exact syllable matches

youth's companionship and -
Your dad
acro dance
is to
act or act
from the heavens,
Aero Black
escaping, hot
air or gas
the flowering of
aloe plants
alto sax
Lordy, I
am so glad
when she's
an old hag
talking like
an old hand
nothing like
an old hat
and finally
comfort to
confess yourself
ever be
form of
he was
him as
I am
I was
I'll hurt
it from
lesson from
look like
man is
me I'm
myself as
ramblings of
Today you're
until you're
up by
up, women,
us was
was physiologically
weapons of
won't hurt
You said
young to
an old man
and bone man
and both cracked
a hat
and coat rack
You like catamarans
and cognac
for good
and for bad
for freedom
and for man
betrayed us,
and for that
western puns
and forced gags
gave definite figures
relating to accruals
and forecasts
wedding of performer
and format
with new techniques
and formats
just go
and go and
of India
thing around,
turn around
and go back
a shave
and go dance
the ruins
and go mad
to call Terry
and Gonad
good health
and grow fat
our laughter
and grow sad
apprentices, Balthazar, Veronica,
and Horvath
the mirror
and know that
Million Dollar Man
and Kojak
called me simple
and low-class
was sand
and more sand
more intimate
and more vast
and O map
and O maps
pay the tribute
and poll-tax
the Congress policies
and programmes
adolescent health policies
development of institutions
old demands, ideals
the participants' philosophies
and programs
and Prozac
finally broke
and rolled back
of surfing, cars,
style, high adventure,
that with sentiment
and romance
words in Latin
and Romance
so far
and so fast
so human
and so sad
Ear, nose
and throat man
constellations of Hydrus
and Volans
Your gun
and your badge
got sick
Just me
than me
With you
your mother,
and your dad
your family
and your pack
your history
and your past
your choices
and your path
boy pants
and your snack
Arthur legend,
and, oh, yeah
Angkor Vat
there's an
app for that
could spare Green
Arrow, and
was defined
as 4 pams
knight, first recorded
as Gauvain
as old as
be analyzed
Either formed
as or as
is occasionally employed
as shorthand
as stubborn
as your dad
as well
as your past
as well
as your plans
I didn't
not gonna
would never
You didn't
ask for that
think I
asked for that
Have you
asked your dad
up your
ass old man
kick his
ass so bad
You're still an
asshole, man
We look like
We're fucking
assholes, man
young man
at close hand
See you
at home Jack
make yourself
at home, man
abyss pulling
always be
be always
knife appears
rifles pointed
to trust
at your back
full load
at your cans
Let's preload
at your flat
- look
a look
he solicits
at your hand
received justice
their blood
their fate
to die
at your hands
there, look
at your pants
I was a stay-
at-home dad
hear my
back door slam
by the
back door, man
new fangled
back doors man
on the
pay you
back for that
bad, so sad
barrow man
Belfort Bax
want the
belt so bad
saved the
best for last
was the
best for man
Chuck and
Blair hold hands
Cacked your pants
Campo Grande
can close that
know, we
can go back
of yours
can go hang
A child
can know that
not something you
can program
sinks because it
can't FLO-AT
and I
But I
can't go back
can't know that
cash for crash
Even a
cat knows that
theaters with
Cats Don't Dance
cells go mad
Cerro Grande
Check your facts
was just a
chess program
cheaper seats
you believe
you believe,
you can't
your hands,
clap your hands
on social
sense of
class or caste
took immense
crap for that
You practically
crapped your pants
Dad know that
dad owns banks
meaning a
dam or bank
Dance your dance
devo max
of the Toronto Anti-
Draft Programme
elbow tap
elbow taps
Nobody could ever
enforce that
nature is a
fair romance
a short
fat old man
care for her
ends, helping one's
place on our
fellow man
frail, depraved, and sinful
amount of
flack for that
flash for cash
sirens lead to blue-
flash road-mash
More at
for-, ban
Frank knows that
Charlemagne in medieval
French romance
up and
get old and
You'll all
get your chance
go and
get your man
ghetto pass
glad mors dag
i'm really
glad your back
Gladstone bag
Gladstone bags
More at
go, -and
he could've
grabbed your ass
on the
you're a
grand old flag
grand old man
Gregg Shorthand
old noses
had grown back
next, I
had no Dad
the navy
had no draft
love that
had no past
I've always
would have
had your back
No, you
had your chance
had your laughs
and a
half for snack
serving that
ham, oh yeah
expressions new
hand, old hand
where you
hang your hat
in passing,
has four acts
The forest
has grown back
My knowledge
has grown vast
has no caste
old father
has no pants
concerned, he
Where man
has no past
that evolution
has no plan
believe it
the boss
has your back
being would
He must
I should
you must
You should
have known that
Hill, you
have no ass
have no chance
people just
when you
