geographic region
A demarcated area of the Earth (synset 108591861)
is a type of: region - a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earthsubtypes:
- soil, territory - the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state
- colony, dependency - a geographical area politically controlled by a distant country
- semidesert - a region much like a desert but usually located between a desert and the surrounding regions
- narco-state - an area that has been taken over and is controlled and corrupted by drug cartels and where law enforcement is effectively nonexistent
- place, property - any area set aside for a particular purpose
- basin, catchment area, catchment basin, drainage area, drainage basin, river basin, watershed - the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet
- environs, purlieu - an outer adjacent area of any place
- geographical zone, zone - any of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitude
- environment, environs, surround, surroundings - the area in which something exists or lives
- dust bowl - a region subject to dust storms; especially the central region of United States subject to dust storms in the 1930s
- hemisphere - half of the terrestrial globe
- flashpoint, hot spot, hotspot, trouble spot - a place of political unrest and potential violence
- panhandle - a relatively narrow strip of land projecting from some larger area
- country, rural area - an area outside of cities and towns
- sphere, sphere of influence - the geographical area in which one nation is very influential
- field - a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found
- settlement - an area where a group of families live together
- parcel, parcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, tract - an extended area of land
- populated area, urban area - a geographical area constituting a city or town
- wild, wilderness - a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition
- killing field - (usually plural) an area where many people have died (usually by massacre or genocide during war or violent civil disturbance)
- northern europe - the northernmost countries of Europe
- french region - a geographical subdivision of France
- baltic republic, baltic state - European countries bordering the Baltic Sea
- colony - one of the 13 British colonies that formed the original states of the United States
- dar al-islam, house of islam - areas where Muslims are in the majority
- dar al-harb, house of war - areas where Muslims are in the minority and are persecuted
specific instances:- andalucia, andalusia - a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization
- appalachia - an impoverished coal mining area in the Appalachian Mountains (from Pennsylvania to North Carolina)
- adelie coast, adelie land, terre adelie - a costal region of Antarctica to the south of Australia; noted for its large colonies of penguins
- bad lands, badlands - an eroded and barren region in southwestern South Dakota and northwestern Nebraska
- barbary - a region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and Gibraltar; was used as a base for pirates from the 16th to 19th centuries
- bithynia - an ancient country in northwestern Asia Minor in what is now Turkey; was absorbed into the Roman Empire by the end of the 1st century BC
- nubia - an ancient region of northeastern Africa (southern Egypt and northern Sudan) on the Nile; much of Nubia is now under Lake Nasser
- caucasia, caucasus - a large region between the Black and Caspian seas that contains the Caucasus Mountains; oil is its major resource
- transcaucasia - a geographical region to the south of the Caucasus Mountains and to the north of Turkey that comprises Georgia and Armenia and Azerbaijan
- coats land - a region of western Antarctica along the southeastern shore of the Weddell Sea
- east, eastern united states - the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi River
- southeast, southeastern united states - the southeastern region of the United States
- southwest, southwestern united states - the southwestern region of the United States generally including New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California, and sometimes Utah and Colorado
- northeast, northeastern united states - the northeastern region of the United States
- northwest, northwestern united states - the northwestern region of the United States
- middle west, midwest, midwestern united states - the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America)
- pacific northwest - a region of the northwestern United States usually including Washington and Oregon and sometimes southwestern British Columbia
- enderby land - a region of Antarctica between Queen Maud Land and Wilkes Land; claimed by Australia
- finger lakes - a geographical area in central New York State that is named for a series of narrow glacial lakes that lie parallel in a north-south direction
- maghreb, mahgrib - the region of northwest Africa comprising the Atlas Mountains and the coastlands of Morocco and Algeria and Tunisia
- big bend - a triangular area in southwestern Texas on the Mexican border; formed by a bend in the Rio Grande
- queen maud land - a region of Antarctica between Enderby Land and the Weddell Sea; claimed by Norway
- victoria land - a mountainous area of Antarctica bounded by the Ross Sea and Wilkes Land
