exact syllable matches

From the exit-
stem of
10 December
when I was
10, remember
12 December
air refresher
air refreshers
for understanding my
bear dilemma
begging letter
begging letters
The unspeakable mind
bending terror
best, but my
best eleven
of the
best films ever
in, despite my
ourselves by our
thing with the
up to our
best intentions
you get the
best reception
it's the
best shit ever
is the
best thing ever
all the
best with Helen
had its
best year ever
cell is leprous
oldest strata of
Celtic legend
Celtic metal
Georgia to attack
Chechen rebels
Checked defenses
checked exception
checked exceptions
crested penguin
crested penguins
own pack of
dead Chimeras
But sometimes
dead is better
Dead Redemption
of us are
dead, remember
death erection
death erections
Death in Venice
You couldn't stand
Dennis Reynolds
odd name -
Derek Keppel
not revolve around
Derek Shepherd
Derrick Jensen
desk rejection
desk rejections
these obvious
desperate breakfasts
desperate times require
desperate measures
Devin Hester
pea as its
eggs develop
elfin, elven
else is error
hunt for someone
else's treasure
how he answered
Elvis question
friends 'til the
end, remember
Constant, never-
ending self-love
It was
Erich Heckel
Erich Raeder
politics, replied, Imperium
et Libertas
ethnic cleanser
ethnic cleansers
Free and
fair elections
Felis serval
here have
felt his presence
the High
Fens in Belgium
Frederic Benson
of a similar
French expression
Named after its
of Paul Lipschutz,
surname of its
French inventor
of get a
fresh impression
my Trusty
Friends in Redmond
I have
friends, remember
It's a
friendship necklace
thriller directed by
Gareth Evans
one remark by
Gerrit Benner
lie, cheat and
so I can
up until they
way she may
get elected
today and
get it settled
greedy, once they
get preferment
that he
gets this message
and I kept
And it's not
But it's
feel my life
He says I'm
It's not
look like he's
more, once again
or I keep
that Quinn is
thought things were
world is always
getting better
up, I'm
getting fed up
I'm beyond
getting jealous
about our daughter
stop people from
without worrying about
getting pregnant
Are we
getting presents
My calves are
rotten tomatoes are
the natives are
getting restless
hair extension
had talent and
hair extensions
after my
head itself turned
as a public
health dilemma
brought in the
lie to the
health inspector
somebody call the
Health inspector
call me the
Health Inspector
hedge, trim their trunk
held his head thus
survived an unspeakable
hell dimension
What an inviting
hell invented
say that
hell is heaven
60, which Wirth
something your father
helped develop
jet injector
jet injectors
temper but
kept it level
John Milius and
Kevin Reynolds
lead in their blood
institutions can
lead this effort
I have
left is vengeance
left with then, hmm
Woman performing a
leg extension
leg extensions
places with a
legit weapon
legs eleven
an increase of
leptin levels
let him lead us
let it get worse
sacred, what shall
men remember
making the
mess in question
metric carat
metric level
metric levels
metric tensor
metric tensors
evoked continuities in
n dimensions
position with the
neck extended
newly renovated stage
next December
ahead than the
for winning the
going into the
handed him the
lose me the
majority at the
not for the
target for the
than winning the
There's always the
think of the
to win the
Vice President until
next election
Or the
next injection
told you about
Paris, Helen
to Paris is
with cheese in
Paris, Texas
pulled by the
pecking lever
kids like a
like a human
Pez dispenser
are not a
gave him my
PEZ dispenser
at least
quenching their thirst
Quentin Reynolds
, with
Yet, with rather
rare exceptions
From the stem
refect- of
power as a
Relic Weapon
off, and
rest in heaven
said kick their butts
Self deception
of the
self is threatened
a case of colossal
a man cocooned in
and without distortion and
avoid being drenched by
I'll give them
into the clutches of
is a piece of
is the beginning of
just an exercise in
not deal with is
on fantasy, confabulation and
the easy path of
to fracture one's social
the slavery self-sought and
as a form of
called spiritedness for legitimate
is a perversion of
It is not their
minor, to every national
more direct form of
of instinctive language and
problem of denial of
still a question of
truth and vile
selfish error
on a journey of
core of pride is
I didn't
sense his presence
sense impression
occurring complexes of
of co-ordinating our
the labyrinth of
sense impressions
to the interpretation of
It was
sent in error
sessile bellworts
illative cases in
set expressions
Affairs was
setting them up
them to file
sharing networks
family with the
spelling LeFlore
special gift and
spending effort
What a
splendid present
making its
stem instead from
the theory requires
ten dimensions
Is this a
tested method
the senses abandon
will break up
their defenses
afflicted veterans and
the opposition and
their dependents
are linked by
their depression
are dead and
their descendants
Their descendants
security to suffer
their displeasure
equal right in
meeting, and not
their election
guide them in
their endeavors
that come with
their expression
unable to describe
their impairment
tower blocks since
their inception
the wickedness of
their intentions
money out of
their inventions
have to protect
went about recouping
their investment
overall mix of
their investments
with making
their lives better
the colonies in
their rebellion
least hazard from
their rebellions
vices, seldom in
their repentance
let's just give
them detention
tired of getting
them elected
Stop calling
them elections
all of
them except one
them Impressions
will like
them in heaven
them in their work
men rank
them with pedants
persuade, to enlighten
them, remember
generations and are
then developed
then his parents
Then reject her
sombrero up
there in heaven
there is better
high-profile people,
there is pressure
no fence,
there is terror
confession and
there it ended
Who's up
there, Endeavor
there, it gets worse
I've been
there, remember
there, will get one
There's his helmet
gone into the
thermic shelters
the hits that
they'll remember
arrogant nation,
they'll resent us
only way
they'll respect us
base of a
Waring blender
eating meat and
wearing leather
well be
wearing red shirts
wedding breakfast
wedding breakfasts
wedding dresses
you the best
wedding ever
of like a
plane wasn't a
you as a
wedding present
the arguments were
well developed
regulations, is
well in heaven
fundamentally praiseworthy and
totally different, something
well intentioned
it is very
well invented
well remembered
and kind, and
well, eleven
well, still there, but
and palms are all
West Spitsbergen
does not
wet its petals
authentic ring of pants-
wetting terror
to evade one
when detected
easily give way
when injected
when it gets fun
when it gets stuck
when things get rough
when things get tough
When things get tough
Where is Edward
Where is Fester
where it ends up
has not
yet been pregnant
dissolution has not
yet developed
questions answerless, and
yet incessant
Keeps things simple,
yet respectful

