Dillfrog Muse
Slice and dice your way to the best rhymes.
Rhyme On, Rhyme Off
Find rhymes for ❤️️ "love", 🍊 "orange" and everything in between.
More than your standard 📚 dictionary entry. Related words and hypernyms help you find the word you really wanted.
Word Lists
Our 🎲 random word lists help you fill in a blank, or get inspired.
Rhyme Storm
This 🧠⚡️ brainstorming tool has perhaps the most customizable rhyming dictionary you'll find. Solve difficult rhymes, creative new rhyme schemes, and seed your wordplay ideas.
Word Tags
For word geeks only! Dive into the 🏷️ word-tagging data that's used for tools like our rhyming dictionary. It's kind of like flipping to a random page of a dictionary.