exact syllable matches
has to be
8 instead
fall on his
aching head
evidence of an
age effect
caused the Ice
Age effects
of man's history
ages hence
for ages and
ages yet
all nature must
aid itself
aileth Death
enough about what's
ailing them
singin' man, I
ain't impressed
told me
ain't in there
You all
ate his flesh
then I
ate his leg
the aroma of
your sense for
baking bread
with your most
basic self
trudge through the
basic steps
bosom, why
bathed in tears
when his
brain is tense
babies, and
brains with legs
pay, you
break his legs
ground and
in and
shower and
break his neck
all about -
an omelette without
breaking eggs
their truth by
breaking heads
no punishment for
breaking them
falls and
breaks his leg
hand and
him and
out and
Tyler immediately
breaks his neck
he were being
caned himself
now back on The
got those weird
Cavefish specs
angry boar
chafed with sweat
had tried to
change events
be some
change in there
need to
change with them
person who
changed his sex
much has
much I've
they have
things have
changed since then
we have
changed with them
The police are
chasing them
birth or death
date instead
wrote a letter
dated Dec
when the
date's been set
Will you be
dating then
David Belle
and directed by
David Blair
molesting my neighbor,
David Breck
David Brent
Michael Cunningham and
David Hare
David Precht
Written by
David Self
Jocasta, Alec and
David, when
be bold another
day instead
events of the
day itself
me a
day since then
a few
days in hell
America these
days is sex
Dre is dead
reflection, not the
face itself
face to
face with them
to when
faced with death
Your granddad was
facing death
up, followed by
facing Shrek
destroy my
faith in them
reason without
faith is deaf
them, only
faith is left
gotta have
faith it's there
This process is
gaining strength
to violent video
game effects
is a ball
game himself
play of the
topics in the
game itself
and playing
games with them
Enough of the
games, Vincent
Gaye is dead
have the Holy
was the Holy
Grail itself
it's not a
offense is a
great defense
can describe this
preparation for this
themselves for the
great event
displays itself in
engaged in recording
must have at
great events
little effort and
great expence
made ready without
great expense
danger to a
to a very
great extent
horizon like a
great fish-net
must be
wasn't that
great in bed
Great Ziegfeld
also to
hate him,
hate his friends
hate it there
god, I
hate this dress
faces, endure those
hate-filled stares
this world and
hating death
I find myself
in line by
hating them
a little
Hay Lin left
Heyl Vincent
no such
lake is there
time to
lay things bare
and guess who's
two new things
layin there
here and
made hills there
something, something he
made himself
made his bed
the Match
Made in Hell
to be
made in men
decisions ever
made in them
And I
made it square
mayonnaise will have
made itself
have been
made since then
ones who
made this bed
their Vietnamese
maid with them
This had two
main effects
alone in the
will be the
main event
I can
please God,
make him well
outrage will
make it end
will I
make it melt
going to
porch and
make it there
the decision would
world able to
make itself
Come faster,
make this end
his choices he
the animals, man
makes himself
automatic, which
makes it, well
right, the decision
makes itself
lot of trouble
She's already
making friends
afraid he was
making sense, stop
of this is
stop making sense,
the only one
You're not
making sense
developers to stop
gets paid for
have gone into
I am always
movies instead of
the secret of
to the people
when you are
you were still
making them
have us
mate with them
sinuous than you
may expect
that we
may fear less
though they
may fear them
fly this stupid
maze himself
name is Belle
name is Clem
new last
name is Head
haven't even
named it yet
had ever produced,
these bits by
naming them
from the Wikipedia
page itself
pain will end
material is the
paint itself
without thinking of
painting them
ought to
will therefore
pay its debts
is enjoined to
pay respect
idea of the
paying guest
mundane ends like
paying rent
them because you're
paying them
profession ought to
place himself
take your
place in death
a deepest
place in hell
place is hell
if my
place is Hell
acquire a
place with them
The whole
placed is snared
off the
plane in tears
this whole
plane is dead
manages to
play him well
I gotta
play it then
don't you
play it, then
and not
me to
the Beave
want to
play with them
game and
played it well
he usually
I still
when I
played with them
couple of geezers
playin' chess
You're not
playin' fair
And I'm
We are
playing chess
answers just by
not worthy of
to stop people
playing them
I got into role-
playing then
imagine Elvis himself
you end up
playing there
they haven't started
playing yet
what team
plays in red
deserves the
praise it gets
weakly attempting to
praise itself
race is dead
of the human
race itself
two remaining holdout
racists left
ah, it's
raining men
opponent even
raise his head
He essentially
raised himself
hands were
raised in help
We were
raised with them
bakers even for
raising bread
and hollering and
raising hell
the job of
raising them
to begin by
rating men
reign will end
woman that
reigns in Hell
the way of
those of the
Reindeer men
he was
Now, it's
safe in there
Dalek, to the
feelings have the
statements to the
view have the
same effect
Carolina have the
same effects
asking the
same in theirs
It's the
same with prayers
90 minutes to
because he can't
by Steamboat to
he rattled to
only he can
to try to
urged Bormann to
save himself
it's to
save his friend
Mankind must
may clamber and
the war to
save itself
worked justice and
saved expense
any case, have
He could have
saved himself
borrowing more and
saving less
Why are you
saying Bears
when the dark
saying ends
half-naked, and I'm
leave here without
saying yes
What are you
saying, then
and frantically
guy just
Then he
tuts, and
shakes his head
power to
shame him hence
shameful deed but
shame itself
