exact syllable matches

ball of
a ball signal
dance at
gig at
a bar mitzvah
Queer as
a cardinal
you less than
a Cardinal
Westrum was
a chronic drunk
It was
a college fund
affections of
I'm just
a college girl
wanted as
a cop killer
up to catch
a cop-killer
thick as
a crawling worm
thought of
a falling sun
is not
a fog, Mr
a frog, his tongue
does have
a garbage dump
back of
a garbage truck
A garbage truck
it wasn't
a hard winter
care unit of
sea, but of
should be at
this isn't just
to work at
a hospital
out of
a job, Mr
a la minute
had had
a large dinner
roll off
a log, Mr
it was
a lot bigger
it was
a lot quicker
a lot, Lincoln
a lot, Mr
through life as
a popsicle
You have
a Popsicle
I am not
a shoplifter
a shot with her
size of
a small pigeon
a small pitcher
heart and
a strong spirit
task he has
accomplished much
alarm system
alarm systems
regular verb,
along with dove
of us
along with her
along with Punk
bring others
along with us
along, children
they are not
banal enough
Bernard Ingham
Bernard Williams
worked up and
burns garnishes
look brighter,
but not bigger
but not this one
But not with love
and song,
but not women
butt all mixed up
Come on chicken
come on,
come on, listen
Come on, pick one
Come on, pick up
Come, Harbinger
Russians have
dirt on Clinton
that bird
does not return
Earl Holliman
first part is from
From comming from
to defend Japan
from Godzilla
lonely people come
from hospitals
From Roggenbrot
very different
from Tom Riddle
From Washington
Gerhard Richter
girls want him worse
guffaw, giggle
transmission, a
gunshot is heard
her mom is just
ahead, not on
her posterior
Jamal Simmons
just call Mr
and that's
sometimes that's
just not enough
just watch it come
and we all
love hospitals
mud on his tongue
the hearts
of all children
is required
of all Christians
Saxons, Sovereign
of all England
The mother
of all riddles
the sum
of all wisdom
most beautiful
mother and
of all women
A mild version
of autism
there's talk
of boxing her
the work
of Charles Dickens
a language
and the functions
of cognition
a lot
of flocking birds
of God in us
the love
of God, listen
for all
punish all
to all
of God's children
the justice
of God's kingdom
of Godzilla
the finder
of lost children
its manufacture
of malt liquors
or a consequence
year of birth
of Marxism
That's a lot
of Monica
A contraction
of Parkinson
the Earl
of Rosse, Mr
like that
of Walt Whitman
in the halls
of Washington
once was Britain
has gone
one long enough
One rocking world
That was
one tall midget
platonic love
platonic loves
punt cardinal
punts cardinals
have been negligent
regarding her
United States Congress
regarding the
located on the
Saronic Gulf
just can't
serve raw chicken
Some are bitter
the opposition of
some cardinals
because of
some cop killer
Some dog whistle
back of
some garbage truck
gonna call, uh,
some hospitals
know, hire
some hot interns
a hundred
some odd million
on by the
term solidus
Saint John
the Almsgiver
greatest heroes as
the arch-villains
shining under
the Arctic sun
being nervous at
you show at
the audition
ones who are
the ball-lickers
THE Charles Winston
Those are
the charms Mr
the notice of
the chroniclers
power of
wound of
the Dark Crystal
canon of
The Dark Crystal
situated on
the Don River
Named after
the Fall River
the golfing term
be known as
the hobelar
a mile from
a mix-up at
a shift at
all day at
an intern at
and out of
be out of
desk today at
drug rehab at
far away was
find it at
get out of
got back from
Graveyard shift at
him back from
him out of
his burns at
It's at
just come from
just out of
left you at
little far from
make out at
miss being at
missed you at
mother is at
not fire at
She's at
simple operation at
the first at
tournaments ended at
were back at
the hospital
The Hospital
the hospitals
planet of
the Hoth system
the job is done
The job is done
a calque of
the Jolicoeur
the long finger
Code and
The Lost Symbol
King and
the Mocking Bird
The King and
the Mockingbird
areas beyond
the Ob river
Francization of
the Occitan
of all knowledge,
the Omniscient
lesion of
the optic nerve
the optimus
The plot sickens
Spoonerism of
the plot thickens
the Polish verb
Dinner at
the posh villa
minister of
the Scottish Church
The sharks will come
laughs at
the shots given
derived from
the Slavic term
the song is, um
us from
the start, Mr
The Walking Drum
the wall in blood
You got
the wrong killer
'twas all in fun
up on this, uh
can occur
to walk
upon this earth
blood walked
upon this Earth
have delighted
us long enough
we had
were not enough
What was it, the
What's all this stuff
likely rather than
what's logical
What's wrong with her
What's wrong with us
word was enough
Words are symbols

