exact syllable matches

air bed
air beds
air cell
air cells
air leth
air shed
air sheds
air vent
air vents
on their soft
bare flesh
bear spread
bear spreads
bed checks
bed hair
bed head
bed rest
bed wench
Bel Air
bell deck
bell decks
bell end
bell ends
bell tent
bell tents
belle belle
belles lettres
Ben 10
Ben Hecht
bench bled
bench press
bench pressed
bench strength
bench strengths
bent edge
best bet
best bets
with my mom's
best friend
America's Next Top
Best Friend
You guys are
best friends
best men
Betz cell
Betz cells
bless bless
many ways, God
that the Gods
bless them
breast shell
breast shells
breath test
breath tests
Care Bear
Care Bears
cell death
cell deaths
cell yell
chair bed
chair beds
chess set
chess sets
chest hair
chest press
Crex crex
dead air
dead cert
It was
dead ebb
dead end
dead ends
the film Drop
Dead Fred
dead leg
dead legs
dead melt
dead melts
dead men
dead pledge
dead red
Dead Set
dead sets
and I'm not
but I'm not
He's not
I'm not
Marcellus is not
we are not
dead yet
of Worthing, Not
Dead Yet
death bed
death beds
death bell
death bells
death glare
death glares
death knell
death knells
death stare
death stares
deck chair
deck chairs
den herre
desk check
desk checks
dress sense
Ed Ayres
Ed Krebs
edge set
edge sets
egg bread
egg breads
egg cell
egg cells
El Tel
elk test
elk tests
en chien
en clair
en del
en femme
en met
journey will not
end well
erst recht
es teh
et des
the French arts
et lettres
F clef
F clefs
fair bet
fair bets
fair sex
faire sens
felt pen
femme fen
fetch quest
fetch quests
Fred Phelps
French bread
French breads
French deck
French decks
French press
French red
fresh air
Fresh Hare
fresh legs
but we're not
friends friends
gel pen
gel pens
gen ed
get bent
get dressed
get fresh
get set
You can't not
get them
you might not
get there
get well
get wet
gets dressed
before the ball
on until Odd
gets there
gets wet
Glenn Beck
Greg Bear
guessed guessed
hair cell
hair cells
hair gel
hair gels
hair sedge
Haired Hare
head chef
head chefs
head men
are welfare, not
give them jobs,
million people off
to spend on
health care
Health care
hel bent
hell mend
help desk
help desks
hen peck
hen pecked
hen pecks
Jeff Beck
She is called
Jess, Jess
jet set
jet sets
kelp bed
Kent Beck
kept men
kere kere
L square
L squares
leg byes
leg fest
leg men
leg press
lens flare
lens flares
lest best
mair veg
med ens
Meles meles
of good-looking African
men there
mess dress
mess tent
mess tents
met tet
porcelain bulldog on
M's desk
ned med
nest egg
nest eggs
net net
net nets
nett nett
next friend
next friends
peg leg
peg legs
pell mell
pen friend
pen friends
thumb The squat
pen rests
pen shell
pen shells
pen test
pen tests
press flesh
Death cannot
quench them
read head
read heads
read length
red cell
red cells
red cent
red cents
red elm
red elms
woman with long
red hair
red lead
red men
red Ned
red scare
be marching on
Red Square
Ren fair
Ren fairs
Why not
scare them
traditional right's emphasis on
I will not
sell them
My sensors cannot
sense them
gods and was
sent help
Manuel Chavez was
sent there
sept cents
set fair
set net
set nets
set square
set squares
sets fair
sex cell
sex cells
sex ed
sex friend
sex hair
base it on
sex then
shed tears
shell bed
sled head
sledge chair
sledge chairs
smell test
smell tests
Spell check
spread bet
spread bets
square leg
stelle fest
stem cell
stem cells
stench trench
step chair
step chairs
stress test
stress tests
TED spread
tek tek
tel quel
ten hests
tent peg
tent pegs
test bed
test beds
test bench
tet spell
tet spells
text neck
sing aloud on
their beds
giving us all
their best
my face on
peel them off
their breasts
and beer on
food was on
their breath
complimentary mint on
viewers falling off
their chairs
with medals on
you leave upon
their chests
are sent beyond
their death
His Majesty upon
the heavens upon
their deaths
to pay off
their debts
is right on
their desks
using have lost
their edge
fields that marked
their end
understand, I was
their friend
hang up on
their friends
rape, cutting off
their hair
Master is on
rat carcass on
self-destruct buttons on
wearing lamps on
with what's on
their head
are turned on
black spots on
Deep Heaven on
I'll have all
iron pots on
least partly on
may cut off
modest price on
no hair on
or bundles on
price tag on
stood them on
their caps on
these microwaves on
They cut off
tin trunks on
top knot on
with getting off
their heads
without counting on
their help
been using all
diversity is not
not tempted beyond
with building on
their strength
that cannot stop
their tears
up and call
them blessed
I want
them dead
but he brought
them death
of dirt on
them left
prisons, I want
We want
them there
nobody else bought
them yet
Then Yell
and if not
then, then
bridges, why are
there jets
Why are
there ten
There There
but I'm not
I'm just not
I'm not
we are not
We're just not
We're not
there yet
She's hot,
they're friends
They're friends
twelfth men
web bem
web dev
wedge shell
well deck
well decks
well end
well met
well read
well said
well well
and I'm not
well yet
Well, yes
He was
went set
days, if all
say it all
went well
West End
wet cell
wet cells
wet check
wet checks
wet end
wet ends
chunks of hot,
wet red
And if not
when, then
x x
yes men
colonialism is not
yet dead
I have not
yet met
I have not
yet read
administration has not
yet spent

with 1 extra syllable

comment read
end of Page's
complex, yes
compress them
can implant basic
concepts there
literary or historical
contexts there
Dalek Sec
you think that
process went
didn't get them
processed yet
That's where human
progress ends
for liberty and
progress rest
sensibly about making
progress there
Project S
his darkest research
project yet
Rockwell Kent

with 2 extra syllables

my money, you
of having a
permanent perm
permanent press
possessed a separate
permanent self
truth is a
permanent threat