exact syllable matches

1 Cor
1 Joan
A board
A boards
a cold
a flote
a lo
a load
a molt
a pau
A road
A roads
a roll
A roll
A rolls
a tope
bird course
blood flow
blood horse
blood nose
blood sport
blood sports
Blood Stone
brak door
buck for
bucked for
bucks for
bug storm
bug storms
bum roll
bum rolls
bur oaks
burn phone
burn phones
burr hole
burr holes
burr oak
burr oaks
burst forth
Burt Ward
but for
butt load
butt loads
Chuck Close
Chuck Jones
Chuck Lorre
church door
church doors
come for
come forth
come home
come low
come no
come short
comes forth
cum hole
cum holes
cum whore
cum whores
cunt whore
cunt whores
cusp form
cusp forms
cut short
cuts short
dirt road
dirt roads
does for
done for
Doug Dorst
drug lord
drug lords
drug store
drug stores
drum roll
drum rolls
duck mole
duck moles
dumb hole
dumb holes
dumb quotes
dumb show
dumb shows
dump core
dun crow
dun crows
dust bowl
dust hole
dust holes
dust storm
dust storms
Dutch door
Dutch doors
Dutch gold
Dutch hoe
Dutch hoes
Dutch loaf
Dutch loaves
Dutch roll
Dutch rolls
earth floor
earth floors
Ernst Nolte
Ernst Roehm
First Bloke
First Blokes
First Coast
first floor
first floors
From zwart
front door
front doors
front hole
front holes
front load
front loads
front porch
front row
front rows
fuck knows
fuck sore
fuck sores
funk hole
funk holes
fur coat
fur coats
germ pore
germ pores
Gulf War
gun for
gung ho
gut course
gut roll
gut rolls
her for
herd boar
hung low
jug hold
jug holds
jump rope
jump roped
jump ropes
jumped rope
jumps rope
junk drawer
junk drawers
junk sport
junk sports
just folks
just so
Just war
Just wars
kerb stone
kerb stones
kung po
Le Flore
love hold
love holds
love hole
love holes
love those
lug bolt
lug bolts
merge sort
merge sorts
much though
mud cone
mud cones
Musk rose
nerd pole
nerd poled
nerd poles
nerve cord
nerve cords
nut roast
nut roasts
nut roll
nut rolls
of course
of gold
of note
of old
of sorts
of stone
of war
of War
of yore
once more
one fourth
one short
per pro
per sort
perch pole
perch poles
plump for
pug nose
punch bowl
punch bowls
quirks mode
rub board
rub boards
rum go
run low
run short
runs low
rush toad
rush toads
rut roh
scrub board
scrub boards
scrub oak
scrub oaks
sludge hole
sludge holes
slut hole
slut holes
snub nose
snub post
snub posts
some more
some old
some ole
sponge roll
sponge rolls
sta los
sta toe
struck gold
stud bolt
stud bolts
stud horse
surf boat
surf boats
the boat
The Core
The Crow
the floor
the folks
The Force
the go
the horn
The host
The Lord
the more
the nose
the Road
The Road
the ropes
The Storm
the whole
thrust load
thrust loads
thumb war
Thumb Wars
tongue bone
tongue bones
tongue sole
tongue soles
tongue stone
tongue stones
tongue toast
touch hole
touch holes
touch phone
touch phones
trunk road
trunk roads
trunk show
trunk shows
tug boat
tug boats
turf toe
turf toes
turf war
turf wars
Turn Coat
turn coats
turned coat
turns coat
uh oh
um show
um toque
up for
up north
up short
verb form
verb forms
werk door
werke door
what for
what ho
what though
work force
work zone
work zones
world globe
world phone
world phones
World Soul
world war
world wars

with 1 extra syllable

August 4
August Krogh
autom cove
autom coves
autom mort
autom morts
autum cove
autum coves
autum mort
autum morts
barber pole
barber poles
bottle gourd
bottle gourds
bottle store
bottle stores
bottle whore
bottle whores
bottom drawer
bottom drawers
bottom for
bottomed for
bottoms for
boxer shorts
carpal bone
carpal bones
carpet bowls
charter court
charter courts
collar bone
collar bones
common chord
common chords
common cold
common colds
Common Core
common vole
common voles
conscience vote
conscience votes
copper ore
copper ores
Cossack post
Cossack posts
cottage home
cottage homes
cottage loaf
cottage loaves
cotton boll
cotton bolls
docker hole
docker holes
dollar store
dollar stores
dotted note
Falklands War
fallen short
foster home
foster homes
garden gnome
garden gnomes
garden hose
garland thorn
gobble hole
gobble holes
Goddess knows
Harlan Stone
harvest gold
harvest golds
harvest home
harvest homes
honor roll
honor rolls
honour roll
honour rolls
Johnson hole
Johnson holes
Kaya Jones
lava dome
lava domes
lava flow
lava flows
Locrian mode
lozenge coach
mana wove
Marcus Borg
Marcus Cole
Marston Morse
Martha Jones
Martin Short
olive grove
olive groves
olive ore
opera cloak
opera cloaks
Osler node
Osler nodes
Papa Roach
parcel post
parcel posts
Parsons code
Parsons codes
Paula Jones
Pharma Bro
pocket door
pocket doors
pommel horse
quantum foam
quantum foams
Ralston Bowles
Robert Bolt
Robert Bork
Robert Dole
Robert George
Robert Holmes
Robin Sloan
Roger North
Roger Stone
rostral bone
rostral bones
rotten stone
Saanen goat
Saanen goats
sausage roll
sausage rolls
scarlet oak
scarlet oaks
Sergeant York
socket bolt
socket bolts
socket pole
socket poles
sonner faux
starter dough
starter doughs
tarsal bone
tarsal bones
Thomas Cole
Thomas Gold
Thomas More
Thomas Moult
toggle bolt
toggle bolts
water crow
water crows
water flow
water flows
water hole
water holes
water horse
water mole
water moles
water oak
water oaks
water sport
water sports
water vole
water voles
wobble board
wobble boards