exact syllable matches

of King's Bench,
The Negro Case,
20 How
alone must weigh
They lost
20 pounds
a clip holding
to less than
20 rounds
stripes, I
am healed now
but I
am here now
a drawing of
an eelpout
up high
and be proud
only mustard
and bean sprouts
over here
and bleed out
the back
and bleeds out
save his moccasins
and breech-clout
of being boring
and creepmouse
warm creams,
and deep browns
our hopes
and dreams now
just fear
and greed now
top rope
and he's out
the window
and leans out
fire escape,
and leaps down
dig tunnel
and leave house
you leave,
and leave now
the train
and leave town
about you
just you
and me now
again, explore
and reach out
and you churn
and rebound
Cognate with
and resound
face it
and speak out
and speed, wow
called foresters
and tree browns
wake us,
and we drown
week in
and week out
about the evil
Andie now
Miss pack-up-
line fronting the
angry crowd
the Kurgan again,
You're making me
angry now
short story by
Annie Proulx
none dare set
any bounds
doubt is not
earth, is beyond
talented person, without
the benefit of
There was never
Was there ever
will be in
would never be
any doubt
not live in
any house
I think of
any now
not wrapped in
any shroud
it doesn't make
no ear perceives
Nothing made
silent, without giving
any sound
You don't make
any sounds
enough majority in
or West, destination
any town
must never
ask me how
You can
ask me now
calling to
going to
guy would
make him
talking and
times you
you did
You wanna
ask me out
guys had
He just
kinda just
mean you
Stark just
times he's
asked me out
asks me out
assay pound
assay pounds
the seed
at each bout
a halt
at least now
and look
be mad
But look
even look
even looking
Or look
you look
at me now
I feel
at peace now
but look
at these clowns
aunt freaked out
back here, now
He never
backed me down
years ago, in
Barry's house
students will
bear me out
belly out
Blessed be thou
a champion
can be crowned
and Cuzco
Few persons
future generations
hidden -
it seems,
logical reasons
miracles still
of me
other ways
out, solace
remaining Jedi
superior alternative
tension-only solutions
that it
these effects
things always
type locality
wakeful night-watchman
can be found
where it
can be found,
what music
can be now
which they
can feel proud
So you
can leave now
least I
can sleep now
want that
can't be found
can't leave now
me I
can't see how
accomplished and action
analysis should be
before sentence is
before you are
can scarcely be
could be successfully
I asked were
I wish them
nefarious deeds were
not smoking is
operations can be
plans had been
pro-life agenda is
pure frightfulness, deliberately
scheme has been
see their prescription
sentence will be
shall be so
the sacrifice be
waiting to be
want to be
what we have
would ever be
carried out
carries out
is nothing to
carry sound
They even
cast me out
occur, as a
cat meows
can they
You'll never
catch me now
cry and the
cats meow
thinks you're the
cat's meow
critter wilder than a
I mean,
check me out
Check these out
Clancy Brown
education in this
crappy town
have a new
daddy now
dairy cow
dairy cows
plow the
damn field, now
mean to let
Danny drown
dare be bound
No one
dares speak out
hangs a really
deadly cloud
handle it quite
deftly now
some guy
drag me down
collar and
dragged me out
be to an
break into an
on in this
to see another
you found an
empty house
And even that's
empty now
empty out
be king over
empty towns
entry wound
inside the big,
fancy house
friendly clown
man looks quite
seemed even less
friendly now
sure is a
friendly town
I have
friends here now
Murray and Sir
Geoffrey Howe
I mean
is gonna
let it
that really
get me down
You can't
get me now
get me out
- it
gets me down
anything unique
gets squeezed out
and they
grabbed these cows
Hackney Downs
pictures is so
hackneyed now
hand me down
could've come in
handy now
was truly a
happy house
feel and I'm
gonna make me
I am truly
Is everyone
like, you know,
me that you're
me, are you
