exact syllable matches
It --
it's just
With -
with nerds
ink that's not
been printed
biography has not
has thus far
sketch had not
been written
beer ticket
beer tickets
beering up
Big business
Big Dipper
big dippers
pans are not
What's wrong, not
big enough
big figure
big figures
big finger
big fingers
big hitter
big hitters
big picture
big pictures
Big River
big sisters
big switches
Big Timber
bigging up
Bill Clinton
Bill Finger
Bill Kristol
bill sticker
bill stickers
Bill Whittle
Bill Withers
bin chicken
bin chickens
bin tipper
bin tippers
binge drinker
binge drinkers
bit lifter
bit lifters
bit nibbler
bit nibblers
blicket um
bricking up
that the smart
bring wisdom
bringing up
British gum
build bridges
building up
builds bridges
built bridges
cheering up
chipping bird
chipping birds
Chris Kindle
clearing nut
clearing nuts
clearing up
crib lizard
crib lizards
crib midget
crib midgets
cystic duct
cystic ducts
Dick Nixon
did business
did it tough
digging up
dill pickle
disc rigid
dishing up
disk image
district nurse
Drink his blood
drinking bird
drinking birds
Fifth Business
filling up
fin gripper
fin grippers
finish up
fish finger
fish fingers
fitting up
fixed income
fixed incomes
fixed limit
fixes up
fixing up
Flip Wilson
frilled lizard
frilled lizards
gift giver
gift givers
ginning up
and not
Come on,
give it up
Giving birth
beating and start
giving one
I am not
giving up
hysterical teenage phenomenon
gripped Britain
gym knickers
gymslip mum
gymslip mums
fond of all
his children
and cut off
his fingers
daughter and not
his mistress
was honoured on
his return
land on
his spear gun
hit it up
hit wicket
hits it up
hitting up
hypnic jerk
hypnic jerks
im Himmel
in business
she was not
in England
in Himmel
in his cups
the ball
in his glove
are not
in his works
in liquor
in little
in prison
gave them smallpox
in return
Man wall charts
in reverse
in spirit
in this hunt
at all
in this work
come off
not want
in this world
ink slinger
ink slingers
As long
is it turns
slippery and thought
is viscous
all, God
earth, God
is with us
it Christmas
it figures
it in first
capital and called
it income
It's been tough
it's Christmas
It's Christmas
It's his tongue
jig is up
Jim Bishop
Jim Clyburn
kick his butt
kicking butt
kicking up
kid sister
kid sisters
kill switches
Our backs are
killing us
Kim Il Sung
Kim Il-sung
King William
kissing bug
kissing bugs
the not
kissing one
Kris Kindle
Kris Kringle
Kris Kringles
Kriss Kringle
licking up
linking verb
linking verbs
lip wisdom
living mulch
living up
milk mirror
milk mirrors
milk sickness
milk sister
milk sisters
milk thistle
milk thistles
mill cinder
mincing words
mirid bug
mirid bugs
mix it up
mixed picture
mixed pictures
mixed signal
mixed signals
mixing up
near vision
Phillips curve
Phillips curves
physic nut
physic nuts
doctors not
pick it up
picking up
piercing gun
piercing guns
pig sticker
pig stickers
pinch hitter
pinch hitters
pink bismuth
pink pigeon
pink pigeons
pink ticket
pink tickets
pink-eared duck
pisses up
pissing up
pit lizard
pit lizards
pit village
prince bishop
prince bishops
Prince Philip
Prince William
printing up
rearing up
resist work
I was not
rich enough
ring finger
ring fingers
ring spinner
ring spinners
ring system
ring systems
ring-billed gull
ringing up
Schmitt trigger
Schmitt triggers
ship biscuit
ship biscuits
ship fitter
shit ticket
shit tickets
Sid Vicious
silted up
and that's far
sin enough
Sing this one
sinking fund
sinking funds
sitting duck
sitting ducks
sitting up
Six Sigma
slipping up
Smith River
snitches up
snitching up
spear biscuits
a sharp
spear in front
spear thistle
spear thistles
Spill his blood
spinning up
split single
split singles
split switches
split ticket
split tickets
spring chicken
spring chickens
spring quillwort
springing up
squish mitten
squish mittens
steer clear of
Stich ins Herz
stick figure
stick figures
sticking up
Great-Gran was
still with us
stitches up
stitching up
string distance
string trimmer
string trimmers
stringing up
swimming trunks
swing bridges
swinging bunt
swinging bunts
Swiss system
switch hitter
switch hitters
switch pitcher
switch pitchers
switching up
thinking of
thinking up
Whats all
this business
this instant
come on,
this is one
this minute
what causes all
this mischief
I'll pass on
this mission
her was on
this river
learned all
this shit from
This shit hurts
This shit works
thrill killer
thrill killers
tin liquor
tin whisker
tin whiskers
tin whistle
tin whistles
trip switches
tripping up
twin crystal
twin crystals
weird fiction
whistling duck
whistling ducks
wing mirror
wing mirrors
With drink, sir
would have gone
with fishnets
concerned at all
in a standoff
with Mr
offensive, on par
with nigger
just start
what's wrong
with this one
What's wrong
with this world
sin has walked
within us
wrist spinner
wrist spinners
Wyclif, Works
Wyrd Sisters
Zig Ziglar
zinc finger
zinc fingers
with 1 extra syllable
Armitage, Merle
bodice ripper
bodice rippers
Boxing is worse
carline thistle
carline thistles
Chongqing chicken
out and
chopping it up
convict cichlids
Cronquist system
I just started
drawing Mr
command are
I'm not
is not
wife and
falling in love
Falling in love
falling sickness
ever bright And
faultless image
garbage women
garlic fingers
Garnish is done
Narcissist much
nodding thistle
nodding thistles
parking ticket
parking tickets
all were
plotting with her
Polish iskra
Polish strycharz
I'm not
stalling, Mr
starting pistol
starting pistols
starting pitcher
starting pitchers
starting signal
starting signals
stocking filler
stocking fillers
stopping distance
Supernatural Fast
Talking Dick Club
talking pictures
is daft, cos
talking's brilliant
walking fishes
walking ticket
all these fans
wanted pictures
into procreating and
wanting children
with 2 extra syllables
has to
acknowledge his worst
have occasion to
admonish Mr
aquatic fitness
atomic fission
atomic winter
atomic winters
Lombardic rhythm
Lombardic rhythms
photonic crystal
photonic crystals
belated after-glows and
spasmodic returns
with 3 extra syllables
with a clear, non-
alcoholic liquid
taxonomic system
appear in all
taxonomic systems