exact syllable matches

origin, that
binds the French
wish I was
blind again
Brian Fair
bridal wear
they be as
bright again
Spain, unsuccessfully sought
Bryan's help
get caught
by a net
life hangs
To hang
by a thread
can get along
does that all
her doom all
in a class
in scenes all
by herself
all done
by nerve cells
Gift, and
by none else
satisfactory party all
shoulder the clan
by oneself
of balance
social democrats,
by the end
got snatched
by the Feds
been adopted
continually challenged
by the French
noggin bottle
by the neck
be shocked
by the next
it, not
by the rest
Who passes
by up there
a meta all
a table all
But not
can't do all
coming here all
defeating him all
do it all
do that all
fool thing all
go back, Not
handle them all
just sitting all
kill them all
killed him all
lost her all
me, going off
monochrome world all
new history, all
of this all
Or walk
out here all
out there all
out walking all
real solitude all
that Chrysler all
that out all
that time all
the beach all
the cart all
this planet not
to do all
to go all
to hoe all
with that all
you thinking, all
you traveling all
your lunch all
by yourself
my wife and
child again
child neglect
other than a
child yourself
we haven't cracked
China yet
Climb the stairs
crier gare
of committing that
crime again
cry again
Within Kra-
Dai, compare
diaper deck
diaper decks
die a death
did my dad
I shall not
Now we can
the dead man
to suffer and
die again
in anger and
dies again
never drink and
over, you can
drive again
what that truck
driver said
wife are all
dry again
is quoted, and
Dryden read
Dryden, rev
Dyson shell
Dyson shells
beat, rise, and
wanna have that
fight again
rise up and
fight against
You can't
fight the press
Do not
fight yourself
tanks and a
fighter jet
fighter jets
because that's the
final Hell
before taking that
could take that
final step
Let's have one
final test
could not
find a friend
I've gotta
find a pen
door and
find her dead
find oneself
I gotta
find some friends
find the net
one who can
find yourself
finds oneself
will get along
fine again
to attract the
finest men
fire air
fire stairs
fire step
fire steps
do, you can
fire them
fire trench
It's not on
fire yet
Dash and
fire, eh
years fled, and
five again
There are
five of them
it was
five per cent
was less than
five percent
flies the nest
a long
walk a
flight of steps
fly a desk
I shall
fly ahead
mind and
fly from them
fly the nest
that no longer
frightened them
It's that
never saw that
guy again
guy's a wreck
And the
guys love them
gyal dem
Heightened strength
Maybe I can
hide somewhere
lower self and
higher Self
its very last
high-strung breath
How am
I bereft
paintings, and
I burn them
into your hands
I commend
growth hormones, am
I correct
I design and
I direct
why have
I done them
my mind and
Or rob banks,
I forget
back what
That's what
understand what
I just said
gal that
I love best
I love sex
and 'cause
mean that
someone that
them and
I love them
false that
I loved them
Whom have
I oppressed
is everything that
know all that
of all that
I possess
around cause
I punched them
many things that
my life that
of words that
I regret
been larger than
I suspect
do, barber,
I trust them
Canova and
Elvis and
Kooning and
you and
I were friends
putting me on
ice again
I've sworn that
I'll protect
let something happen
I'll regret
my mouth, that
save humanity, and
I'm condemned
I'm just scared
I'm obsessed
I'm the best
Iron Chef
iron men
tight man with cast-
iron pecs
iron test
iron tests
item set
item sets
kind of pet
have that
wasn't that
kind of strength
through that
kind of stress
And all
kinds of gems
causing all
me all
kinds of hell
and years that
new frontiers that
the battles that
the challenges that
lie ahead
And what
the battle that
the challenge that
the task that
the work that
lies ahead
and have a
could have a
life again
there was
life up there
this wad of
lifeless air
Suddenly there was
light again
was the
light of men
lightbulb leh
I talk
like a bear
be bought,
like a dress
look upon her
like again
look a lot
like assent
like love them
The timing was
like perfect
be fought
like the pest
Negro man,
like yourself
being jealous and,
like, obsessed
He's got,
like, one leg
Then try that
What was the
line again
gotta draw the
might draw the
to draw the
you've crossed the
line somewhere
didn't cross the
line yourself
again, I can
for bodies and
I wanna
my voice and
they will not
wake up and
live again