potato, are you
wanted, aren't we
We should be
You all
happy now
Happy now
Are you
rage inside the
happy shouts
that and be
happy, now
Harry Browne
This school
has reached out
those who
have breathed foul
that we
have here now
And what
ground, What
have we found
be getting pretty
heavy now
but they
me and
held me down
ain't gonna
Dear God
help me now
Come on,
on and
you can
You gotta
you guys
You wanna
help me out
Jackie Brown
Except for maybe
Jackie Howe
Jackie Howes
Jacky Howe
Jacky Howes
Jerry Brown
off fireworks at
Kenny's house
men will
lead me out
Translation by
Lesley Brown
made me
less creeped out
could never
did not
feel it
has never
have never
he can
himself, he
model will
Science doesn't
they usually
went and
you ever
you gonna
you wouldn't
you've never
let me down
have just
let me drown
car and
chain and
could, uh,
release me,
stand it,
let me out
I'm stuck,
Let me out
he never
lets me down
let's see now
Come on,
let's sneak out
love child with
Maggie Chow
mallee fowl
mallee fowls
So are
many bows
with Dumbledore on
many counts
His head were
many crowns
Watson had many,
many doubts
got half as
many now
and I are
I mean, we're
see, why get
that I am
to be happily
married now
married out
marries out
old enough we'll
marry clowns
marry out
If it isn't
Maxi Mouse
the dead
men, deep down
Mersey sound
m-me bounce
Waldo Salt, and
Written by
Nancy Dowd
and wiped her
guns and a
nasty mouth
nasty wound
the ocean,
ne'er be found
You fucking
petites now
rally round
You, you sent
Randy out
You pay
Randy, now
do it to
Randy's house
if Ron is
OK, I'm
ready now
REM rebound
REM rebounds
Mothershead can
sack me now
Meow they
said, meow
time, he
sat me down
check out the
scary house
You are a
scurvy louse
sent me out
Not too
shabby, sprout
election, we
shall be out
What icon
shall we mount
shanty town
shanty towns
going to
slap me now
a real
sled team now
let them
the back,
strap me down
let lawyers
stress me out
little village of
Tarry Town
you're gonna
tell me how
quit, just
tell me now
I'm with
Terry now
the Scripture,
than he doust
after buying
their dream house
always turn
their feet out
everyone get
their scream now
to build
their tree house
then make
them reach out
They'll be found
trying to
track me down
all adults over
twenty now
outweigh you by
two hundred and
twenty pounds
association of these
varied sounds
doubtful in their
very doubts
repealed on this
very ground
rich, full, and
Veronica was
very loud
We are just
same place again
very now
for that I'm
going to be
have made me
I shall be
I was
know he'll be
mailroom, I was
makes me feel
Morgan would be
must be very
My staff is
of it, very,
old vampire very
pretends to be
Spick and span,
that makes me
which he was
You must be
You should be
You would've been
you've made me
very proud
you'll have a
wealthy spouse
will never
wear me down
Wendy Brown
Wendy house
Wesley Dow
a man
kick him
when he's down
where's he now

with 1 extra syllable

us from the
advanced redoubt
husband and child
already drowned
on NES was
Or was I
Super Nintendo were
already out
have to
attack me now
That's what
attracts me now
as to
defend me now
going to
distract me out
all the time,
to be vigilant,
you leave us,
you'd have died,
especially now
down, not not
exactly out
McKendree Bounds
rich guy in
Miami now
one hundred
percent clean now
I smell
perhaps, meow
no, don't
protect me now
The climate
protects me now
like the Greenland
Spaghetti House
We're just very
unhappy now
Calabrese, don't
upset me now

with 2 extra syllables

mean the
artifacts we found
Canterbury sound
you to the
cemetery now
Mercenaries, Cloud
himself by fighting
Mercenary Tao
military spouse
necessary house
This is no
ordinary mouse
This is no
ordinary town
go back to
solitary now

with 3 extra syllables

busy licking some
imaginary wound
only associates with
reactionaries now

with 4 extra syllables

This is an
extraordinary town
This is a
revolutionary house