exact syllable matches
6, 7,
8 of you
Are those two
ever not be
he wouldn't be
I might be
I wouldn't be
if I were
I'll ever be
may not be
might not be
noise about being
that has been
think I'll be
We should be
while we're still
while you're still
would have been
would normally be
would not be
wouldn't even be
you would be
able to
That's really un-
ace of you
at the
age of two
which that shameless
age produced
ain't fucked you
that shit
ain't the truth
temple to the
ancient truths
April 2
You are the
April Fool
out about her
Asian roots
You probably
ate 'em too
that you
ate the food
But why
blame the Jews
one of the
bravest, too
when they
break a rule
parents when you
break curfew
Sometimes you
you won't
break the rules
cable news
work for Atlantis
Cable News
that it
came from you
possible and in
cases true
with a
change of brooms
could just
Don't suddenly
Fair-play doesn't
change the rules
it doesn't
change the truth
you hadn't
changed the rules
Changed the rules
But it
hundreds of years
malice, and that
Seeing the patterns
The devil
you're stone, it
changes you
Let me
cradle you
a sex
crane of you
Dana Gould
not in the
danger room
accessing the primary
data loop
May that
day come soon
our own
day of doom
this particular
day of June
for another
the first
your first
day of school
will just
drain from you
becomes the
face of truth
able to
afraid to
behind and
can not
courage to
he couldn't
let them
will never
you gotta
face the truth
Wipe your
face, but you
has not
faced up to
will without
fail come true
feel like a
failure, too
escaping the
fate of doom
the tragic
fate of Jews
already know I
favor you
do you a
favor, Tool
favours Fools
game of doom
games, Baloo
through the
Gate of Truth
England ever
gave birth to
They were
graded, too
it into
grains of truth
we're a
great one, too
passionate hearts and
the enthusiasm for
great virtue
necessities call out
great virtues
which is the
greater fool
was made by
greater fools
part of some
greater truth
most wise are
greatest fools
the line of
greatest wounds
of Thy inner
greatness, too
'Cause they
hate us too
a reason I
and that they
father would have
I always
vigilantes because I
hated you
the one that
jaded you
what's Cayden
James up to
through William
James' world view
seemed bowed under snow-
laden roofs
you await my
latest move
bad mistakes,I've
made a few
wisdom is
made a fool
before he
made a move
stuff I
made her do
them is
made of food
a controller
made of fruit
a house
made of rules
Then I
made some moves
vibrate and
made us move
one dares
then you
time to
You never
make a move
that would
make a school
don't ever
make her blue
allowed to
do you
make love to
shop and
make one too
hundred repetitions
make one truth
make the move
failed to
make the proof
food, I
mind, I'll
so I
We don't
make the rules
what you
make the truth
sweet things to
make untrue
tries to
make us do
rich, can
make us poor
a nickel-plated
makes the rules
sea captain named
Mason Tombs
of piety they
may assume
effects which that
may produce
midst of the
to experience the
you is the
naked truth
night with a
naked youth
just to
Libya to
name a few
in the
name of food
by the
name of Zeus
That's what conquering
nations do
a circle, the
nation's hoop
at peace among
governments of other
nations too
bind up the
nation's wounds
poison to our
nation's youth
a time where
nature ruled
the sky in
nature too
it makes us
nature's tool
Shit in your
neighbor's boot
have prepared a
will be a
painful doom
to trounce a
painful truth
ever have a
family, a promising
the goddammed motherfucking
paper route
there on
pay per view
got to
pay some dues
can sell it to
would have beat
Payson, too
take the
place of truth
people in these
places do
to take their
places, too
be propagating a
plain untruth
new fighter
plane of doom
on the
plane of proof
and Latins
play hurt, too
play of truth
born to
to ever
play the blues
how to
play the flute
have to
Let me
me to
play the fool
you can
play the spoons
good lead trumpet
player too
world's best Go
player, too
lies is another
players truths
tapeworm that
plays the flute
me she
plays the shrew
promises, plight faith,
praise virtue
as members of
dividing us into
racial groups
Raider 2
just to
raise a fool
a broader
range of foods
up in your
Ranger suit
concert-security type Danger
Rangers, too
is at any
rate untrue
JFK and Ronald
Reagan knew
to a
rein of rule
to keep it
safe, unused
Bye bye
envy of Eternal
have to revive
I am
I became Eternal
pay for this,
tried to kill
what you say,
will look after
you see that,
your future self,
Sailor Moon
guy in a
sailor suit
at the
sale of truth
in exactly the
same pursuit
believe not,
save a few
ours is to
the power to
We promised to
save Cocoon
did to
finger to
save the Jews
might help
save the poor
concerning God
save the truth
The boy who
saved Cocoon
things they
say of you
say the truth
nice subtle
shade of blue
print it,And
shame the fools
disbelievers is a
shameful doom
as a structurally
stable cube
time in the
stasis booths
state of Groot
has to
state the truth
liked the train
station, too
