exact syllable matches

community of people --
American Pie
3 The Wedding
can ever
forget may
It would
be a blessing
want to
be a fetish
will never
be a marriage
would only
be a respite
was to
be a wedding
be a Wet Wit
your determination to
be accursed
everyone's powers may
motion would not
name will not
stock and would
be affected
argument should
it would
be against it
doesn't happen to
be aggressive
sociopolitical barbarities may
be amended
It would
be Appendix
forms may also
may not all
version could not
be attested
stockpiled chemistries they'd
be collecting
Greeks was to
McCallum deserves to
think we should
be commended
and can
be compared with
just have to
be compelling
could they possibly
those lives will
we will always
be connected
ought to
be drug tested
attorneys, can you
too nervous, couldn't
be objective
Because that would
Romani, it may
be offensive
may also
be phonetic
is Us must
be progressive
my art will
be prophetic
didn't want to
fragile and must
ideals have to
innocent must always
is marketable must
it has to
on earth cannot
precious and must
rights that must
She must
subordinate value can
that he cannot
The Avatar must
the Government will
thing must always
various animals must
which might not
be protected
someone you should
be protecting
as such must
be selective
arts could only
be subjective
be the next King
be the next year
afraid this must
be unlearned
know this must
be upsetting
be worth 10 quid
Beetle wrestling
eccentric and mouth-
breather there is
chief objective
are thus
cleaner when picked
lost, the ultra-specialized
creatures perish
hoping for a
decent ending
conceal their
deeds against him
Dream obsessed him
not let its
dreamers perish
each of their lives
novel by Bret
Easton Ellis
market can be
either spelling
equal marriage
Eton messes
EVE, Arrest him
as if
evil crept in
defeat my seven
evil exes
such reckless
feats of daring
freedom dressing
only absolute
freedom there is
the old
geezer gets it
green labelling
divine love,
he condemned it
check when
he forgets it
was Ali,
he loved Elvis
of lights,
he loves Paris
of the creed
the creed which
he professes
care for those
improve the world
he protected
He touched their lives
all right,
he turns legit
he up there still
he were dead in
hear oneself think
here comes Derek
for it,
he's against it
no other, but
he's pathetic
characters created by
short story by
stories written by
the novel by
Trost and
Ian Fleming
Get and
Jesus says, Give
60, I can
keep directing
But I
or banker, I
keep forgetting
Better to
keep her guessing
in the
least against him
reading for the
legal senses
inalienable, even in
legal settings
you tell
me again, dear
He smashes
me against it
left for
me but marriage
You kept
me connected
me correct it
will make
me forget it
me from their tits
it keeps
me from yelling
me just get it
offensive, for finding
me offensive
ocean actually gave
me perspective
Don't make
me regret it
it for
me, forget it
kind of
meaness there is
can make
Meta get it
need the epic
needle bearing
needle bearings
needle sharing
needs correcting
and communal life
needs perfecting
Moscow a great
peace offensive
hear the
people bless him
lest the whole
no vision the
people perish
on and countless
people perished
novel and
people read it
cleaning up other
peoples' messes
Cleaning up those
people's messes
Donald Knuth and
Peter Bendix
Peter Fleming
Ian Tracey and
Peter Flemming
Peter Hellings
Peter Jennings
Peter Kenneth
seeing a
piece of Kevin
pizza, spare ribs
north for the
real offensive
for decorum or
real perspective
taken for
reasons less clear
soars before such
regal bearing
flat and they've
repossessed it
in a university
research setting
screen of death in
up in the
season premiere
player triggers a
secret ending
secret sharing
See perspective
and always
seek her blessings
sound passive but
seem aggressive
You ever
seen forensics
she Doug Henning
She just met him
She loved Elvis
she's a dead bitch
She's a temptress
She's protected
them, can
speak against it
a deficiency
speaks against it
Stephen Tetrick
Steven M Greer
in the
stalking the
streets of Paris
could effectively implement
these objectives
arise from
three such bendings
at Mike and
Tina's wedding
this reason
we condemn it
That's kinda how
we connected
By silence
we consented
we forget this
we just end this
we just tell him
we must end it
we must end this
we must get rid
we must lead it
as any human
we protected
we were desperate
We were desperate
I thought
we were friend-ish
we were testing
out there,
we were wrestling
weak, pathetic
well sure
we'll avenge it
they said
we're against it
We're connected
We're protected
Yes, that's what
we're suggesting

