Showing results for "ceryle" instead. (You can only search for 1 word at a time unless you use the Storm or Mosaic Rhyme tools)
2 Syllables: SU
aerial, Ariel, barrel, Bethel, burial, careful, Carol, Carroll, devil, Eccles, Ethel, ethyl, Federal, festal, gentle, Gerald, Harold, Hegel, Herald, kennel, kettle, level, levelled, levels, medal, meddle, Merrill, metal, methyl, mettle, nestle, nettle, pebble, pedal, peril, pestle, petal, phenol, prayerful, rebel, revel, revelled, revels, Reynolds, settle, special, speckled, sterile, treble, vessel, vestal, wrestle
3 Syllables: USU
4 Syllables: UUSU
accidental, continental, departmental, detrimental, elemental, fundamental, instrumental, monumental, Oriental, secretarial, sentimental, transcendental
5 Syllables: UUUSU
6 Syllables: UUUUSU
Found 76 words across 5 groupings. Skipped 23 excess words of a similar stem.