a country the
stranger knew
ready to
take a cruise
give or
take a few
let Tom
take the cube
who can't
take the truth
of apartheid had
taken root
did it must've
taken you
takes up room
charming fairy
tale come true
make fairy
tales come true
He's a
Tamer too
you get this
tape, Gumshoes
the slimmest
taste of food
cook to
taste the food
of the character
they assume
you, then
they burn you
thing is
they come through
because sometimes
dream things,
they come true
much more than
they consume
they drug you
you and
they fuck you
FUCK you,
they FUCK you
damn sure
they heard you
they hurt you
more than
they love truth
act like
behind us,
is that
potential, and
say that
you, sometimes
they love you
go, what
they must do
and what did
Class from what
face the realities
they produce
in the policies
they pursue
careful about who
they recruit
to climb, but
they refuse
attacked them, and
Of course
offered my services,
their suitcases, and
they refused
how much
they trust you
what are
they up to
who thought
they were cool
died because
they were fools
and fully,
they were moved
felt that
nice Horses
they were too
always swearing
wish, that
they were true
and how
they were used
Where are
they, Baloo
they did,
they'd love you
They'd love you
by any
trace of truth
one can
trace the roots
on the
trail of Truth
going to be
traitors to
trying to Darth
Vader you
wake up soon
thought to
want to
wake up to
that Clay
wakes up soon
it meets a
wasted doom
tragic tale of
wasted youth
by the
way, the suit
with 1 extra syllable
am not
I be
I'm not
just not
least bit
think I'm
afraid of you
the innocent are
always abused
for assistance are
always approved
maidens you
always come to
my dreams
always come true
and I'll
I will
know I'll
remember, I'll
said I'd
always love you
I have
always loved you
shoes, it's
always the shoes
which isn't
always the truth
I am
must be
to be
who was
would be
ashamed of you
what most white
Australians do
that's barely half-
awake come true
perhaps HE has
awakened too
the heck
away from blue
it, or
away from Bruce
about getting
and important
another minute
are taken
be taken
be turned
bear being
can take
die facing
everyone running
far enough
good pieces
gotta get
have fallen
have taken
I'm going
is taken
it grows
it taken
just gets
let get
life taken
my baby,
of that
take anything
take everything
take it
take me
take that
take this
taking this
that taken
the crown
this planet
to get
to walk
took that
your daughter
your dream
your gun
your memory
your name
your son
your soul
your wife
away from you
religion and
became a Jew
didn't happen, I
of psychic forces
somewhere, men's minds
became confused
have now
betrayed her too
Betrayed the rules
your heart from
cocaine abuse
for the more
complacent view
contain a clue
precedents, I must
create anew
and forks they
created rules
I know, I
That's why I
The one who
the transmutation that
Who then has
created you
that world
creates the rules
for this
disgrace But who
need them to
enable you
endanger you
know, Egyptians
enslaved the Jews
I love pencil
erasers too
I have
escaped from you
hated you, have
you think God's
forsaken you
It is so
frustrated, dude
Jamaican dude
gave voice to
Jamaica's poor
crime bear its
misshapen brood
made a
mistake once too
It was a
mistaken view
have to
obey the rules
until he
obtained a clue
unbribed, there's no
occasion to
Fuck you,
ok fuck you
for a
playdate OF DOOM
words, shall
proclaim the truth
of Merz in
relation to
But it will
remain unmoved
The police
remained unmoved
Malthus proclaimed
remains the truth
yet Your mercy
remains unmoved
me to
replace a fuse
call for a
replacement troop
had just
retained the truth
try to
shortchange the Muse
that plane, the
taxpayers do
stuff that rebellious
teenagers do
So much better
theater too
doing anything
today, were you
and I was
and we were
because I was
centaur but is
we will be
unable to
a tense and
unstable truce
with 2 extra syllables
role in a
CIA-front group
Destination 2
mountains for personal
entertainment, too
deep and attracted
fascinated youth
in those juvie-detention
gladiator schools
godforsaken boots
the way his
imitators do
is virtuous and
inculcates virtue
errors, but the
information too
they'd get some
information, too
me to
integrate the two
and to
irrigate the moon
in the
Masturbation Room
about a dedicated
meditation room
I have an
obligation to
hallway is the
observation room
Our radio
operator too
and into the
Preservation Room
Brent in
might have been
radiation suits
network is a
regulated use
you can
separate the two
new program The
sheet from the
Situation Room
Terminator 2
We all just
tolerated you
them love the
Undertaker too
just defeated the
Undertaker, who
with 3 extra syllables
Earth and its
associated moon
map was a
collaborator too
desire to
exterminate the Jews
only to the
initiated few
camera in the
interrogation room
Your success has
intoxicated you
You broke the
Organization's rules
Not Hopkins
Refrigeration School
shape of a
supramundane mushroom
with 4 extra syllables
irrevocably, however
excommunicate, a Jew