with 1 extra syllable

and create a
Football, there's a
3D perspective
Very well done,
Adrian Melville
Babbling away about
aliens, weddings
to pursue practically
to reach almost
any objective
any of them did
any of them, is
own life with
any perspective
care what
anyone else thinks
suffix that
apnea ends in
lead my
army against him
Named after
Austrian chemist
belly until the
baby confesses
babies are very
badly protected
the whole
city against him
and body are
closely connected
opportunities to
pleasure to
compete against him
Crappy directing
about her
daddy's work ethics
and individuals are
deeply affected
I find that
deeply offensive
degrees of marriage
do what
the way
everyone else did
Everyone else did
irrationally, because
much as
everyone else is
Everyone else will
Everyone's life touches
everyone elses
South Korea
everyone says it
Everyone's hair thins
Everyone's selfish
if Mark
fancies a gherkin
all must be
firmly protected
free speech be
fully protected
a particular
fury against him
gladly consented
glory of friendship
would not be
greatly affected
hopes for a
happier ending
and maintain a
healthy perspective
ground to be
is almost invariably
stranger is always
highly offensive
India relish
Indian gherkin
become the youngest
Indian premier
Indian relish
in with an
Indian wedding
Indian wrestling
jury of their peers
contingent concomitant of
Kantian ethics
first White House
world is my
lesbian wedding
things in a
lovely perspective
make sure
Malia gets it
the underclass of late-
medieval Paris
Nazis were desperate
complete ban on
genetic modifications and
Soviets to ban
nuclear testing
one and
only correct wish
only one there is
prayer are thus
only subjective
fourth annual
orgy of caring
pretty aggressive
pretty much wedged in
few highlights is
pretty pathetic
Pretty pathetic
existence of a
husband's from a
son by a
previous marriage
for the
previous ten years
they will
quickly regret it
radial bearing
that you
really connect with
But we never
whether I am
really connected
seems like they're
really generic
really offensive
Really pathetic
all will
receive the blessing
relief from their gifts
troubled I
reread the Ethics
replaced by the
semi-learned feliz
series the next year
Kissing, props and
sexy undressing
simply connected
bitter, quarrelsome, and
slightly pathetic
slowly, from their lives
sorry, forget it
east and
southeast of Paris
stories of their lives
development of their
story authentic
story of their lives
be a
story worth telling
of the
story, the ending
and journalists was
just are not
strongly affected
strongly connected
to the
study of fencing
now we'll
surely regret it
the simple
theory of bending
tinea pedis
It was
truly upsetting
very original and
unique perspective
long and so
vainly contended
Fleming, and the
variant Flemming
Eye dialect
variant spelling
simply consider them
variant spellings
Variant spellings
fish in its
in its
various senses
are just not
No, it's
very aggressive
She was
Your servants are
very attentive
above possibilities seems
his standpoint are
real union are
very compelling
very objective
want to remain
very selective
comedy is
Everything else seemed
See, this is
very subjective
must have been
very upsetting
woolly adelgid
woolly adelgids
worry oneself sick

with 2 extra syllables

already affectible and
already affected
unambiguous forms are
already attested
some that I'm
already forgetting
thousand different
blasphemies against it
to guard
carefully against it
Catalina dressing
Catalina dressings
it was the
Colombian guestlist
fair housing
committee condemned it
framework of over-all
company objectives
of his
compatriots, held dear
opinion so
completely against him
down, I
completely forget it
explanations are being
constantly upended
I could
easily connect with
I cannot
easily forget it
They won't
easily forget this
was an
employee of Derek
effective range of
enemy objectives
it has been
equally prophetic
all sorts of
erroneous spellings
competitive and not
especially compelling
Euclidean metric
Euclidean metrics
extremely upsetting
flattery from their king
supplies a
guarantee against it
Guaranteed authentic
interest should be
jealously protected
Lagarde connects with
civilisation or
liberty must perish
afford the
luxury of friendship
Mongolian gerbil
because it is
morally compelling
religious, conscientious and
morally unbending
worst times
mutinied against him
nobody forgets it
Find the man
nobody's protecting
course he gets
overly possessive
partially meshed, or
that are only
partially connected
is the
penalty of marriage
have any
policy against it
advance unique Canadian
are my foreign
our country's foreign
risk for American
policy objectives
nobody could
possibly forget it
Possibly from Celtic
communication as the
is always the
say it's our
What is your
primary objective
primary offenses
probably offensive
and I'll
probably regret it
even those are
probably subjective
purity of their lives
quality of their lives
request, and Salvator
readily consented
Romanian deadlift
Romanian deadlifts
often drew
salaries from Elvis
in the
sanctity of marriage
Sanctity of marriage
shall be most
securely protected
being much more
severely affected
sick, not just
socially protesting
had voted
solidly against him
But it's
totally generic
This club is
totally pathetic
Unfairly objective

with 3 extra syllables

ability, but friendship
That was
absolutely pathetic
Absolutely pathetic
pleasure said to
accompany blood-letting
lives this is
actually affecting
the ocean they're
those things are
actually connected
and conflict are
adequately protected
Astrophysics, oceanography, marine
biology, genetics
Baldwin, with Nick
Cassavetes directing
exposing the
planned a
conspiracy against him
Is it
culturally authentic
delightfully perceptive
absolute compromise of
editorial ethics
Random House Mondadori,
Editorial Melvin
sense they are
entirely objective
entirely of dead dicks
His nature was
essentially aggressive
same reason
everybody loved Elvis
died, but
everybody loves Elvis
men must be
genuinely progressive
not only
geometry but ethics
world have become
increasingly connected
which finds them
increasingly oppressive
broken, furious, and
infinitely pathetic
some political or
military objective
targets are valid
military objectives
the long
monotony of marriage
monotony of their lives
recompense that
naturally attend it
Nicomachean Ethics
it, will
perceptibly affect it
values have been
permanently affected
achieve our national
than our national
security objectives
security of their lives
bawdiness may be
similarly connected
the Philomathic
Society of Paris
Other forms are
sporadically attested
expected to be
substantially affected
You're actually
surprisingly perceptive
give damning
testimony against him
in the
validity of ethics
he turned
vehemently against him

with 4 extra syllables

are multiple and
contradictory objectives
it's crass and
gratuitously offensive
photographic plate is
immediately affected
immediately regret this
our planet are
intrinsically connected
certain extent
justifiably, against it
these wars was
necessarily aggressive
the Companions remained
overwhelmingly Hellenic
I find it
particularly offensive
elite who are
politically connected
politically correcting
erase the
possibility of ethics
weight of
probability against it
Strange, yet
symbolically compelling
at the
University of Paris

with 5 extra syllables

people are also
disproportionately affected
photoaffinity labelling
harmful in a
revolutionary collective