
  1. A group of followers or enthusiasts (synset 108240184)
  2. The act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture (synset 100320765)
    "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit"
  1. About to be mentioned or specified (synset 300128705)
    "the following items"
  2. Immediately following in time or order (synset 300128838)
    "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list"
  3. Going or proceeding or coming after in the same direction (synset 300201161)
    "the crowd of following cars made the occasion seem like a parade"; "tried to outrun the following footsteps"
  4. In the desired direction (synset 300998712)
    "a following wind"

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