exact syllable matches
said fair was
Al Gore
al lote
an Bord
It's not
Siberian crab on
an oak
stroke fells not
an oke
almost always strong
and bold
on the dog
and bone
and bones
and bowled
Republished James Clarke
and co
task of Walt
and Co
some Pop Rocks
and Coke
run hot
and cold
other than rods
and cones
of excess electrons
and holes
and home
Broken hearts
leave their hearths
of their hearths
and homes
the hidden spark,
and lo
and load
that play soft
and low
and various rots
and molds
Nasser, Yasser Arafat
and more
etymology, by cock
and roach
the present tossed
and rode
art of rock
is just rock
level of rock
roots of rock
sex and rock
Stop, drop
That's rock
Then let's rock
to their rock
and roll
History of Rock
it's over, Rock
and Roll
and rolled
and rolls
of mast, spars
and ropes
with a bipod
and scope
the long
and short
silences of stars
and snows
had been bought
own image bought
and sold
all his heart
all its heart
nose, flesh, heart,
purpose, of heart
The heart
and soul
with our hearts
and souls
and Souls
through their catalogs
and stores
form of frog
and toad
and toads
and war
and ward
I were soft
and warm
and a heart
and warts
of the hall
and, lo
record because it was rock-
ang mo
ang pau
ang pows
as for
as though
The friends are
as warm
ash gourd
ash gourds
more can ya
ask for
You cannot
ask more
asked for
asks for
ass hole
ass holes
It was
at crows
I am not
like I was
on the walls
Roberto Clemente baseball
than I was
the breakfast bar
these problems start
where I was
at home
at homes
at most
and I are
States was not
We are not
whom they are
at war
Aunt Flo
back board
back boards
back door
back doors
back four
back fours
ship and Reinhart
take some knocks
back home
back porch
back post
back posts
back road
back roads
back row
back rows
bad form
bad joke
bad jokes
bad show
He's not all
bad, though
bakke bone
bank note
bank notes
bank vole
bank voles
bass boat
bass boats
bass horn
bass horns
bass note
bass notes
bat phone
bat phones
black coal
black coals
black dwarf
black dwarfs
black gold
Black holes
black horse
think of was
black jokes
black note
black notes
black oak
black oaks
black oat
black oats
Black Pope
Black Popes
thought it was
black smoke
black stork
black toad
black toads
of the bomb
blast zone
bracht door
bracht toe
bras mort
Caen stone
Caen stones
calf bone
calf bones
cam go
the human heart
can hold
Cash flow
Cash flows
cat door
cat doors
cat hole
cat holes
catch cold
chat show
chat shows
clack door
clack doors
Class war
crab fork
crab forks
crack whore
crack whores
cramp bone
cramp bones
crash course
in a car
crash so
dad joke
dad jokes
dad ort
damp course
Dan Coats
dan toe
dance floor
dance floors
draft board
draft boards
draft horse
drag boat
drag boats
drag bolt
drag bolts
drag rope
drag ropes
drag show
drag shows
draught horse
Fab Four
fast rope
fast roped
fast ropes
flag pole
flag poles
flash roll
flash rolls
flat rope
flat ropes
flat store
flat stores
Frank Gore
gab los
gaf door
gaf toe
gag store
gag stores
gang show
gas boat
gas boats
gas coal
gas coals
glance coal
glance coals
glass coach
glass door
glass doors
glass soap
Grand Forks
graph hole
graph holes
grass court
grass courts
had door
half board
half boards
half gross
half note
half notes
your own son was
hang low
hangs low
and a car
has four
hash code
hash codes
The walls
have closed
They must not
have known
do, after all,
have more
that the stars
have souls
and that all
have votes
Huang Ho
Huang Po
Hwang Ho
Jack Rose
he knocks on
Jack's door
jag bolt
jag bolts
jam roll
jam rolls
kam fort
lab coat
lab coats
lamp post
lamp posts
Lance Cove
land ho
langue source
last four
last fours
last post
last posts
lax bro
lax bros
man ho
man hoes
man whore
man whores
mash note
mash notes
mass flow
mass flows
mast coat
mast coats
Max Born
nam toe
pack horse
pan scone
pan scones
pants role
pants roles
pap boat
pass for
to march on,
past Rome
past toe
Planck force
platte forme
quant pole
quant poles
raft port
raft ports
ram home
There's an on-
ramp close
ran low
part office-seekers are
rank rogues
rat hole
rat holes
sand dome
sand domes
sand mole
sand moles
sand storm
sand storms
sash cord
sash door
sash doors
scan code
scan codes
smack, though
staff corps
stamp note
stamp notes
stand for
not what BLOB
stands for
stat whore
stat whored
stat whores
not pay bar
tabs though
Tad Stones
tank loaf
tank loaves
tap bolt
tap bolts
task force
the people on
thing else on
that boat
dark and all
that cold
it says on
no lock on
you cross beyond
that door
what happened on
that floor
Jeez, what was
Jimmy, what was
the heck was
the hell was
What was
whose sake was
that for
Get down off
Get off
was on
that horse
I want
that joke
it's not
THAT old
I cry on
that phone
Up on
that pole
eternal pilgrim on
follow along on
that road
all right on
any doubts on
does OK on
long since on
soon changed on
that score
and stumbled across
that shore
to get on
that show
life and upon
that soul
American people bought
why they fought
You never fought
that war
reaches another heart,
that's soul
tract home
tract homes
trad toe
trap door
trap doors
trap phone
trap phones
trash drawer
trash drawers
trash sport
trash sports
van Doorn
van Dort
friends', modeled on
Van Gogh
Van Goghs
Van Horn
Van Jones
Van Vogt
Van Wart
Wang Bo
wax comb
wax combs
wax gourd
wax gourds
with 1 extra syllable
broadcast storm
broadcast storms
Combat 4
combat drone
combat drones
combat sport
combat sports
you're in a
combat zone
Combat Zone
game, not a
Life's a
contact sport
contact sports
rather have a
goddam horse
don't know,'cause i'm
goddamn cold
Now open the
Open the
goddamn door
there like a
goddamn stone
Open the
goddamned door
men surrounding the
Goddamned fort