exact syllable matches

bouncing Betties
get bogged
down in any
a gone
down with Eddie
ground is ready
But I am
grounded, Eddy
and the
think the
house is empty
a messy
house is messy
How did get here
how it wears me
with countable
nouns is many
you will
now respect me
out in left field
out windsurfing
I'll hang
out with Jesse
you went
out with, Larry
consonant drops
out, if any
Because that
sound is scary
Why this
Why, this
sounded merry

with 1 extra syllable

about -
If they're real
There's nothing Christian
about Evadne
about it, Edie
Don't worry
mean, think
about it, Jerry
to do
about it, Wendy
for records
about this technique
see you
around, Miss Teri