
  1. Destroyed or killed (synset 300739426)
    "we are gone geese"
  2. Dead (synset 300096726)
    "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend"
  3. Well in the past;
    Former (synset 301733151)
    "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era"
  4. Stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol) (synset 300800854)
    "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors"; "helplessly inebriated"
  5. Drained of energy or effectiveness;
    Extremely tired;
    Completely exhausted (synset 302442263)
    "the day's shopping left her exhausted"; "he went to bed dog-tired"; "was fagged and sweaty"; "the trembling of his played out limbs"; "felt completely washed-out"; "only worn-out horses and cattle"; "you look worn out"
  6. Used up or no longer available (synset 300187511)
    "gone with the wind"; "if we don't get there early, all the best seats will be gone"

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