with 1 extra syllable

Schumpeter and,
above all, Wilson
mechanisms of
action are discussed
Adam Garfinkle
a hundred ways
after partition
solidly here even
after Partition
I'm talking about
alcohol, liquor
Algernon Swinburne
Amazon River
land of the
Amazon women
analog signal
analog signals
the extreme
angles all emerge
of those fancy
ankle hospitals
apple polisher
apple polishers
Albert Hodges, and
Archibald Dixon
Aren't shops brilliant
Ozarks into the
Arkansas River
of King
Arthur was begun
Firm by
author Josh Grisham
autumn, not winter
balance on this world
in the
blanket was enough
bourbon on his tongue
to get
captured was Mr
Castle Donington
the bouncy
castle was misjudged
acetic acid and
certain polymers
in these
classes are discussed
pop this
collar on Mr
encountered under
common law systems
to our tough
common-law system
confidant becomes
The Sarah
Connor Chronicles
cottage hospital
cottage hospitals
covered long enough
darkness was enough
daughters got it from
doctor on this one
doesn't fall in love
double star system
double star systems
drunkard on this earth
Falcons are vicious
Gangadhar Tilak
Gascon Occitan
Fraunhofer, an able
German optician
gonna fall in love
going to
happen on Christmas
was rushed to
Harlem Hospital
was born at
Harper Hospital
hasn't lost his touch
see you
hasta la vista
hasta las cejas
haven't wanted much
wanted to
honor all women
Hostile Hospital
of a
hundred are women
quilt of
jumbled crotchet work
justice on this earth
slavery had
lasted long enough
latter part is from
experience of the
macroscopic world
Malabar spinach
going to
mangle John Cena
Todd Lincoln versus
Martha Washington
martial art Wing Chun
always find The
Martian Chronicles
situated on the
Mataura River
Modeled on fist bump
modeled on zillion
tactile element,
modelled on pixel
of our
mothers are witches
felt by medieval
Muslim chroniclers
informative as the
Muslim chronicles
mutton-chop whiskers
go to some
other hospital
pandeists, and all
other non-Christians
other, all his works
meets, among
others, God, Mr
through a blinding
Ottawa blizzard
confluence with the
Ontario into the
Ottawa River
proposes a
partial thought system
tag team
partner, John Cena
the organization-environment
problem, are discussed
real political
problems are discussed
is a
product called Mr
the smell of
pukka sahibdom
purpose on this earth
Randle on this one
Robert Charles Wilson
Robert Charles Winthrop
I'm listed, in
that lands in
Santa Monica
Saxon Chronicle
kangaroo in
Scotland long distance
someone off his perch
started all this stuff
started off with what
I just
started wanting stuff
the atomic and
subatomic worlds
Sutton Bonington
Thomas Hardiman
Thomas Oliphant
cut off
Uncle John's fingers
Uncle-Tom nigger
enough to fight
under Washington
Vernon God Little
vulgar Marxism
wanna watch Sisters
know, that
wasn't off limits
because I
'cause I
wasn't smart enough
that I
wasn't strong enough
sort of
water polyp, from
Literally the
waterfall river
from forming on
waterlogged timber

with 2 extra syllables

also subsumed within
animal cognition
Animal cognition
bleeder miles at
of prices of
another hospital
parts of
articles are written
world's greatest
assassins are women
just with their
calendar-dog whimpers
Chancellors are fiscal
cultural Marxism
only gonna
graduate college once
kidnapper on this earth
couldn't have against
Lionel Hartigan
multiple star system
multiple star systems
murderer on this earth
a big seven-foot
Neanderthal figure
powerful dark spirit
says he's from
Seattle Washington
hours out of
University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington
that closed
surfaces are rigid
violence with
violence was sinful
Pray, how
violent was Mr

with 3 extra syllables

adulterers God will judge
picked the most
improbable monikers
firms that do
international business
lays stress on
international mission
with science the
international spirit
achieving a workable
effect govern the
functioning of the
management of the
multilateral valued based
of a new
international system
international systems
follows the
Motherlover on Twitter
certain general
the general
parameters are given
one and only
universal arbiter

with 4 extra syllables

multicultural Marxism

with 5 extra syllables

developmental, and
sociocultural are discussed