- wilkes land - a coastal region of Antarctica on the Indian Ocean to the south of Australia; most of the territory is claimed by Australia
- west, western united states - the region of the United States lying to the west of the Mississippi River
- east africa - a geographical area in eastern Africa
- cappadocia - an ancient country is eastern Asia Minor
- galatia - an ancient country in central Asia Minor
- phrygia - an ancient country in western and central Asia Minor
- pontus - an ancient region of northern Asia Minor on the Black Sea; it reached its height under Mithridates VI but was later incorporated into the Roman Empire
- illyria - an uncertain region on the east shore of the Adriatic where an ancient Indo-European people once lived
- caribbean - region including the Caribbean Islands
- bengal - a region whose eastern part is now Bangladesh and whose western part is included in India
- patagonia - region in southern South America between the Andes and the South Atlantic
- pampas - the vast grassy plains of northern Argentina
- southeast asia - a geographical division of Asia that includes Indochina plus Indonesia and the Philippines and Singapore
- manchuria - a region in northeastern China
- turkestan, turkistan - a historical region of central Asia that was a center for trade between the East and the West
- french indochina - the French colonies of the territory now occupied by Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
- mesoamerica - Mexico and Central America
- czechoslovakia - a former republic in central Europe; divided into Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993
- moravia - a region in the central and eastern part of the Czech Republic; it lies to the east of Bohemia and to the west of the Carpathians
- bohemia - a historical area and former kingdom in the Czech Republic
- scandinavia - a group of culturally related countries in northern Europe; Finland and Iceland are sometimes considered Scandinavian
- sachsen, saxe, saxony - an area in Germany around the upper Elbe river; the original home of the Saxons
- rheinland, rhineland - a picturesque region of Germany around the Rhine river
- brandenburg - the territory of an Elector (of the Holy Roman Empire) that expanded to become the kingdom of Prussia in 1701
- preussen, prussia - a former kingdom in north-central Europe including present-day northern Germany and northern Poland
- ruhr, ruhr valley - a major industrial and coal mining region in the valley of the Ruhr river in northwestern Germany
- thuringia - a historical region of southern Germany
- karelia - a region in Finland and Russia between the Gulf of Finland and the White Sea
- epirus - an ancient area on the Ionian Sea that flourished as a kingdom in the 3rd century BC; located in northwestern Greece and southern Albania
- laconia - an ancient region of southern Greece in the southeastern Peloponnesus; dominated by Sparta
- lycia - an ancient region on the coast of southwest Asia Minor
- lydia - an ancient region on the coast of western Asia Minor; a powerful kingdom until conquered by the Persians in 546 BC
- thessalia, thessaly - a fertile plain on the Aegean Sea in east central Greece; Thessaly was a former region of ancient Greece
- arcadia - a department of Greece in the central Peloponnese
- middle east, mideast, near east - the area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran; the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam; had continuous economic and political turmoil in the 20th century
- fertile crescent - a geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates
- west bank - an area between Israel and Jordan on the west bank of the Jordan river; populated largely by Palestinians
- galilee - an area of northern Israel; formerly the northern part of Palestine and the ancient kingdom of Israel; the scene of Jesus's ministry
- gaza, gaza strip - a coastal region at the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean bordering Israel and Egypt
- golan, golan heights - a fortified hilly area between southern Lebanon and southern Syria
- canaan, holy land, palestine, promised land - an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism
- juda, judah - an ancient kingdom of southern Palestine with Jerusalem as its center
- judaea, judea - the southern part of ancient Palestine succeeding the kingdom of Judah; a Roman province at the time of Christ
- philistia - an ancient region on the coast of southwestern Palestine that was strategically located on a trade route between Syria and Egypt; important in biblical times
- byzantine empire, byzantium, eastern roman empire - a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395
- western empire, western roman empire - the western part after the Roman Empire was divided in 395; it lasted only until 476
- serbia, srbija - a historical region in central and northern Yugoslavia; Serbs settled the region in the 6th and 7th centuries
- crna gora, montenegro - a former country bordering on the Adriatic Sea; now part of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro
- dalmatia - a historical region of Croatia on the Adriatic Sea; mountainous with many islands
- labrador - the mainland part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in the eastern part of the large Labrador-Ungava Peninsula in northeastern Canada
- canadian maritime provinces, maritime provinces, maritimes - the collective name for the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