You sir,
have no class
I don't
have no plant
I will
is gonna
have your ass
And I
And we
know I
means I
your friends
have your back
I should
have your badge
come, let's
have your bag
You will
have your chance
But you'll
have your man
would you
have, O man
a bad
head for facts
roundabout and
head for France
a successful national
health program
consideration for government
through clinics or mental-
treatment and mental
health programs
your parents
hell for that
Hell's coat rack
the kitchen
help knows that
get a
jab for that
jako tak
have a
knack for that
donner sa
langue au chat
cave painting in
the caverns underneath
Lascaux, France
Come on,
let's go chat
Let's go, Frank
Ma'am, No Ma'am
Mal Doran
envy no
man for that
you, Night
Man, so bad
mastro grande
grazing on the
meadow grass
it, that
meant your ass
of all
men know that
beautiful man -
Metro Man
Where is the
Nacho Man
seen,A long, long,
the straight and
narrow path
an ice
pack for Hal
house and
you must
pack your bags
So I
packed your bag
forget who
packed your bags
you can
pass for black
get a
pass for that
patch program
petrol tank
petrol tanks
pharaoh ant
pharaoh ants
a game
do you
plan for that
have no
plans for that
standing on a
platform, and
do you have,
Red Forman
and fruit orange-
red or black
charaders became their
Sambo act
oh, we
sang so grand
Sense romance,
shadow bank
shadow banks
heal, as his
shadow had
messing with the
Shadow Man
shadow mask
shadow masks
unreality in the physical
we are still in
ages past Unenlightened
shadows cast
fool, I
shall go mad
be breathing in
shallow gasps
Shallow Hal
need for
slang for slang
to be
smacked for that
new chocolate
snack for Cats
sparrow grass
this, a
spell for that
I won't
race will
will not
stand for that
my head
stands for France
steno pad
steno pads
bonfire is a one-
step program
strapped for cash
European Parliament in
Strasbourg, France
tac au tac
tak for mad
sweaty after his
Tango class
of income
tax, old man
I love
text short hand
than forecast
no bigger
than your hand
even bigger
than your hat
Afghanistan to
call to
Cents to
has to
Mormon to
you to
thank for that
the way,
thanks for that
Thanks for that
thanks, no
thanks, no thanks
get on
that bolt crank
to see
that gold back
in killing
win against
that old hag
inspiration of
itself for
that old man
pick up
that phone and
am opposed to
completely naked in
running rampant in
who really pushed
that program
I want
that show, Frank
why is
that so bad
you do
that so fast
really happy
that your back
so is
What is
that your plan
for, than,
that, for that
I knew
that, old man
variant of
Thatch or Tack
Like it,
that's so crash
that's so sad
allies losing,
that's your chance
soldiers and
that's your flag
That's your man
that's your plan
That's your plan
they want
their clothes back
excellent wines of
ISA attack on
the beauty of
the reunification of
when separated from
their homeland
and children from
their homelands
truly had
their own backs
but not
their own facts
custodians of
expulsion from
their own land
space and
their own pasts
Everybody has
to chart
their own path
carry on
their own plan
who have
their own plans
from among
mostly from
their own ranks
the heart of
their program
the regime, fund
their programs
probably want
their souls back
Some of
them go bad
sketchbook and
then for Zap
who wasn't
there for Sam
there no flags
have gotten
there so fast
up up
there, ol' man
you think and
therefore act
It is certain,
therefore, that
There's doors and
in that,
there's no chance
There's no plan
Calor gas,
there's your man
becoming personal
they'll know that
revolutionized religion but
transformed man
Trapped or planned
is a
well known fact
It's a
was also a
well-known fact
Well-known fact
dolphin and
wet your pants
song, Glad
When Your Bad
Where's your dad
all oh
and oh
yeah, oh yeah
yellow AB
yellow back
yellow backs
yellow badge
yellow cab
yellow cabs
yellow flag
yellow flags
yellow flax
longer longer shorter
yellow grass
yellow jack
yellow jacks
one wants a
yellow lamp
deal with the
yellow man
scratch against the
yellow pad
yellow patch
yellow trap
yellow traps

with 1 extra syllable

on any public
affairs program
Tell us
again, old man
Aleppo grass
ever make
amends for that
reaping the
backlash for that
got a
comeback for that
Compare gold and
Compare portpass
out ever more
complex programs
such utter
to show
contempt for man
two year
contract for that
Diablo Grande
Forget your past
have been
perfect for that
nylon, absolutely
perfect for traps
to be
programmed for that
no one told
Roberto that
shuck 'em
yourself, old man
have done it
yourself, Topaz

with 2 extra syllables

cops in
Amsterdam don't have
known to
architects, so that
permanent, passing,
incorrect or apt
just a compound
interest program
The Sarah
Silverman Program