exact syllable matches

4 April
Boots and Saddle
4-H Club
4-H Clubs
From the
board game of
board gamer
board wages
boat races
Boles Acres
bone laces
is a natural
born racer
bro later
close ranges
closed beta
closed betas
clothes maiden
clothes maidens
coast waiter
coast waiters
coax cable
cocaine bugs
code bases
code faces
code pages
cold cases
have high deductibles and
Corruption of
hamster food and
cornflake dust
Costain gun
Costain guns
weapon, and, of
course, Major
course, raises
a couple of
court cases
Don't blame her
Don't play dumb
Don't say stuff
Hershey bars,
don't take 'em
real cops
don't taste drugs
He's on the
door Peyton
door stays shut
for eight months
They had longed
for failure
gonna totally ask
on fat ones
for favors
Kid was marked
Proust is marked
for greatness
than it was
for Jason
new Magna Carta
for labor
save the chit-chat
the Jeremy problem
for later
I can run
was gonna run
for mayor
I'm gonna run
for Mayor
about amateur love
as they are
is another word
for nature
accompanied with demands
for payment
for sake of
- That's Latin
for Satan
homes, and work
for wages
Everything I fought
for, wasted
to Russia as
forced labor
forced labour
Ford Nation
The defenestrate was
formed later
He will not
Lord will not
forsake us
Fort Davis
home run as
I touch all
four bases
of golfs all
four majors
Four-H Club
Four-H Clubs
George Graham
Also named after
George Mason
Ghost Breakers
ghost station
ghost stations
go great guns
and do not
go naked
I are gonna
to watchin' ya
go places
It's gonna
go straight up
goat raper
goat rapers
gold plated
banks, or international
gold traders
and God has
grown greater
home bases
home nation
home pages
put erasers on
horse races
horse traders
horse trailer
horse trailers
Joe Frazier
Tony Gayton and
Joe Gayton
result of sudden
load changes
him called the
Ibsen, and the
Lone Ranger
Lord Bacon
Lord Mayor
Lord Mayors
I am
Lord Vader
Los Vegas
idled plants and
low wages
contemporary, but another
more ancient
the world has
more faces
What companion
more faithful
as perils far
more famous
offer a lot
more favors
be rounder and
more graceful
then and much
We'll talk
more later
birth is lot
something a lot
more painful
profane or perhaps
more sacred
and perhaps the
most ancient
best and the
most famous
This was the
most hated
fat put off
most tasters
Dad Rajiv was
no angel
no ava
empty will have
no basis
no brainer
no brainers
no changer
no changers
thought there was
no danger
No passion,
no flavour
I have
no hatred
no patience
if there are
no races
Your grandfather was
no traitor
That's a
, a
nose breaker
note shaver
note shavers
O faces
oak paper
oak papers
a-- you're an
oath breaker
From the
o-grade of
decided to solve
old cases
Old Faithful
a couple of
old sailors
Old Station
you just an
old trainer
developed, whether modern
or ancient
before either man
or angel
or a car
or cable
it grew stronger
or fainter
talk of love
this without malice
or hatred
the back cover
or label
coinages, such as
or later
cite its chapters
or pages
it is hot
or painful
my aunt,
or rape her
by priests, philosophers
or saviours
the act
or state of
in the actor's
own nature
pole faces
por favor
venta al
ventas al
por mayor
pore spaces
is not a
pork-based one
Profane word
Profane words
road agent
road agents
road cases
road races
road rager
road ragers
road scraper
road scrapers
role player
role players
rose chafer
rose chafers
row spaces
short changes
Sloane Ranger
Sloane Rangers
snow angel
snow angels
was a glow-in-the-dark
snow scraper
She was
so famous
He was just
so graceful
You are
so gracious
century types are
so jaded
It was
so late and
so painful
Extras are
so patient
so raven
spin-off from That's
So Raven
true, and
so they were
that song,
so they, um
You're all
so vacant
sole trader
sole traders
spore cases
Like as a
sports agent
we still have
stone masons
stone paper
stone papers
Stone spaces
storm chaser
storm chasers
You attacked
those agents
those changes
and learn from
those failures
What are
those made of
look at all
those pages
You saw
those papers
not one of
of one of
Paris and all
than one of
those places
though, they hurt
throat razor
throat razors
toned paper
warp laces
fact, the
whole day sucks
and above the
but of the
concern of the
man and the
whole nation
and the
whole range of
just one, a
whole table
give you back
your agent
You dropped
your bracelet
Now get on
see it on
the looks on
your faces
great lordship and
weight of all
your greatness
gently laugh at
your hatred
they would call
your Jacob
on living off
your labor
your major
am Doctor Mastaba,
your maker
anywhere regardless of
your make-up
much, 'cause
your name sucks
not just
your name, sir
your name, Sir
your name, son
can't run from
your nature
Look at
to maliciously slander
your neighbor
fellas, they are
your rifles at
your neighbors
love yourself as
of yourself and
your neighbour
your neighbours
of one of
Where are
your papers
your energy, and
your patience
Maxwell and
your patient
the Vicomte as
your patron
give you back
your savior
a letter on
Bomb scare at
come sit at
the dishes at
want me at
your table

with 1 extra syllable

monster, but can't
afford makeup
Almost Famous
weapon, I
almost gave up
I repeat,
almost naked
to fool it's
almost painful
making it unassailable,
almost sacred
person though, adapting
almost shameful
and warm and
almost weightless
simply beneficiaries but
also agents
also breakle
be unworthy but
also fatal
also frame, from
also franger
also gramer
Man, which I
also hated
But he is
also naked
also quaint, cunt
filed guns was
also stationed
Also straighter
also vaguer
Arjo Klamer
azo alaina
being the best
banjo player
take delight in
borrowed greatness
a which was
borrowed later
also the neologism
borrowed later,
term, suggesting a
borrowed nature
Carro Mayor
used to have
cockroach races
combo breaker
combo breakers
Africa and the
Congo Basin
console table
console tables
Cosmo Kramer
Detailing can
follow later
or of pen,Who
follows Nature
was a really
hardcore gamer
Margot Grahame
Osborne Davis
palo mayor
You're a
popcorn salesman
on the Sun
should start a
record label
and rival the
sing, or start
record labels
know, off a
panties on the
record on a
spinning on a
record player
record players
So we are
stylus needle of a
Roscoe Thayer
shadow gazer
shadow gazers
flows over the
shadow paper
She walks back
toward Angel
minimal message oriented
transport layers
Transport, papers
turbo trainer
turbo trainers
the surface on the
dies of an
unknown ailment
variables of an
unknown nature

with 2 extra syllables

ruling in Lord
Baltimore's favor
out of a
buffalo's anus
is this
Morocco place, huh
sounds like a
piano player
came the Pied
Piano Player
reserved exclusive for non-
piano players
job, the next
living with a
saxophone player
of simple
unadorned nature