- klondike - a region in northwestern Canada where gold was discovered in 1896 but exhausted by 1910
- austria-hungary - a geographical area in central and eastern Europe; broken into separate countries at the end of World War I
- british empire - a former empire consisting of Great Britain and all the territories under its control; reached its greatest extent at the end of World War I; it included the British Isles, British West Indies, Canada, British Guiana; British West Africa, British East Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand
- cumbria - a former Celtic kingdom in northwestern England; the name continued to be used for the hilly northwestern region of England including the Lake District and the northern Pennines
- new forest - an area of woods and heathland in southern Hampshire that was set aside by William I as Crown property in 1079; originally a royal hunting ground but now administered as parkland; noted for its ponies
- east anglia - a region of eastern England that was formerly a kingdom
- lancashire - a historical area of northwestern England on the Irish Sea; noted for textiles
- yorkshire - a former large county in northern England; in 1974 it was divided into three smaller counties
- northumbria - an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in northern England until 876
- west country - the southwestern part of England (including Cornwall and Devon and Somerset)
- wessex - a Saxon kingdom in southwestern England that became the most powerful English kingdom by the 10th century
- ulster - a historic division of Ireland located in the northeastern part of the island; six of Ulster's nine counties are in Northern Ireland
- caledonia - the geographical area (in Roman times) to the north of the Antonine Wall; now a poetic name for Scotland
- hindustan - northern region of India where Hinduism predominates
- canara, kanara - a historical region of southwestern India on the west coast
- punjab - a historical region on northwestern India and northern Pakistan
- gulf states - the countries in southwestern Asia that border the Persian Gulf
- elam, susiana - an ancient country in southwestern Asia to the east of the Tigris River (in what is modern Iran); was known for its warlike people
- levant - the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon, Syria, and Israel
- macedon, macedonia, makedonija - the ancient kingdom of Philip II and Alexander the Great in the southeastern Balkans that is now divided among modern Macedonia and Greece and Bulgaria
- thrace - an ancient country and wine producing region in the east of the Balkan Peninsula to the north of the Aegean Sea; colonized by ancient Greeks; later a Roman province; now divided between Bulgaria and Greece and Turkey
- mesopotamia - the land between the Tigris and Euphrates; site of several ancient civilizations; part of what is now known as Iraq
- babylonia, chaldaea, chaldea - an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia; Babylonia conquered Israel in the 6th century BC and exiled the Jews to Babylon (where Daniel became a counselor to the king)
- chaldaea, chaldea - an ancient region of Mesopotamia lying between the Euphrates delta and the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Desert; settled in 1000 BC and destroyed by the Persians in 539 BC; reached the height of its power under Nebuchadnezzar II
- sumer - an area in the southern region of Babylonia in present-day Iraq; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC
- assyria - an ancient kingdom in northern Mesopotamia which is in present-day Iraq
- phenicia, phoenicia - an ancient maritime country (a collection of city states) at eastern end of the Mediterranean
- gallia, gaul - an ancient region of western Europe that included what is now northern Italy and France and Belgium and part of Germany and the Netherlands
- riviera - a coastal area between La Spezia in Italy and Cannes in France
- midi - the southern part of France
- normandie, normandy - a former province of northwestern France on the English channel; divided into Haute-Normandie and Basse-Normandie
- orleanais - a former province of north central France; centered around Orleans
- lyonnais - a former province of east central France; now administered by Rhone-Alpes
- savoy - a geographical region of historical importance; a former duchy in what is now southwestern France, western Switzerland, and northwestern Italy
- guiana - a geographical region of northeastern South America including Guyana and Surinam
- friesland - the western part of the ancient region of Frisia in northern Europe on the North Sea between the Scheldt river and the Weser river; part of this region is now a province in the Netherlands
- frisia - an ancient region of northwestern Europe including the Frisian Islands
- thule, ultima thule - the geographical region believed by ancient geographers to be the northernmost land in the inhabited world
- lapland, lappland - a region in northmost Europe inhabited by Lapps
- tartary, tatary - the vast geographical region of Europe and Asia that was controlled by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries
- mongolia - a vast region in Asia including the Mongolian People's Republic and China's Inner Mongolia
- spanish sahara, western sahara - an area in northwestern Africa with rich phosphate deposits; under Moroccan control since 1992
