exact syllable matches
ad in
ad lib
ad libbed
ad libs
al fin
an gear
an if
an sin
an sinh
and frisk
it at all,
and his
and if
and Liszt
men are shot
and lynched
I was on
that crack rock
and shit
and stick
the back wall
and sticks
atoms and quarks
and things
ant mill
ant mills
twice as long
as his
as if
as in
as is
, as hot
as shit
as silk
lasted as long
as this
ash pit
ash pits
ask in
scum, so ha-ha-ha
at him
clinging and gnaw
at it
at print
warranties are not
we are all
at risk
on and off
up and stopped
at will
Shouldn't have gone
back in
Bad Thing
These are all
bad things
Bad Things
bad trip
bad trips
bag wig
bag wigs
bang stick
bang sticks
banh mis
bank mix
bash in
bass bin
bass bins
bass cliff
bass cliffs
bat ears
bat in
bat shit
bat tick
bat ticks
Bath brick
Bath bricks
bats in
black beer
black beers
black bitch
Black Ditch
black drink
black drinks
black gin
black gins
black mist
black mists
black pill
black pills
black tin
black witch
bracht in
Brad Pitt
brass ring
brass rings
Camp Hill
best that art
can give
can it
think that dogs
can think
canned it
cans it
cant strip
cant strips
Cap Hill
cash in
cat milk
cat milks
cat nip
cat piss
cat sit
cat sits
catch him
catch it
chat shit
chats shit
clack dish
clam shrimp
clam shrimps
clap in
clash gear
clash gears
class ring
class rings
crab stick
crab sticks
crack fics
craft beer
craft beers
cramp ring
cramp rings
One god-
damn hit
your job, God
damn it
damp squib
damp squibs
damp squid
damp squids
dang it
drag bit
drag bits
drag in
drag king
drag kings
drag strip
drag strips
fact is
fam trip
fam trips
fant sted
fat link
fat links
fat lip
fat lips
flax milk
franc suisse
Frank Chin
Franz Liszt
frat lit
gaf in
gaff rig
gaff rigs
ganske vist
Gap year
gap years
glass silk
glass squid
glass squids
grand prince
grand singe
grass pink
grass pinks
grass script
hack it
hacked it
hacks it
had it
half gip
half gyp
half gyps
half hitch
half lit
half sib
half sibs
hand bill
hand bills
hand bridge
hand in
hands in
hang in
hang it
hang with
hangs with
Hank Hill
images that thought
has built
really caught on,
has it
hat switch
hat tip
hat tips
hat trick
hat tricks
have ears
have in
family but cannot
you cannot
have it
have sted
he thought, Tampons
have strings
Jack Chick
jack in
jack it
jack shit
jacked in
jacks in
klap in
lab dip
lab dips
Lamb shift
Lamb shifts
land bridge
land spring
land springs
land winds
last ditch
last in
last thing
That was
last year
laste in
lath brick
lath bricks
laugh with
laughed with
laughs with
mache Sinn
macht Sinn
mad itch
Mad Lib
Mad Libs
mag slip
mag slips
man lift
man milk
man tit
man tits
mass shift
mass shifts
match drill
match stick
match sticks
matched grip
Matt Smith
Max Frisch
nahm hin
nam in
Nam Kinh
nam sinh
pack in
pack year
pack years
packed in
packs in
pad stitch
pak in
Pap smear
Pap smears
past it
Past lives
plan fixe
plant milk
plant milks
plant sit
plant sits
rack in
RAM disk
RAM disks
rat fink
rat finked
rat finks
rat king
rat kings
rat pit
rat pits
rat shit
Sam Hill
sand shrimp
sand skink
sand skinks
sank in
sans fil
sat in
sat still
scratch print
scratch prints
scratch wig
scratch wigs
shank it
slack fill
slack fills
slap chip
slap chips
slap print
slap prints
slash print
slash prints
smash hit
smash hits
smash it
snap in
snap ring
snap rings
span in
splash stick
splash sticks
stab stitch
stack chips
staff sling
staff slings
stag film
stag films
stamp hinge
stamp mill
stamp mills
stand in
stand ins
stand it
stand still
stand stills
stands in
stap in
swag it
swagged it
tap drill
tap drills
tap in
tap ins
taps in
tax disc
tax discs
tax shift
tax shifts
tax year
tax years
Thanh minh
that beard
shouldn't have shot
that chick
am not all
it at all,
man on Mars,
that is
the balls on
that kid
a hard heart
that kills
names are on
that list
fire can harm
that Ring
she was on
that ship
flight and all
get off on
that shit
that switch
there are on
they have on
to stand on
that thing
that, Stitch
track with
tracked with
tracks with
trad in
trap in
trappe in
trapt in
trash bin
trash bins
trash fish
val in
vang in
Wang Ming
Wang Ying
zag in
zag neer
with 1 extra syllable
lacked tactical and
combat skills
to a top
combat wing
compact disc
compact discs
compact disk
compact disks
contact print
contact prints
ever came and
contact with
contract bridge
Contrasts with
straight up that
goddamn hill
, one
goddamn hit
saucepan fish