exact syllable matches

of the political
aisle about
this course to
bike around
bindest auf
you should throw
Brian out
It was her
bridal gown
the back of
bridal gowns
the colours look
brighter now
hitherto, embodied the
brightness now
I could
You wanna
buy a house
you could
buy a town
Buy the Cow,
decide to
money, I'll
buy the house
getting tit-fucked
by a clown
was secreted
by a cow
by a mouse
be followed
be split
by a noun
by account
We'll be there
by sundown
such enthusiasm
by the crowds
are appointed
were rejected
by the Crown
is caught
by the hound
and then,
by the House
as perceived
chewed up
by the mouth
quality expressed
by the noun
Sheriff Lamb
by the pound
or obstructed
by, a cloud
things with a
child around
cider house
Abby, calm your
client down
without husbands, he
cried aloud
still hear
cries of foul
speculations with a
crisis hound
have nothing to
you something to
cry about
My secrets
cry aloud
cypress trout
dial down
dialed down
dialled down
dials down
and the
drive shuts down
driving me to
found her in
Medical Officer at
my grandmother in
Eichen House
eye of round
bothers my
eyes just now
thought your
eyes were brown
and his
eyes were round
What did we
what do they
what we didn't
fight about
had that
fight just now
again for one
Partition in the
this new, FINAL
final round
we can
find a town
find the couch
They don't
find the ground
you never
find the Shroud
he gonna
find us now
findest auf
But, friendly
fire counts
furniture for the
fire house
We're on
fire now
cheek, Dashes the
hence putting the
Put the
to put the
you're putting that
fire out
used to put
fires out
thither, and plates
fly about
and you fucking
where you can
fly around
You let Ben
Geisler down
alone in a
giant house
We are the
giants now
blood and
grime comes out
you threw our
grinder out
hand, and
guides her down
this, move that
guy around
Guy comes out
how you
guys turned out
about walking on
and fighting for
get you to
ground and moral
leaders seek a
must return to
to get to
turn wintry over
higher ground
glide over the
highest cloud
emerged above the
highest clouds
of the very
highest house
unquestionably occupies the
highest now
hire out
hired out
hires out
wait 'til
I come out
her, but
there after
I struck out
Look how
I turned out
don't cry,
I work out
gave me an
ice rubdown
ices out
excuse for being
idle now
that is an
idol house
funny like
I'm a clown
that's not what
you know what
I'm about
hosepipe ban when
kid's freedom while
moon notices when
Not while
try another while
you don't think
I'm around
my genitals if
I'm aroused
It's over,
I'm burned out
iris out
This is Sailor
Iron Mouse
pulling all the
she had her
iron out
ironed out
They use steam
irons now
Hampshire to Long
in the Long
of the Long
on the Long
Island Sound
the years,
I've learned how
has this
kind of clout
am some
kind of clown
the goodwill
the wrong
kind of crowd
It's my
kind of town
leier aus
lie around
need not push
life about
I'll turn my
I'm turning my
Monarch turned my
please, turn your
to turn his
to turn my
turn a miserable
turned his whole
life around
Heck, that's what
isn't that what
who know what
life's about
the old
light bulb out
which the
light comes out
a few grams
lighter now
mean, the
lights were out
came in
ego, is
the staff
your tongue
like a cloud
he'll look
me look
treated him
like a clown
and dresses
like a count
fish, steers
it's not
You fight
You look
you smell
like a cow
hair shone
wear it
like a crown
and dumb
looks more
like a mouse
even feel
like a pound
look more
like a rout
armour, or
like a shroud
things I don't
like about
usually immediately
like just now
earth shines
like one house
superior fighter
like the Count
Do you
like the house
additional signals
like the Wow
How you
like us now
liked the clown
because I
somewhere and
liked the sound
Face your battle
lines about
into a giant
lion's mouth
live The South
Lycra lout
Lycra louts
Michael Brown
primitive instincts you
might arouse
But he
might come now
we repress
might come out
might flunk out
of them
might run out
at all for
be seen for
been heard for
see it from
would come from
miles around
Don't change on
Don't stop on
him punished on
hold back on
is sponged from
never change on
too much on
my account
cast up
my accounts
just in
my blood now
my girl now
dig for
my grubs now
will have
my lunch now
was scream
my lungs out
wanna make
my son proud
my son, now
this on
my terms now
he'd cut
my tongue out
And it's
But it's
it's not
So it's
my turn now
even affecting
my work, now
little variety in
my workout
They're in
You're in
my world now
This is
my world, now
gives me a
nice rub-down
rouges of the
night about
for almost
Jane for
nine months now
go in,
pies come out
convenient passing
pile of clouds
She's a
pilot now
pirate round
pirate rounds
prices out
primal howl
parents to be
psyched about
stomping Private
Pyle's guts out
job when things
want things to
quiet down
quiets down
of us,
quite a crowd
reisen aus
do you just
their horses and
ride around
just comin' in
me you were
see some windows
that you are
There is nothing far-
what was I
What's that
right about
me just the
transform just the
right amount
I think it's
right around
and make things
right somehow
rays from this
righteous crown
drifted down onto
Ryan's snout
schilder aus
science now
out a
side of cow
Up the
side of Mt
hopeless, hungry
the other
side of town
sights, the sounds
stop this deafening
we have that
silence now
burst from the
silent crowd
mouse in a
silent house
thinking, just a
silent howl
said, all laughter
we must be
Wendell Phillips is
silent now
the street a
siren howled
cover when the
siren sounds
Like the
size of crowds
or greater
size were found
sizes down
and lesser
slides of sounds
vanishing without the
slightest sound
find something to
got somethin' to
nothing to fucking
smile about
feminine after the final
and took the
and washed the
spider out
but in
spite of doubt
threaten to
strike us down
and left for
tiger chow
double-nosed Andean
tiger hound
a human this
each other this
hard sell first
Hell's ass next
hero the next
it right this
job the first
marathon the first
me the first
mind-dance the second
playing him this
right the first
right the second
rip-roaring cut this
serious workout this
shit the first
some patience this
speech the last
we did last
were the last
your idea this
time around
get that
time cut down
thinking and
time cuts out
a long
time from now
know it,
when someone's
time runs out
wish the
time were now
to be the
time, somehow
tire out
am, and I'm
just a little
tired now
tired out
the other guy
tires out
for this Intercontinental
title bout
decided to
try her out
so she took
Tyler out
it a very
vibrant sound
solemn empire stretches
wide around
the power to
widen out
thighs and a
wider snout
and to
crush and
going to
They can't
want to
wipe us out
wiped us out
bomb, and
wipes us out
wire house
both older and
I'm getting
wiser now
O be
wiser, thou
a writer gonna
always wanted to
are what I
cat something to
have more to
have nothing to
have something to
I going to
not easy to
they wanted to
to read or
with and to
you have to
write about
pen and
write 'em down
thinking like a
writer now
writes about

