downright1 ad infinitum2
1 thoroughgoing
2 to infinity; without or seemingly without limit
radically1 richly2
1 in a radical manner
2 in a rich manner
subconsciously1 as usual2
1 from the subconscious mind
2 in the usual manner
peacefully1 darkly2
1 in a peaceful manner
2 without light
henceforward1 deathly2
1 from this time forth; from now on
2 to an extreme degree
supra1 professedly2
1 (in writing) at an earlier place
2 with pretense or intention to deceive
cautiously1 correctly2
1 as if with kid gloves; with caution or prudence or tact
2 in an accurate manner
successfully1 a little2
1 with success; in a successful manner
2 to a small degree; somewhat
collect1 so2
1 make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays
2 to a certain unspecified extent or degree
roughly1 predictably2
1 with rough motion as over a rough surface
2 in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree
downright1 ad infinitum2
1 thoroughgoing
2 to infinity; without or seemingly without limit
radically1 luxuriously2
1 in a radical manner
2 in a rich manner
subconsciously1 as usual2
1 from the subconscious mind
2 in the usual manner
peacefully1 darkly2
1 in a peaceful manner
2 without light
henceforward1 extremely2
1 from this time forth; from now on
2 to an extreme degree
above1 professedly2
1 (in writing) at an earlier place
2 with pretense or intention to deceive
cautiously1 right2
1 as if with kid gloves; with caution or prudence or tact
2 in an accurate manner
successfully1 a bit2
1 with success; in a successful manner
2 to a small degree; somewhat
collect1 so2
1 make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays
2 to a certain unspecified extent or degree
roughly1 predictably2
1 with rough motion as over a rough surface
2 in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree
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