Participial adjectives
- avenged
- for which vengeance has been taken
- beaten
- formed or made thin by hammering
- calibrated
- marked with or divided into degrees
- cantering
- riding at a gait between a trot and a gallop
- carinate
- having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel of a ship
- closed-captioned
- broadcast with captions that are seen only on receivers having special equipment; can be provided for hard-of-hearing viewers
- collected
- brought together in one place
- contested
- disputed or made the object of contention or competition
- corbelled
- having a corbel
- elapsed
- (of time) having passed or slipped by
- filled
- of purchase orders that have been filled
- fitted
- being the right size and shape to fit as desired
- forced
- produced by or subjected to forcing
- hammered
- shaped or worked with a hammer and often showing hammer marks
- handheld
- small and light enough to be operated while you hold it in your hands
- held
- occupied or in the control of; often used in combination
- hypophysectomised
- having the pituitary gland removed by surgery
- malted
- of grain that has been converted into malt
- marched upon
- being or having been trodden or marched on
- mercerised
- of cotton thread that has been treated with sodium hydroxide to shrink it and increase its luster and affinity for dye
- mounded over
- having a wound formed over it
- operating
- involved in a kind of operation
- oxidised
- combined with or having undergone a chemical reaction with oxygen
- parked
- that have been left
- pasteurised
- having been subjected to pasteurization in order to halt fermentation
- penciled
- drawn or written with a pencil
- pitched
- (of sound) set to a certain pitch or key; usually used as a combining form
- played
- (of games) engaged in
- plugged
- (of a coin) altered by the insertion of a plug of base metal
- posed
- arranged for pictorial purposes
- posted
- publicly displayed
- preconceived
- (of an idea or opinion) formed beforehand; especially without evidence or through prejudice
- punishing
- resulting in punishment
- pursued
- followed with enmity as if to harm
- ranging
- wandering freely
- re-created
- created anew
- regenerating
- that are generating anew
- sanitised
- made sanitary
- saponified
- converted into soap
- shrieked
- uttered in a shrill scream as of pain or terror
- sintered
- formed into a mass by heat and pressure
- sluicing
- pouring from or as if from a sluice
- sought
- that is looked for
- spray-dried
- dried by bringing a sprayed substance (e.g. milk or soap) into contact with hot air and recovering it in the form of a powder
- squashed
- that has been violently compressed
- stacked
- arranged in a stack
- streaming
- exuding a bodily fluid in profuse amounts
- strung
- that is on a string
- sublimated
- passing or having passed from the solid to the gaseous state (or vice versa) without becoming liquid
- surmounted
- having something on top
- thoriated
- being or sounding of nervous or suppressed laughter
- transpiring
- that is passing through
- unavenged
- for which vengeance has not been taken
- uncollected
- not brought together in one place
- uncontested
- not disputed and not made the object of contention or competition
- unfilled
- of purchase orders that have not been filled
- unmalted
- of grain that has not been converted into malt
- unpasteurised
- not having undergone pasteurization
- unposed
- not arranged for pictorial purposes
- unsaponified
- not converted into soap