with 1 extra syllable

concerns, grievances and
advice about
he was
alive, just now
am, what your
appliance now
leadership at an
arrivals lounge
out from
sun disappeared
behind a cloud
behind a cow
your life
behind a plow
empty space
hiding place
that they're
behind the couch
and walks
behind the mound
behind the plow
land located
beside a house
standing here
beside the Hao
that I feel
contrite about
Aren't you all
delighted now
derived from noun
stop and
describe the clouds
built into the
design, somehow
lines to an
entire crowd
and swallowed our
entire house
map is the
entire South
it destroyed an
will kill an
entire town
Stephen Sondheim's play
entitled, Bounce
to get very
excited now
Queen is under
indictment now
solar flares
inside a house
here down
inside the crowd
magnet deep
inside the ground
big parties
to come
inside the grounds
a cow
coming from
gets you
kept them
stay alive
inside the house
lenites the noun
hack into my
online accounts
hands and
outline the clouds
10 hours
the dark
outside her house
alligator-infested swamps,
Mine Shaft
roadhouse hideaway
was right
outside of town
They were
your van
outside the house
the hills
outside the town
And yet,
refined somehow
and are outright
required now
And a question
requires doubt
way through a
united south
idea of a
united South
vampires allowed

with 2 extra syllables

Derived from
from noun and
to form an
adjectival noun
adjectival nouns
the future
alongside the now
get all the
appetisers out
not long remain
exercised about
They can
fertilise the ground
Frankenstein Unbound
he kill that
homicidal clown
opens and
McIntyre comes out
hugged by a
microfiber cloud
bowl to
modify the sound
Pennywise the Clown
should have
purified the wound

with 4 extra syllables

something further to
sensationalise about