exact syllable matches

Ada Leverson
agent general
agents general
of the four
ancient elements
we fulfil our
ancient heritage
Rime of the
Ancient Mariner
ancient sense of the word
April gentleman
Asian elephant
Asian Elephant
Asian elephants
of an
Asian elephant's tusks
European, African, and
Asian heritage
Bay of Mecklenburg
tend to
blame the messenger
data element
data elements
face of their struggles
failed the veterans
a proper
by its
common theoretical
from his
of a
of that
the naturalistic
to a
to some
frame of reference
hitherto unconnected
the usual
frames of reference
the usual
frames of reverence
to grant anti-
gay agendas a
great affairs of the world
time, but a
great foreverness
confirmed by some
greater evidence
them acted with
greater reverence
this is the
greatest arrogance
is your
greatest pleasure, hmm
and controlling the
labor element
late unpleasantness
no clandestine or
latent messages
retention or for
later reference
lay ahead of us
then you've
made a measurement
made a terrible one
before I
made the measurement
He just
made the reference
major element
major elements
major general
the rank of
Major General
major generals
to all his
Major Generals
be a
major health burden
major premises
supposed to be MODERN
from Second Lieutenant to
which I had as
make a better duck
make a better world
let's not
make a federal
well blent
make a gentleman
make a Hell of earth
wanted to
make a spectacle
make awareness occur
Try not to
make comparisons
needed to
make success certain
make the best burglars
makes the Devil blush
imagination that
makes us eloquent
they and that
malar elegance
going to
name her Temperance
Nasal present of
Greek- and Roman-era
pagan festivals
back of all
pagan sentiment
disease, and
pain, a medicine
Pale of Settlement
paper general
paper shredder From
an infinitieth
the sixth
place of decimals
held a
place of eminence
take the
place of evidence
Charlton Heston
Heston to
play a Mexican
a spirit of
playful cleverness
greatest step toward
racial betterment
man and his
racial heritage
raise the spectre of
the goddess, or
sacred feminine
save oneself trouble
save the rest of us
save yourself the trouble
shape a better world
in the
shape of restlessness
an almost flat dish-
shaped receptacle
of the
state of Faridkot
the future
state of Maryland
of the
State of Maryland
into a
state of self-otherness
State of Texas vs
magic can
May you
stay forever young
straight ahead of us
table tennis world cup
calque of
table tennis, from
take a rest from work
you best
take a temperature
taken care of the
taken care of us
taste of death but once
Thomas Simpson
Tate, a settler
they a rare occurrence
chalet, and
they were terrible
with no
trace of arrogance
office for
trade, Sir Reginald
and I'm a
could beat a
I'm a
trained professional
I consulted
its security are
retrieval by our
trained professionals
waits ahead of us
sometimes and
wave a tentacle
way ahead of us
been by
way of medicine
way, the egg another

with 1 extra syllable

always a sex worker
always protects the young
always the best of 'em
always the red button
It would be
audacious, elegant
Australian pelican
of this new, keep-what-you-want-and-throw-
away-the-rest version
became a better person
and the weapons
became conventional
in victory, he
became unbearable
Caucasian zelkovas
classmates just get murdered
have unduly
delayed a settlement
of the
Escape from Deathlessness
Explain yourself further
the United States
invaded Lebanon
Popularly attributed to
newspaper editor
be an almost
outrageous arrogance
though I
remain a Westerner
for ourselves, it
remains unsearchable
wine and
retains the sediment
of feeling and
sensation elements
he's also an
unstable element
gentlemen to
vacate the premises
Vacate the premises
to keep this
workplace professional

with 2 extra syllables

compensation pendulum
compensation pendulums
discovered, in the
constellation Pegasus
is through
dedicated, selfless service
DNA comparison
make the entire
fabrication credible
inundate the Western world
or theoretically, into
isolated elements
saturation temperature
saturation temperatures
the debate on
transplantation medicine
from an
unexplained first element

with 3 extra syllables

articulated skeleton
articulated skeletons
that, you'll
contaminate the evidence
Emancipation, then, from what
studied the
illuminated bell buttons
prospects of a
negotiated settlement
England utterly
repudiate such sentiments