Michael Dell
Michael Ende
Michael Herr
Michael Klare
Michael Phelps
than pure maths
might suggest
He never saw
Mike again
hearts and
on the
upon the
minds of men
Doyle, I forgot
mine again
mitral cell
been working on
my accent
blood off
my drum set
Tonight was
my first test
if she was
my child, not
She's not
White Ape got
White Ape has
You are not
you as not
you mini-Macking on
my girlfriend
right, that was
MY girlfriend
my learned friend
me after
my mum went
I've had
my desires and
my success
do all
my work there
brought back
my worst self
got a
nice butt there
Nice shirt there
Nigel Benn
of those long
nights ahead
nine, but ten
the ball on
pi again
I saw
piles of heads
pilot bread
all prophets and
pious men
more politic and
pliant men
price of eggs
Prime Suspect
prime suspects
own particular and
private hell
baccarat on a
private jet
to destroy all
private wealth
some peace and
quiet when
quite a stretch
image is not
it is not
statement is not
think that's not
This is not
quite correct
Nope, not
quite done yet
election that's not
quite perfect
I am
quite upset
and the Bandit
Ride Again
ride the bench
Apple Dumpling Gang
Rides Again
rides the bench
right accent
did not come
I was
may never walk
never be all
something like that
will be all
would be all
right again
got the
right one there
I am
right up there
right, a test
condemnation of all
righteous men
riot stairs
one that hadn't
ripened yet
and did not
be crucified and
Dark Lord shall
he does not
may set and
so you can
The Fallen shall
the sun's gonna
rise again
Rise Against
Ryan's dead
science fair
science fairs
of what that
science meant
Give that smile a
by someone and
shines again
sida upp och
sida ned
side affect
on the wrong
side again
the wrong
side of bed
on the
side of men
the wrong
side of them
stand the
sight of eggs
at the
sight of them
as a
That's a
sign of strength
that on a
sign somewhere
Tracy Morgan, and
Simon Pegg
Simon says
least it's not
Simon's Quest
sky turns red
on a
slice of bread
smile again
spider sense
spider web
spider webs
It's what all
squires wear
antique columns, and
stifled them
strike a lead
Strike the tent
The Pink Panther
Strikes Again
disembowelled on the
Tiber steps
tidal air
tiger bench
tiger bread
tiger chair
tiger chairs
and time and
happen time and
happened time and
Happens time and
It's that
line time and
on time and
over time and
searched time and
these time and
Time and
you time and
time again
it all the
time herself
of all
Time just left
it's not
time just yet
at the
time of death
at the
time of prayer
adversity and
time of stress
for a long
time, Butt-head
hollowed chest and
tired head
has got the
title belt
India's Northeast and
tribal belts
he'd never have
tried again
an hour and
and miss and
can all just
come back, and
Ease round and
for parts and
get up and
hang up and
Hickson, Try and
I'm gonna
Now come on,
on Tuesday and
to school and
year we can
You can
your tampon and
try again
classes and
types of men
via French
variant, from gnarled,
via knurled
viral sex
vital air
a wise and
vital friend
white blood cell
phagocytes and
white blood cells
white glove test
white glove tests
white-glove test
white-glove tests
why the dead
why the heck
why the tears
I am a
wild success
might not
wind up dead
wire edge
of a barbed
wire fence
sand, cement, and
wire mesh
wire stem
climb a barbed
wire, yes
from, and
write from there

with 1 extra syllable

they shall have
acquired strength
why they have
acquired them
But you do
admire yourself
Admire yourself
only under
advice from them
I was
alive again
I'll make everything
alright again
applied oneself
applies oneself
apply oneself
thinks he's Walter
Cronkite again
we shall
derive from them
water buffalo
jackknifed up there
you about a
landslide ahead
Mankind must end
Provide a threat
saliva test
saliva tests
cynical persons are
those predictions are
sometimes correct
Sunrise, sunset
Surprise yourself
survival sex
Upside the head
vaginal sex

with 2 extra syllables

politically and economically,
alongside Quebec
we both fought
alongside Rosette
analyse yourself
analyze yourself
You're running the
appetisers, yes
Justify yourself
with a broad
Lancashire accent
where I
occupy a chair
occupy oneself
to be
productized just yet
she's going to
was willing to
sacrifice herself
sacrifice of flesh
wanna to
sacrifice the West
Do not
Why do you
sacrifice yourself
Now that you've
sacrificed yourself