exact syllable matches
deer, tigers, hares,
bisons etc
mother, in-laws, wife,
children, etc
typewriter, washing machine,
clipper, etc
distanced themselves from her
beautiful or tall
enough etc
snap of one's
fingers, etc
and outlay, transaction
frictions, etc
association with speckled,
grizzled etc
about Herz, Liszt,
Hiller, etc
winter, times of
illness, etc
changes, destroying the
image, etc
school or
in church etc
which alone
is perfect eloquence
is the best medicine
My field
is the self-evident
dining room, library,
kitchen etc
wine, beer,
liquor etc
offerings, as flowers,
liquor, etc
little red headed punk
a lens,
mirror etc
a film, a
picture, etc
the temple, its
pillars, etc
from home,
prison, etc
ribbons, etc
Muddy Creek, Red
River, etc
skin, husk etc
traditional medicine, religious
symbols, etc
person, institution, belief
system, etc
filters in chat
systems etc
experience, knowledge and
infrastructure and facilitation
systems, etc
verifying their identity,
tickets, etc
the names billion,
trillion, etc
Elma, Thelma, Alma,
Wilma, etc
with a careless roughness
with the French general
the century,
year, month, etc
with 1 extra syllable
a strong feeling,
addiction, etc
drunkenness, lust, avarice,
ambition, etc
other prayers, for
assistance, etc
bugles and
beating drums, etc
Yoga-perception form, is
Buddhism etc
the comrades, less
capricious, etc
of style or
character, etc
favorite expressions, tropes,
characters, etc
, chymistry, chymist,
chymical, etc
operated vehicles, subsea
equipment etc
, buildings, machinery,
equipment, etc
economic means of
existence, etc
names, like Krishna,
Govinda, etc
ready in the
hospitals, etc
public servant, public
official, etc
mixtures, properties of
polymers, etc
to be affectionate,
promiscuous, etc
in a
register, etc
of a new
religion, etc
genes, values, attitudes,
life, Tamil linguistic
their special nature,
traditions, etc
a faulty telephone
transmission, etc
one's dog, foreign
visitors, etc
with 2 extra syllables
one's past actions,
accomplishments, etc
acknowledgment etc
a photograph,
advantage of, etc
are Germans, Frenchmen,
Americans, etc
genuine haters of
Communism, etc
plans of his
compositions, etc
from ever
happening again, Senator
, number,
logarithm etc
parents, teachers, clergyman,
politicians, etc
such as arteriosclerosis,
rheumatism, etc
a mathematical, geometric,
statistical etc
is a
synonym of etcetera
with 3 extra syllables
blockage during
engineering works, etc
Generalised from
isomorphism, etc
to grammatical errors,
malapropisms, etc
the subject, linguistic,
psychological, etc