exact syllable matches
on page
18 of Journals
a life-
age of the earth
Are you tripping,
Agent Dunham
by which we
aid another
to the
aid of others
beast makes an
aimless circuit
ain't a drunkard
access to disapproved
alien culture
nor indeed the
nor the arcade
Predator with the
relationship depicted in
there, it's like
Alien vs
It spoofs the
Alien Vs
be better than
it with the
to confuse this
Aliens vs
magnificence of my
ancient culture
body of the
ancient Mother
the heads of
ancient sculpture
ate the burger
sanctuary, but the
Aten above
on the
basis of the
On the
basis of what
have to
in, I
break the circle
comes with the
cable service
all he is
do what he's
Happiness it is
hedgehog what you're
his majesty is
I am
idea what I'm
know what you're
myself to be
no man is
of muscle is
of what I'm
this hybrid is
what he is
what man is
what you was
Zerg are really
capable of
Case number one
case of the sucks
to completely
change a person
opposes the
change of current
is to
change the culture
a handkerchief that
changes color
be lots of
changes, Virgil
he still
chases the curve
land and
claim amongst us
rock the
cradle of Love
Craig Ferguson
crave sustenance
some kind of
crazy murderer
our bearings,
daily, from others
Daisy's one of us
Damon Runyon
It's a
dangerous drug
A pretty
mission is a
supportable and less
dangerous one
dangerous ones
you pull these
dangerous stunts
complex and very
for a more
It's a
dangerous world
Meetinghouse to hear
Davis' sermons
future of Judgment
Day averted
on the
day of judgement
Day of Judgement
in the
day of judgment
after the
on the
day of Judgment
till the
until the
Day of Judgment
one more
that final
day of summer
But to-
day the struggle
Days of Thunder
ruined a whole
day's production
declared your
days were numbered
at least
eight hundred tons
face of a girl
face of the earth
face of the Earth
face of the sun
face of the world
head and
face were untouched
used all the
facial muscles
narrow-sleeved shirt with
faded colours
they are
failures of love
valley smelling
faintly of sulfur
doing that
faith a service
is a very
mind was a
remember a
thou good and
faithful servant
your years of
faithful service
abroad the
fame of Werner
contribute stories of
famous amours
am now a
famous person
of the more
famous versions
You're gonna be
famous, fucker
decided the
fate of others
fate of the Earth
fate of the world
argue in
favor of one
compared with the
favored function
intellect of his less-
favoured brother
perfectly good
game of doubles
to the
gates of judgment
gave Mother up
gave us a twirl
merchandise, that
gave us trouble
Granger chuckles
there will be
Grave repercussions
I'm a
great customer
great deal per couple
Hitler created still
greater hunger
every computer in
Greater London
course pleased the
to carry a
ultimately benefit a
greater number
draw women in
greater numbers
always been my
should be your
greatest concern
be the world's
greatest lover
happiness of the
life to the
greatest number
Aaron was the
greatest slugger
hate each other's guts
And I don't
hate government
hate governments
dead, I
hate the fucker
reason to
hate the Russians
All, She
Hates the Germans
where the
hatred comes from
an unbelievable
hatred of us
James Macpherson
Jane of the world
to settle for
Kramer vs
and the worst
labour troubles
well be Bin
Laden vs
through that
lady's butt custard
that's a compact
laser deluxe
before she is
later murdered
severe punishment
later must come
which I shall
later refer
See you
later suckers
deal with you
later, London
Later, the world
to them her
latest wonder
a thin
layer of earth
very complex and multi-
layered person
has never
made a summer
wear clothes
made from turnips
made from turtles
a blancmange
made of numbers
made the word up
it has
made us brothers
colonization never
made us suffer
bunny rabbit using
made-up numbers
audience, consisting
mainly of adults
Ireland and
mainly of Ulster
politicians and the
mainstream journalists
found in all
major cultures
we encounter a
major hurdle
interest of the
major number
in for some
major trouble
about which they
make assertion
You shouldn't
make assumptions
make fun of her
make fun of us
ideals, but ideals
make governments
make her suffer
just to
make one circuit
make such a fuss
to finally
make the judgments
me to
make the muffin
make the world work
make up the world
ring will
make us brothers
and that
makes people nervous
Canadian bacon,
I love
your body with
maple syrup
may be a worse one
may be some other
what ugliness
may bubble up
as each individual
may determine
pain -
maybe a dozen
50 jobs,
maybe a hundred
an instrument,
maybe the trumpet
poem is a
naked person
Fill in
Name of Couple
in the
name of justice
name of the bird
Napier Turner
it makes a
nation nervous
maybe offensive
nature of the
to those that
nature preserves
fraught topics of
nature vs
recognized by the
naval service
the United States
Naval Service
a rare,
nay, freak occurrence
for all serious
Pagan circles
its roots in
pagan worship
I was a
paid surrogate
in the
pain of others
pain of the first
when something
painful comes up
a long and
painful struggle
comparison, the
palest of squirts
You hear some
papers rustle
Autumn-Razor, the
patient hunter
I am a
patient person
place of a sun
as a
place of worship
the Inviolable
Place of Worship
plates of Young's work
play another
Johnson would
play the Butler
used to
play the dozens
I look like
Rachel Hunter
moral necessity of
the problem of
racial justice
roadblocks, general
radius of, uh
the battles of
The Green
Ranger vs
a method of
rate adjustment
rays of the sun
by the
reign of justice
reins of the world
human race in
sable colors
passed upon His
sacred person
Saint's youngest son
for the
sake of struggle
sake of the church
sake of the world
receive the
same from others
live in the
same government
expected the
same of others
No one can
within you to
save another
save just one, but
save one of us
just to
save some trouble
saved me the trouble
most royal
shade of purple
this many
shades of purple
shake up the world
shape of the earth
shave once a month
some and