- cashmere, jammu and kashmir, kashmir - an area in southwestern Asia whose sovereignty is disputed between Pakistan and India
- parthia - an ancient kingdom in Asia to the southeast of the Caspian Sea; it dominated southwestern Asia from about 250 BC to AD 226
- najd, nejd - a central plateau region of the Arabian Peninsula; formerly an independent sultanate until 1932 when it united with Hejaz to form the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- hedjaz, hejaz, hijaz - a coastal region of the western Arabian Peninsula bordering on the Red Sea; includes both Mecca and Medina; formerly an independent kingdom until it united with Nejd to form the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- chechen republic, chechenia, chechnya - an autonomous republic in southwestern Russia in the northern Caucasus Mountains bordering on Georgia; declared independence from the USSR in 1991 but Russian troops invaded and continue to prosecute a relentless military campaign in the largely Muslim republic
- siberia - a vast Asian region of Russia; famous for long cold winters
- european russia - the part of Russia that is part of Europe
- livonia - a region on the Baltic that is divided between northern Estonia and southern Latvia
- colchis - (Greek mythology) a region on the Black Sea to the south of the Caucasus that was the site of an ancient country where (according to Greek mythology) Jason sought the Golden Fleece
- donbas, donbass, donets basin - an industrial region in the Ukraine
- iberia - an ancient geographical region to the south of the Caucasus Mountains that corresponded approximately to the present-day Georgia
- latin america - the parts of North America and South America to the south of the United States where Romance languages are spoken
- galicia - a region (and former kingdom) in northwestern Spain on the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay
- leon - a historical area and former kingdom in northwestern Spain
- soudan, sudan - a region of northern Africa to the south of the Sahara and Libyan deserts; extends from the Atlantic to the Red Sea
- tanganyika - a former state in East Africa; united with Zanzibar in 1964 to form Tanzania
- kurdistan - an extensive geographical region in the Middle East to the south of the Caucasus
- iraqi kurdistan - the part of Kurdistan that is in northwestern Iraq
- ionia - region of western Asia Minor colonized by ancient Greeks
- east coast - the eastern seaboard of the United States (especially the strip between Boston and Washington D.C.)
- west coast - the western seaboard of the United States from Washington to southern California
- new england - a region of northeastern United States comprising Maine and New Hampshire and Vermont and Massachusetts and Rhode Island and Connecticut
- mid-atlantic states - a region of the eastern United States comprising New York and New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Delaware and Maryland
- gulf states - a region of the United States comprising states bordering the Gulf of Mexico; Alabama and Florida and Louisiana and Mississippi and Texas
- confederacy, confederate states, confederate states of america, dixie, dixieland, south - the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861
- south - the region of the United States lying to the south of the Mason-Dixon line
- deep south - the southeastern region of the United States: South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana; prior to the American Civil War all these states produced cotton and permitted slavery
- sunbelt - states in the south and southwest that have a warm climate and tend to be politically conservative
- tidewater, tidewater region - the coastal plain of the South: eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia
- piedmont - the plateau between the coastal plain and the Appalachian Mountains: parts of Virginia and North and South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama
- north - the region of the United States lying to the north of the Mason-Dixon line
- carolina, carolinas - the area of the states of North Carolina and South Carolina
- dakota - the area of the states of North Dakota and South Dakota
- bluegrass, bluegrass country, bluegrass region - an area in central Kentucky noted for its bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
- low countries - the lowland region of western Europe on the North Sea: Belgium and Luxembourg and the Netherlands
- lusitania - ancient region and Roman province on the Iberian Peninsula; corresponds roughly to modern Portugal and parts of Spain
- schlesien, silesia, slask, slezsko - a region of central Europe rich in deposits of coal and iron ore; annexed by Prussia in 1742 but now largely in Poland
- big sur - a picturesque coastal region of California to the south of San Francisco
- silicon valley - a region in California to the south of San Francisco that is noted for its concentration of high-technology industries
- black africa, sub-saharan africa - the region of Africa to the south of the Sahara Desert
- scythia - an ancient area of Eurasia extending from the Black Sea to the Aral Sea that was populated by Scythians from the eighth to the fourth century BC
- north africa - an area of northern Africa between the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea
- west africa - an area of western Africa between the Sahara Desert and the Gulf of Guinea
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