bitch has
panicked and
shaved his head
Tonight, we
skate with them
as your
slaves in death
the texture of
space itself
down that little
spaceship there
first, briefly, the
images of the
stage itself
a world
The world
stained in red
give the
State its strength
state, not the
state itself
than their democratic
State itself
within the United
States itself
you don't
stay in bed
I could
need to
Tonight, we
want to
stay with them
long talk, he's
of weird friends
real damage by
that he was
staying there
scene, she
stays in there
today will not
take effect
try and
take his head
painting and
take it there
that's hard, that
takes finesse
and pleasure he
takes himself
where you are
taking them
such poor
taste in friends
change your
taste in men
accounting for
taste, is there
their words and
tasting them
bringing life,
they bring death
Fiqh is kufr,
Fiqh is Satan,
they declare
only that which
they defend
upon what did
they depend
now than
they did then
and if
they did, well
What do
they effect
pay, the more
people see what
they expect
than the relations
they express
Everyone gets what
they intend
all the things
they invent
They killed Chef
why did
they pick ten
they still fell
is what
more wars
they will get
see how
they will help
they win them
phone company is
tracing them
make sure
trade is fair
but to
trade with them
and the
train hit them
struggles, fails, succeeds,
trains itself
controversies, instead of
waging them
want to
wait till then
be a hearse
waiting there
just the walking,
waking dead
Waking Ned
wasting air
using them, not
wasting them
the ensign
waves in air
find their
way in there
along this
way is best
is the
way it ends
a long
way since then
taste, the
way things smell
all the
way with them
in your
way, kill them
start losing
weight, is there
bolas, had three
weighted ends
with 1 extra syllable
and discovered the
Allais effect
But I've
Empress has
in have
might have
always been there
as he is
it, he was
always himself
I don't
always kill them
who have
always lived there
gone I
always miss them
But there was
always respect
alone than
always with them
Don't be
ashamed, Vincent
only means for
attaining them
power can profitably
avail itself
praise that
await him there
the Inquisition invariably
awaited them
actress who
awaits him there
you lie
awake in bed
then turned
away his head
send you
away killed them
any case,
away with them
sit still and
behave himself
country will
betray his friend
willing to
betray his friends
You were
betrayed Vincent
betrays Truth, he
betrays himself
a nation-state, it
betrays itself
for the King's
birthday except
birthday, princess
sometimes they drink
champagne instead
and Constructive,
contained in ed
not evidently
the assertions
contained in them
create Him, yes
himself could not
create himself
that the artist
creates himself
which the devil
creates itself
adversaries instead of
creating them
accomplish in the
creative sense
cremated them
engage in
debate with them
sovereign who
displays his strength
embraces them
Defying life is
embracing death
Why is he
engaging Sen
no one
escaped it yet
every way of
escaping death
there is no
escaping them
that the
essay is dead
a little philosophy
estranges them
ask him to
should never distinctly
explain himself
depended upon to
mind's failure to
The device must
explain itself
having to be
explained itself
rival theories for
explaining them
down this other
hallway instead
day enough to
maintain himself
in order to
no more than
the effort to
to fascism to
maintain itself
creative state race
maintained itself
sums of money
maintaining health
perpetually almost to
mistake it-self
with her obviously
mutated friends
same ooze that
mutated them
prevent him from
obtaining them
Are you
okay in there
under the conditions
prevailing there
go against the
prevailing trend
frog, he
regains his strength
Another paraquat-
related death
house to
remain in bed
What about the
remaining breast
used education to
remake himself
shall be
repaid with death
got sick of
no possibility of
replacing them
lightning, it
retains its strength
in order to
sustain itself
problems you have
today instead
as he was
upbraiding them
with 2 extra syllables
public ridicule by
advocating them
original structures and
automating them
open to the
circulating air
going to select
Clemente instead
Walker continued his
commentating there
who have ever
contemplated them
or she has
cultivated them
last time I
decimated them
disobey is death
him and
educate him well
just make an
educated guess
empower women by
educating them
try to
emulate his strengths
He mostly
entertains himself
the sake of
generating them
by the finest
graduated steps
hesitated there
to gain by
imitating them
He sadly
overrates himself
engraving and the
paperweight itself
small desire to
propagate itself
illusion of two
separate events
visits to my
suffocating cell
I will not
tolerate dissent
There are no
unexplained events
no wrong in
violating them
know about
Watergate in there
of one
yesterday in bed
with 3 extra syllables
creditable showing of
heartless tyranny of
accumulated wealth
a means of
succeed best in
accumulating wealth
alienated them
liberate people by
alienating them
race chooses to
annihilate itself
will soon be
annihilated there
the nanites,
try to
communicate with them
the ground and
depopulated them
it can mean
reset button, thus
eliminating them
cytoplasm of the
enucleated egg
been directed toward
eradicating them
flaws beneficial by
exaggerating them
species will completely
exterminate itself
the Nazi brutality
their might and
exterminated them
them and you
humiliated them
movement capable of
initiating them
the female who
to weak, easily
manipulated men
clients and
You cannot
negotiate with them
refuse to
religious, actually
participate in them
the duty to
perpetuate itself
money to
recuperate his health
does not have
regenerating health
that, I was
videotaping them
with 4 extra syllables
the gas as
dephlogisticated air