1: S
she, who, still, been, he, long, well, have
2: SU
mothers, mother, being, having, never, women
3: SUU
tenderly, carefully
1: S
back, through
2: US
along, until
Surrounder Phrases
wounded soldiers, during, child, womantolerably well, longpatiently until, through, alonghave been, already, never, successfully, babieswoman who, secretlysick babies, child, infants, children, soldiers, infant, baby, woman, wife, mothermothers who, usually, have, duringwomen who, have, secretlyalready been, secretly, being, successfully, have, well, wounded, sick, havingsecretly hopessoldiers who, wounded, duringhaving babies, been, successfully, already, secretly, children, thus, once, carefully, patientlywife mary, whoslowly along, through, until, back, beingbeen successfully, wounded, secretly, properly, lovingly, carefully, tolerably, sick, patientlyinfants who, during, usually, havechildren who, havemother mary, tenderly, lovingly, who, never, secretlynever been, once, having, have, properlybabies who, usually, being, have, during, untilchild who, soldiersbeing sick, wounded, tolerably, properly, secretly, lovingly, successfullyinfant child, who, children, duringuntil she, he, wellwho patiently, devotedly, have, secretly, lovingly, successfully, neverlong beenshe never, secretly, hopes, lovingly, tenderly, still, slowlygrievances throughstill being, secretly, havehe never, hopes, secretly, tenderly, patiently, lovinglybaby who, backtenderly she, heback along, through, untilonce been, she, having, hecarefully alongalong slowlywell have