administrative division
A district defined for administrative purposes (synset 108508836)
is a type of: district, dominion, territorial dominion, territory - a region marked off for administrative or other purposessubtypes:
- borough - one of the administrative divisions of a large city
- canton - a small administrative division of a country
- city - an incorporated administrative district established by state charter
- commune - the smallest administrative district of several European countries
- country, land, state - the territory occupied by a nation
- county - (United States) the largest administrative district within a state
- county palatine - the territory of a count palatine
- department - the territorial and administrative division of some countries (such as France)
- federal district - a district set apart as the seat of government of a federation
- reservation, reserve - a district that is reserved for particular purpose
- school district - a district whose public schools are administered together
- shire - a former administrative district of England; equivalent to a county
- municipality - an urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government
- prefecture - the district administered by a prefect (as in France or Japan or the Roman Empire)
- province, state - the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation
- town, township - an administrative division of a county
- ward - a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections
specific instances:- lower egypt - one of the two main administrative districts of Egypt; consists of the Nile delta
- upper egypt - one of the two main administrative districts of Egypt; extends south from Cairo to Sudan
- khabarovsk - an administrative territory in Russia on the eastern coast of Siberia
same as: administrative district, territorial division
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