exact syllable matches

air corridors
United States
Air Force Reserve
airport fiction
turn to the
airport, Mr
what was
best for business
care for it much
care for its young
is to
care for Rin-kun
care for this girl
cares for its young
entrepreneur of
death, or Mr
I always
dress for dinner
echoes brilliant
my bad
egg joke, because
I have
eggs for dinner
of them
elbow in work
elbow scissors
to the
elbows in blood
are without
end or limit
will choose and
enforce limits
promulgator, and its
enforcing judge
escort mission
drinks with a
fellow intern
stolen visits to his
a full-
fledged role with her
keep your
friends close, Mr
lot of
friends growing up
till I
get home, mister
get so mixed up
through to
get those tickets
We didn't
get your business
get your fins up
get your sister
up and
get your ticket
gets no results
Lisa Lambert and
Greg Morrison
have no
head for business
a good
head for figures
need some
help for Mr
used to
help or hinder
this paper and
hence omitted
Special Agent
Jethro Gibbs does
widespread annihilation
kept going up
why you
kept your distance
devil worshippers
left for dinner
take this
leg for instance
legs, for instance
power without
let or hindrance
Let's blow it up
let's bone this nun
Let's go, Gidget
Meadow Vista
was candy
meant for children
meant no insult
men nor women
ardent in
really be
used for
weary toilers,
men or women
or Blacks,
Men or Women
the intricate German
metro system
situated on a
narrow isthmus
be kept within
issue within too
narrow limits
I dislike preconceived,
narrow spirit
petrol sniffer
petrol sniffers
all over the
making this about
spirited swipe at
Puerto Ricans
can still
read those insults
red toad trilliums
when Natasha
says No returns
South Carolina
says no singles
friends, you
scare your children
let me
sell your tickets
a paint
set for Christmas
be race,
sex or income
3 -
Share Your Interests
big picture, cinemascope, 3-D,
Or the
we must
spare no wisdom
forty, without
strength or vigour
would you
tell your children
Tell your sister
He's got
stay here
ten more minutes
Why not
test your limits
his so
their noses touch
attending to
couldn't mind
manners were
tapes is
to mind
their own business
enemies through
horses, or
longer educate
much, for
schools for
their own children
Their own children
conservatism in
focused on
gods in
life in
picture, in
spit in
their own image
and pursuing
best serves
bias towards
compatriots to
defense of
groups, have
not appreciate
not neglect
of protecting
them in
themselves and
they advance
to promote
vote against
their own interests
stewed in
their own liquor
Tormented by
their own spirit
wine of
their own vineyards
nothing but
their own vision
just fill
them for children
can eat
them for dessert
Angelus took
them for dinner
can sue
them for trillions
hear about
them or Bishop
she honored
them so little
have made
them so vicious
there for six months
and trees
there, for instance
while we're
there, no liquids
understood this, and
therefore Mr
are -
there's no limit
There's no mission
There's no pictures
There's no signal
There's no spirit
I mean
they're going nuts
Twelve-Tone System
well or cistern
well so cheer up
to relatively simple,
well-known dishes
became recognized as
well-known symbols
wet your whistle
Where's your Kingdom
yellow bittern
yellow bitterns
than the chrome
yellow mixture
yellow nigger
yellow niggers
yellow ribbon
yellow ribbons
yellow ticket
yellow tickets
yellow trilliums
yellow-billed chough
brave, and
yet so fearful
yet, so cheer up

with 1 extra syllable

a foreign
accent, for instance
are open
again for business
again for six months
unforgivable sin,
against your sister
ahead, close this up
tragically, they
beget more children
helicopter to
Carmel for dinner
Compare omikron
generates more
contempt for women
determination to
defend those interests
and to
defend those limits
unions to
defend your interests
had to
defend your vision
derecho civil
Descend, O Spirit
polarity either
direct or reverse
any action,
effect or result
Except for lizards
other Republicans,
except for Mr
except for this one
Except for this one
to sacrifice
himself for children
men snooping around
hotel corridors
one eye
impair your vision
Janette, for instance
those fingers, them
marshmellow fingers
old desert
motel for business
long prepared
myself for because
numero symbol
numero symbols
of every
object or system
service inanimate
objects or symbols
offend Olympus
and thirty
percent for women
Perfect for children
Casey, so
perfect, so fearless
scattered to
prepare for dinner
I have
prepared for dinner
prepared for this work
prepared for this, but
by tangible
progress for women
he must to
protect Olympus
conscious and
protect your children
chance to
protect your interests
And it
protects your nipples
increased their
respect for England
the highest
respect for women
you must
respect your limits
subject for his work
the ultimate
success for women
like Peter
Vincent for instance
keep saving
yourself for Mr

with 2 extra syllables

depth, no
intellect, no interests
Romeo and
Juliet, for instance
Sacramento River
underwear for Mr