slaves of others
slaves of the scum
Slaves of the World
snakes of the earth
space of the world
the archaic
the highest
stage of culture
been calculation and
stage production
stains of the world
faith in our
state government
operations of their
State Government
congress and various
including local governments,
on the poorer
state governments
measures of the
State governments
negatived, by the
State Governments
some extremely bad
State governors
towards a
state of comfort
attain the
idyllic, primal
state of oneness
state of the world
a perpetual
state of wonder
for the United
States government
by the United
It's the United
of the United
than the United
States Government
States of the World
force, or
station of birth
could not
stay the current
straight the fuck up
glue smelled like
straight-up mmm-mmm
take each other's word
take none of us
I can't
take the burden
ye could
take the shuttle
Everything's been
has been
thought have
to be
taken from us
Taker of worlds
some and
takes from others
and then
takes up others
I can
taste the bubbles
taste wonderful
memories until
they come undone
the giant stage
they constructed
inside and
they covered her
the way that
they determine
they followed,
they hunted us
cultures where
they once occurred
their doorstep,
they seem unconcerned
they were dug up
They were juggled
they were just words
They were murder
I mean
they were suckers
they were the first
the greatest pickle
train conductor
train just loved her
got a
tray of muffins
Wake the fuck up
Wake up, sucker
Wasteful of what
mad, bloody, capricious,
wasteful, lustful
by the
way of colour
in the
way of justice
Way of the Gun
way of the world
Way of the world
about the
way people function
way the world runs
way the world works
President Obama's
way, doesn't work
created by the
I like the
Wayans Brothers
and the
ways of culture
are the
ways of Culture
the good
ways of dhamma
ways of the world
ways of the young
religion and
ways of worship
the full
weight of justice
had the
weight of sermons
weight of the world
Whalen Turner
with 1 extra syllable
have been
afraid of mummers
I am
afraid of murder
afraid of the world
he is
always a Russian
always be a couple
there will
always be another
always be the hunted
always one of us
always one of Us
problem is
always the adults
she did was
always wonderful
south wind, that
awakenest love
of flying
away above us
turn you
away from justice
away from the butt
away from the earth
away from the Fuzz
away from the sun
away from the trunk
away from the world
keeping you
away from trouble
and man
became one Person
kind of
behavior just, just
who's gonna
betray her husband
the sentence
betrays the other
an unrelenting
campaign of justice
Do not
complain of others
and the radio
create another
does not
create but summons
was God who
created colour
he have
one who
Son, He
when He
created the world
is the
creation of worlds
yield after a
disgraceful struggle
domain of the bird
forced to
engage the culture
practice and
erase Uyghur culture
can even
explain the absurd
fucking hell, this
forsaken dungeon
when exercised for
humane purposes
down the Saddam
Hussein government
they soared in
impatient circles
actually think you're
even I am
realistic, something you're
incapable of
inmates of the slums
Begin the
the Martian
invasion of Earth
successive extraterrestrial
invasions of Earth
extension of the
ratified by the
Israeli government
opposition to hawkish
Israeli governments
a moon-
landscape of the earth
landscape of the world
have scarcely
maintained the struggle
A satisfied
Mercedes customer
for a
mistake of judgment
to form a
mistaken judgement
other persons
mistakes of judgement
whatever the
mistakes of others
We cannot
obey these murderers
one, merit
obtains the other
Octavia Butler
differences to
prevail among us
I am a
I am their
The trainee
probation worker
sinister sort of
railway terminal
Keep silent,
refrain from judgement
than any
relation of blood
Let them
worthy to
remain among us
ad effects
remains a concern
remains a just one
remake of the first
her to
restrain the others
nature has
retaken the world
comes from
someplace further up
absolutely lead you
someplace wonderful
just, healthful and
sustainable world
need a
vacation from girls
with 2 extra syllables
pressed the voice
activation button
Admiration corrupts
to push the
cancellation button
streets to
celebrate the murders
of the First
Congregational Church
how they
decorate the dungeons
the world's largest
dehydrated turtle
Fischer, footnoted with
disputation above
too long
dominated the earth
as endowments to
educational works
professor in the
educational world
emanate from the sun
a familiar, recognizable,
an entirely realistic
it were an
everyday occurrence
a mans
expectations of her
secret alien
infiltration of Earth
basis for all
inspirational work
or microprocessor or
integrated circuit
arm of our
liberation struggle
domination strengthens other
liberation struggles
I'm a world-class
neonatal surgeon
the British in
Operation Compass
descriptive, deceptive, or
operational terms
up and
overtake the Muslim
now a
population of one
the entire
population of uhh
without the
provocation of thirst
for the
realisation of love
and as a
or taken a
recreational drug
inspiration, of
revelation, does come
the rights of
sanitation workers
with the strong
saturated colours
setting up a
separate sultanate
here in the
In a
simulation bubble
trace the
situation of some
banana an amazing
transformation occurs
body into a
city into a
for that underground
transmutation circle
immeasurably in our
Watergate coverage
with 3 extra syllables
center of public
administration's concerns
their familiarity
annihilates the wonder
learnt to
appreciate her mother
faceless, distant
communication from birth
to go
congratulate the others
of law and
eliminate corruption
of lightning
elucidated the earth
attempt to
intimidate the brothers
conducting an
investigation of her
to an
investigation of us
we're all
manifestations of love
the complete
mechanization of work
under which the
organization functions
the actual
pronunciation of words