with 1 extra syllable

a woman undressing -
that I
accept his message
honour to
address this lecture
manage to
address this question
Letters and
Addresses, edit
beauty as an
aesthetic measure
chief sources of
give a purely
aesthetic pleasure
having an
affair with Gretchen
Pillar of Cooperation
again erected
loved ones
again in heaven
systematic barbarities practiced
against dissenters
afford sufficient security
against infection
set themselves
against its pleasures
sudden, a rebellion
against rebellion
and possessed of
ascetic merit
only to the
authentic rebel
is needed but
through concerted and
collective effort
Compare defensor
See displease, and
compare displeasance
Compare envelop
Compare intendance
Compare intention
Compare resentment
Compare with ester
Compare with estre
consumption as
compared with leisure
the same
concepts in Hegel
crime is a
condensed expression
of the
context in question
the intuition for
correct expression
corrective lenses
cosmetic second
cosmetic seconds
a department store
cosmetics section
as a mere
deceptive semblance
Constitution when it
declared secession
take the proper
defensive measures
doubled as a
is an invaluable
occasionally as a
defensive weapon
which she really
detested, Edna
birds were their
direct descendents
are chosen through
direct election
direct elections
direct investment
direct investments
with managers
directing their work
the orderly controlled
effective Dexter
be the most
effective measure
primitive and most
effective methods
brake mean
effective pressure
brake mean
effective pressures
a woman's most
is a most
effective weapon
electric cellist
electric cellists
examined by the
electric method
electric pressure
empresses regnant
no dialogue
except with weapons
Farewell, Integra
if you
forget this errand
Fresnel reflections
modified at the
tyranny at the
genetic level
follow the
genetic method
It's called a
genetic remnant
for inspectors to
inspect inspectors
of the
intended sense of
as now, occasioned
intense resentment
until freedom
itself is threatened
magnetic lenses
lives in the
magnetic spectrum
the heart with
majestic pleasure
other than
myself is Renton
I ask
myself this question
person or
object in question
people or
objects in question
Are you
obsessed with Edward
for carrying an
offensive weapon
on the
oppressive head nurse
or saints
perfect in heaven
soul finds a
perfect resemblance
perfecting presses
answer to a
perplexing question
in the cosmic
perspective, precious
one of these
you must take
preventive measures
fulfill your Salah,
progress, develop
reforms of the
progressive era
History Primary Sources
Progressive Era
progressive metal
leads for my
propelling pencil
propelling pencils
from the homozygous
recessive parent
only reinforced by
repressive measures
by Wade, who
respected Evans
in the
respects in question
inventor of formal
software inspections
on the
subject in question
watched the
sunset with pleasure
it we must
suspect deception
conception by the
synthetic method
existing at different
systemic levels
unchecked exception
unchecked exceptions
be awfully
upsetting, then, huh
I'm a
WITSEC inspector
You must make
yourself remember
have asked
you asked
yourself this question
there, paint
yourself with henna
it to them
yourself, remember

with 2 extra syllables

Academic Network
academic question
and solving arcane
academic questions
asymmetric centre
asymmetric centres
atmospheric engine
atmospheric engines
is lower than
atmospheric pressure
atmospheric pressures
barometric pressure
barometric pressures
of corporations and
billionaire investors
fell within the
Hindenburg exceptions
support and
implementing them first
incorrect declension
indirect election
Revolution issued from
indirect elections
reality, and
intellect is helpless
interest in their work
a boy an
interesting haircut
is a more
It's an
not really the
still a very
that is an
That's an
interesting question
a lot of
lot of very
interesting questions
to get better
Internet reception
of the earlier
introspective era
of its sleep-induced
introspective temper
country to get
ourselves elected
of culture and
overwhelming splendor
the next convenient
up in which
parallel dimension
can be an
Depot, what an
This is an
What an
unexpected pleasure
surprised by his
unexpected presence
deck of the
USS Intrepid

with 3 extra syllables

piles, with an
apologetic gesture
stereo selective or
regioselective methods
are calculated by
trigonometric methods
unprecedented levels

with 4 extra syllables

electromagnetic spectra
much of the
electromagnetic spectrum
insensitiveness is precious