Lyn
invention, from
Jasmine and Lynn
to such
language as this
eventually the
only the
you're the
last one standing
be the
last ones standing
to the
last term added
Borrowed from calice,
Latin calix
Enhanced by ancestral
Latin satis
talking and
laughter and cheers
me with
Mallus, that is
man such as this
manna ashes
the same
manner as in
and a
mass of sackings
to the
mast of Ratcliffe
is a
master at it
Nobody that
matters, that is
his dirty
mattress, and his
dimensions of a
Panamax ship
monstrous fallacies have
passed unchallenged
fantastic shots,
passes and skills
indeed, all
passion and will
it's the
passion that kills
run the
path of ashes
character in computer
pattern matching
Phantom Carriage
Planet Thanet
rabbits, that is
maglev and personal
rapid transit
rapid transits
feeling of
rapture and bliss
raster graphics
at present, is
rather passive
to die
rather than kill
be healed,
rather than killed
real one,
rather than this
in hours
rather than years
saddle grafting
making an egg
salad sandwich
shall command it
to be
shattered at will
to rebuild my
shattered practice
when Romany
staggered and limped
stand-up basses
Stanford University Archives,
Stanford, Calif
tavern sandwich
and pay
taxes and bills
that in
taxes last year
a dumpling
than a sandwich
count less
than one-half brick
now, rather
than the Spanish
that a bad thing
that a black thing
We call
that a hat-trick
I'm really not
themselves are not
that attractive
were murdered by
that fanatic
that fudge, dammit
never did
that much planning
that some sad shit
that what that is
That what that is
that's a bad kid
That's a bad thing
That's a sad thing
that's blood that is
is complicated, but
that's mechanics
that's some sad shit
That's sucktastic
believe, and
that's the magic
That's the magic
that's what that is
That's what that is
the and
the and dis-

with 1 extra syllable

like a
banana and split
banana bracket
and there's his
banana sandwich
disaster, that is
crisis or a
use in a
financial panic
her social and
financial standing
and colors of northern-
Iran's ceramics
Italian sandwich
Italians and chinks
as the
Italians had been
enough to
withstand rough handling

with 2 extra syllables

alabaster carriage
a rough
anagram of magic
needed an
avalanche of Advil
understand what that is

with 3 extra syllables

Feliciana Parish